The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2526: Lian Qingyin

Chapter 2526: Lian Qingyin

I have known Han Zhuo Ling, and no one other than my family has called him intimately.

Han Zhuo Ling's ex-wife called it that way, but that's because she has a thick skin and Han Zhuo Ling is not a bird.

At home, the elders called him Zhuo Ling directly, while Lu Man followed Han Zhuo Li's brother.

So this is Shi Xiaoya's first serious hearing of a young woman calling him like this.

Do not know why, Shi Xiaoya subconsciously did not like this voice.

I don't like the name.

Shi Xiaoya turned her head to look at Han Zhuo Ling, raised her eyebrows, and didn't speak, but her face said, "Who, what made you so close?"

Han Zhuo Ling's scalp was tense, and he didn't remember knowing any woman, which was related to this one.

Helplessly looked at Shi Xiaoya and touched her head.

What are you thinking about?

The two turned around and saw a woman approaching them.

The lights on the road are still dim, and you can't see it so clearly.

But when the other party approached, Shi Xiaoya felt that the other party was familiar, and she must have seen it somewhere.

The woman in front of her looked like she was about thirty years old, not that her face was like, but that her temperament was mature.

There is a feeling of successful career and capable woman.

Raising his hands, he is confident and elegant, and full of nobility.

Shi Xiaoya looks at people first, because of occupational diseases.

It's not about whether the other person looks good or not, but on the other person's skin age and makeup.

The woman in front of her has exquisite makeup. It looks like it has just been painted for a long time, it is clean and clear, and there is no more or less makeup removal after a long time.

Seeing that she was well maintained, at least just looking at her face, like twenty-seven or seven.

"I didn't expect to see you here," said the woman in front of her. "Oh, yes, this is the place where Father Han and Madam Han live."

The other person talked to Han Zhuoling by herself, and Shi Xiaoya was such a big person that she didn't see it.

Han Zhuoling nodded indifferently, listening to the woman in front of him and saying, "I didn't expect to see you on the school day after so many years. I had originally wanted to tell you more about the old days. Who knows that you won't see anyone."

The other laughed, "I was thinking about it, so I'll find another chance to get together with you. I didn't expect to be so coincident that I met you here tonight."

Han Zhuo Ling heard her say so much, but never said hello to Shi Xiaoya, even without a look.

Where would Han Zhuo Ling not know her thoughts?

Her eyes could never hide.

The woman in front of Han Zhuoling ignored and turned to Shi Xiaoya to introduce, "This is my former classmate at His Majesty's School-"

Han Zhuo Ling paused and looked at the other person, frowning slightly, it seems that he can't remember the other person's name.

Shi Xiaoya knew at a glance that Han Zhuoling was posing here.

Han Zhuo Ling's mind, as long as he heard it, will not forget.

How can there be mistakes that I have seen but I don't remember, let alone the other person is a classmate for many years.

Sure enough, the woman in front of her smiled a little awkwardly, and even darkened for a moment.

"I'm Lian Qingyin." Lian Qingyin smiled unnaturally.

She had only seen it this afternoon during the school celebration. She didn't believe that Han Zhuo Ling had forgotten her so quickly.

Moreover, her face is not too dull to be unimpressive.

On his own face, Lian Qingyin is still very confident.

6 more comprehensive ~

(End of this chapter)

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