The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2504: Turn your face down


Shi Xiaoya didn't bother to deal with it anymore, she didn't even smile at her.

"First of all, this is Wei Wucai's private affairs. Wei Wucai and I are really unfamiliar. What are my private affairs? What do you ask? I don't know anything." Shi Xiaoya said coldly.

Why did Wei Wucai and Yan Maoqing suddenly come out as lovers, Shi Xiaoya really didn't know.

This is also the first time someone has mentioned it.

Is there a relationship between the two? Shi Xiaoya is not sure.

Before watching Yan Maoqing and Wei Wucai like happy enemies, Shi Xiaoya thought it was quite possible.

But I do not know the truth.

If it is false, say it rashly, isn't it a problem for others?

If it is true, it should be announced by others.

"Qianxian, I urge you not to ask these people every time you ask. Ask about the Lanshan compound and pass it to the Lanshan compound. What will they do and will they care about you? No one knows this. , But dare not use it for blocking. "Shi Xiaoya said.

Luo Qingxian didn't take it for granted, but she was still scared.

"Furthermore, no matter whether there is a relationship between Wei Wucai and Yan Huanqing, it's two people's own affairs. If the two people are not related, you say so, let so many people follow the misunderstanding, and cause more trouble?" Shi Xiaoya said.

"You can't help asking this either, you feel troublesome again, and to put it bluntly, you just don't want to help me." Luo Qingxian said unhappyly, "Xiao Ya, how many years old are you? It's too stingy to even help with this. "

"Even if you say that Lanshan compound is not easy to inquire about, what's so difficult about him and Yan Yiqing? You just don't like to say so?" Luo Qingxian sneered, "Do you think you are now?" It ’s Han Zhuoling ’s fiancee, so I do n’t look at our old classmates. ”

"Besides, what can't be said about the Lanshan compound? Others can tell me that Wei Wucai is a person from the Lanshan compound. Why can't you tell me?" Luo Qingxian pouted, "Speaking, still not Willing to help me. "

Shi Xiaoya frowned at her lower lips.

"Yeah, I just don't want to help you." Not only are you unwilling to help, but you don't want to get used to it, "Since you have this realization, why do you say it?"

"You!" Luo Qingxian smiled angrily, Shi Xiaoya really has a talent.

When she was at a party before, no matter how she stabbed her, she smiled and said nothing.

Now with Han Zhuo Ling, even his temper is good.

Shi Xiaoya just feels that she is great, and no one can mess with her, right?

"Unfortunately, I still think you are an old classmate. I didn't expect you to turn your face and don't recognize anyone." Luo Qingxian angered.

Shi Xiaoya doesn't want to say more.

It's unreasonable to say that as long as you don't agree with yourself, everyone else is wrong. There is nothing to say.

"Qianxian." Shen Mujing also screamed, with advice on her face.

She also listened to Luo Qingxian's words, and felt a little too much, not so much.

Luo Qingxian himself said too much, he had to say something "us old classmates" and gave them to the representatives.

They were not represented by Luo Qingxian and they were not fair.

"Xiao Ya didn't mean that." Yuan Aileen also said.

Luo Qingxian pursed his lips and sneered in his heart. The two men did not talk bad things about hot pot poetry Xiaoya in their backs.

(End of this chapter)

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