The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2465: Then why don't you go?

Chapter 2465 Why Didn't You Leave?

"Even if I learned that it was so unfortunate this time, I felt it very difficult to compete with you for this endorsement opportunity. I was worried that our relationship was good, but this time and again the competition left the relationship far away. , Students, or even hostility to competition. "

"I didn't expect that in your heart, the two of us would have been hostile to each other, never friends ..." Lu Xiu said bitterly.

Next to Mu Danqiong, he was accustomed to cheating in the entertainment industry, engaged in intrigue, and played every game.

But at this moment I really admire Lu Shaoser's shamelessness.

Of course, Mu Danqiong admired Lu Xiongse's shamelessness every time.

If she could put her skill in acting into serious acting and hone her acting skills, she might really be able to compete with Yan Qingqing in her work.

Unfortunately, Lu Xioser just wanted to make money.

Trubo had contacted her about what she had talked about today, and she did say that she had only invited Yan Yanqing.

It turned out here that there was still Lucy.

Mu Danqiong also responded in his heart, apparently was posed by Lu Xioseer and this general manager, Vice President Zhang.

Based on her knowledge of Lucy Cather, she also used her toes to figure out what Lucy Cather used.

Isn't it just her body?

Although Mu Danqiong is not the first domestic broker, he is also in the first echelon, which is really not a problem.

At this moment, Mu Danqiong remembered it in his heart.

Sooner or later.

As for now, Lu Xioser sings excellent performances, and Mu Danqiong also lost his face.

Unexpectedly, at this time, I heard Yan Yanqing said, "So Sister Xiong, did you know today that our relationship is not good?"

Lu Xioser didn't think of any traps in Yan Huanqing's words. He only looked at Yan Huanqing's appearance and thought that Yan Huanqing was simply ridiculing her.

So Lucy nodded with a bitter smile, "Yeah, I didn't expect it ..."

Yan Yanqing leaned forward, "I know now, you can go now."

"What?" Lu Xiong looked at Yan Maoqing stupidly.

The long-sleeved good dancer has always been so stunned by Yan Yanqing that he was so stunned for a while that he couldn't say a word.

Mu Danqiong raised his lips.

Lucy Joseph has done it.

Yan Yan said with a smile: "If you leave now, we are still good friends."

Lu Xioser smiled stiffly on his face, drew two times, and said, "Yi Qing, even a friend, there is no reason to ask the other party to withdraw from the competition. This opportunity is before us. As long as there is a chance, everyone has the right to himself Fight for it. "

"Sister Sister, you misunderstood." Yan Yan smiled, "I will either let you withdraw from the competition, or I will let you withdraw from today's meal. Another day you can make an appointment again. You can compete as much as you want. This endorsement. Let me tell you the truth, I just don't like to eat at your table. "

Lu Xiuther wanted to say then why don't you go?

But I just expressed a deep affection and friendship, which is really hard to say at this moment.

Seeing the smell of gunpowder getting stronger and stronger, Mr. Luo said, "Since both are here, you can't run away for nothing! I think the relationship between the two is actually very good. Give us some face, here. After eating together, let's go. "

Yan Yan smiled, but never spoke.

The sixth is at three o'clock ~

(End of this chapter)

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