The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2384: Still together

Chapter 2384: Still Together

Her soul is beside Han Zhuoli, who has been with Han Zhuoli for 10 years.

During these 10 years, Han Zhuoli naturally still did not wait for the person in his heart.

Still single.

Before Han Zhuoli was 40 years old, the old lady would urge him.

But after the age of 40, knowing his attachment, no one in the family urged him.

By now, Han Zhuoli was 48 years old.

Elder is still alive, but his legs and feet are not so flexible.

To walk, take a cane and walk slowly.

Fortunately, the Han family is rich and wealthy, and there is no shortage of various food supplements, health products, and medical examinations.

At the age of the second elder, don't look at the situation as it was in the past. After all, human life, old age, sickness and death cannot be violated.

But compared with ordinary people of the same age, the elder's body is really good.

According to their personal doctor, living to be a centenarian is not a problem.

But now, the old lady couldn't lift any strength and hit Han Zhuo Li with a cane.

Seeing Han Zhuo Li's return, the old lady did not mention the matter of getting him married.

"Oh, I just want you to have a companion and grandchildren around you when you get old. But if you think you are doing well now, I don't force you. Anyway, you are living, picking you It's good, "said the old woman.

However, one person was missing after all.

If Han Zhuo Li gets married, the children will be big now.

It's the fun at home that makes people happy.

Now, it always feels aloof.

"I'll wait until he is old and can't walk. I and Zhuo Feng's children and grandchildren will be there to keep him alone." Han Zhuo Ling came in, and when he heard the old lady's words, he walked here and said.

Lu Man turned his head to look at it, and came along with Han Zhuo Ling, as well as Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuo Ling is one year older than Han Zhuo Li.

He and Han Zhuo Li already have some middle-aged looks, but the same thing is still mature and beautiful.

What if this world is the same as another.

Well, Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya's things can probably be counted as one thing.

In this life, Han Zhuoling still married Xia Yixin first.

Later, it was also discovered that Xia Yixin was derailed and that the child was not his thing.

It was Han Zhuoling who discovered it.

It turned out that Han Zhuoling had long known that he took the opportunity to annex the Xia family directly.

Later, when they met Shi Xiaoya, they went around, and the two were still together.

Lu Man thought, Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya are destined lovers.

Regardless of past or present life, the two are always together.

"Where are my grandchildren? Haven't you come back yet?" The old lady's eyes were not so good now.

"Not yet, all of them work outside, and it will take another two or three days to return." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Lu Man looked at Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya and was happy for them.

Even though both of them are now married to their husbands and wives, their love and affection are still there and have not been lost in life.

On the contrary, Han Zhuo Ling is more considerate, more considerate than when he was young.

It's about being a makeup artist and paying particular attention to maintenance.

Shi Xiaoya can't tell her age at all, she still looks like she is about thirty years old, and she doesn't lose those female stars at all.

Lu Man turned his attention back to Han Zhuoli.

If ... if she's here too.

Even Han Zhuofeng was right. Only Han Zhuoli was alone.

Even the people in the room still felt lonely.

Seeing the baby's message, I want to see the situation of Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya's previous lives, so I mention it in this chapter ~

6 more comprehensive ~~

Don't worry, Lu Man will wake up tomorrow ~

(End of this chapter)

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