The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2492: Have a good abacus


"Although Han Bang has stated that his artists will no longer compete with Trubo's spokespersons, even other companies may not let artists enter. But the artists themselves have not expressed their position, and they have the opportunity to redeem it in the future. After all, they didn't say anything. "

"They want to give themselves a retreat, they don't want to completely eliminate the possibility of joining Trubo. Even if they can't cooperate recently, but after a while, netizens are so forgetful that they can continue to cooperate. I think this is the majority of artists General psychology. "

Yan Yan smiled, "I've done some good calculations."

"But this is also giving you a chance." Lu Man reminded, "If they all say, no matter what you say, the effect is almost no, but it is easy to be hacked by others. So if you have already Some artists have clearly stated their position, and I will not tell you these, and let you personally tear up Luther and Trubo. "

"But now that they haven't stated their position, and want to stay in the back lane, then you just end up tearing it off." Lu Man said, "You can either circle yourself or break their back lane. As long as you Stand up, others pressured by netizens, and their own image, have to follow up to stand out. In this way, no need for your brother to do anything, no one will touch Trubo a little bit, Even the event's brand sponsorship will not use Trubo. "

"In this way, it's tantamount to breaking Trubo's back road directly. They just can't find someone if they want to find someone else." Lu Man said, "As for Lucius."

Lu Man smiled. "Trubo no matter how embarrassing the situation is, even if there are no other candidates to choose, they won't choose Lucas."

At this point, Yan Maoqing also thought about it.

Edwood and Lucy Joseph were exposed. Many of Lucy's things were to be picked up.

Lu Xiongse's image is greatly damaged, which is no different from the brand.

Especially the parties involved, and Edwood.

Now Trubo's first thing to do is to clarify the relationship with Lucio.

It can be said that even if Trubo is looking for an 18-line entertainer for endorsement, he will not find Lu Yishou.

"I see, I'll go now." Yan Yanqing said.

After a while, netizens saw Yan Yanqing making a noise.

"On the unpleasant thing that happened at noon today, I announce that I will never endorse Trubo products and never speak Trubo cooperation. Originally because the image and popularity of the Trubo brand has always been good, I also intend to compete for Trubo's spokesperson opportunities.

"Trubo contacted my agent and wanted to have a meal together at noon today and talked about it. It was only said that I was invited, but when I got it, I found that there is still Lucy. But it doesn't matter, Everyone competes fairly. I was going to discuss business affairs, but I didn't expect Trubo to be so unprofessional. "

"Mr. Edwood was sticking with Lucy Joseph directly at the dinner table, and I don't want to say that picture. That's right, there is such behavior in the circle, and I try my best to win resources. Although I disdain, I also I do n’t look down on the other person because of this. I know all who do these things, but I have never said them. Everyone has their own abilities. I am not willing to do this but I am not qualified to stop others from doing it. But Do n’t do such disgusting things in front of me, tell me plainly that if I do n’t, I wo n’t rob you. ”

(End of this chapter)

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