The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2388: I can bring her back

Chapter 2388: I Can Bring Her Back

"Our generation, Xie Jiling's uncle, disappeared 10 years ago. But because of Xie's family training, her uncle was not there, and Xie's family didn't send someone to replace it. This time, it was out of business."

"It wasn't until Xie Jiling became an adult that he found Wen's family. In another two months, Wen's old owner officially abdicated, and the young owner officially became the owner. This time with Xie Jiling, it was considered to be working in advance." Wei Wucai explained.

Although the Wen family had long heard of people in power.

Although Wen Chengyun is still the owner, he has been giving power to Wen. He has lived a leisurely life like a crane in the wild, and he does not pay attention to everything about the Wen family.

It was only because the Xie family had never sent new children over, so Wen Chengyun could not abdicate.

If you let Wen Ren be the homeowner before Xie's children appear, but you don't have Xie's family, you will inevitably make Wen Ren the homeowner not so perfect.

So this has been dragging on until now.

A true hidden world family like the Xie family, the family word all hide their identity and walk in the world.

Xie Jiling's classmates and friends didn't even know that she knew how to use spirits to exorcise ghosts.

The existence of Xie's family is completely a secret, no one knows except Wen Jia.

Therefore, Han Zhuoli has never heard of it.

Until now, listening to Wei Wucai's explanation, Han Zhuoli knew that there was such a hidden family.

However, Wei Wucai did not elaborate, so more Han Zhuoli did not know.

"Han Shao, you just have to believe her ability." Wei Wucai said, "If the children of the Xie family can't solve it, then ..."

Han Zhuoli turned to look at Lu Man, so Xie Jiling is the last hope?

Regardless of whether Lu Man can be saved, if Xie Jiling is true, today is really the last day, even if he finds another person, he will be too late.

"I can fix it." Xie Jiling stood up and looked up at Han Zhuoli firmly, "I can bring her back."

The face in front was still immature, but it was extremely firm and confident.

Han Zhuoli's eyes were bloodshot, and he shivered, "Please."

"Rest assured." Xie Jiling said, "Since this sister can have a chance to be born again, it means that she has this blessing and is a person of Fuze. God gave her this opportunity, and her blessing is enough to support. If you say Find me, then today is indeed the deadline and she really ca n’t come back. It shows that her blessing only ends at rebirth till now. "

"But if you find me, it means that she just hit this catastrophe, but she can solve it." Xie Jiling turned to look at Lu Man. "I see this sister is blessed and can live long."

I don't know if Xie Jiling is true.

Although Wen Ren and Wei Wucai both believed in her abilities, Han Zhuoli held a reservation before seeing it in person.

But after hearing that Xie Jiling said that Lu Man was a blessed person and that she could live long, Han Zhuoli had some comfort.

I just hope that Xie Jiling is not the kind of deceptive **** stick, which can really help Lu Man.

Knowing that Han Zhuo is not convinced, after all, in this era of propaganda science and eradicating superstition, normal people will think she is a magic stick.

But to be honest, this is not feudal superstition.

It's just that their fields are different.

There are still many things that science cannot explain, not because science is not sufficiently developed, but because it really is not in the category of science.

(End of this chapter)

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