The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2523: Just anxious and want to see


"Enough," Lu Man said quickly. "Eating too much, my stomach is uncomfortable."

"Yes, yes, I feel uncomfortable even though I love to eat," said the old woman.

Elderly people do n’t eat much at night, at most, they have a meal such as cereal or nutrition powder.

I was sitting with them for a while now.

Elder does not eat, watching them eat, chatting with them while eating.

"By the way, your parents know that." The old lady asked Lu Man.

"Well, they called them while in the hospital." Lu Man said.

"After dinner, you should go early. Such a big happy event, your parents must be anxious to see you, so don't drag it to tomorrow." Said the old lady.

After all, the girl is pregnant. Being a mother must be more anxious.

Especially in situations like Xia Qingwei and Lu Man.

For a long time in life, both mother and daughter depended on each other, and their feelings became deeper.

The old lady was so considerate and so urged.

Before waiting for Lu Man to agree, Han Zhuoli promised, "OK."

The old lady and Shen Nuo watched Lu Man eating noodles, and the more they looked, the more happy they were.

Especially when I think that I can hug a white plump dumpling next year, I am even more pleased.

Xia Qingwei's Xiao Yijun, the old lady likes it.

White fat, small dough like powder dough, I want to knead every time I see it.

Especially Xiao Yijun is gradually starting to be sensible now, especially likes to see beautiful women.

Every time I see a beautiful sister, I am happy.

And it's shy.

Just a few days ago, he was sitting on Xia Qingwei's lap, leaning back on Xia Qingwei.

Whenever I saw Shi Xiaoya, she grinned and narrowed her eyes first.

Shi Xiaoya also likes what he likes, so she laughs at him.

Xiao Yijun blushed, and buried his face in Xia Qingwei's arms.

It looks like a little jerk.

Han Zhuoling laughed and scolded him for being such a big little Douding dumpling, even knowing how good the girl looked.

When Xiao Yijun saw the story of Tianer, the old lady was looking forward to adding a little dumpling at home.

After eating, the old lady sent Lu Man and Han Zhuoli away.

Let them hurry to Xia Qingwei.

Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya stayed for a while and didn't rush.

While on the road, Lu Man called Xia Qingwei, "Mom, we are on the road now, and in 20 minutes, we will be there for you."

"So early?" Xia Qingwei was surprised. "You haven't stayed in the old house for a while?"

"I ate there." Lu Man explained with a smile, "Grandma urged us to hurry to you and say I'm pregnant, and you must also especially want to see me."

Xia Qingwei also lamented that the old lady was a rare charity. She never judged people based on some external conditions and was able to take the initiative to think for others.

In this way, it will not make the junior difficult.

With Xia Qingwei, Xia Qingwei prepared fruit and tea at home.

Lu Man's tea is not suitable now. He has milk and juice at home. See what Lu Man wants to drink.

After everything was ready, Xia Qing could not rest at home, and from time to time ran to the window to watch.

"Let's go and see." Xia Qing could not wait.

Wang Juhuai held her, "You go out and wait, come to see you at the door, isn't the pressure?"

Xia Qingwei also knew, but couldn't help but, "I was in a hurry and wanted to see it. Hey, you said that she hasn't gotten up yet, and I will be so happy, if it is up ..."

(End of this chapter)

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