The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2550: Trick him


Of course, this is the wonderful idea that Lian Shitao as a father brought a filter.

But it is true that even the abnormal aspects of unvoiced sound have not been shown.

She has a good personality during school.

As for her studies, if any of the subjects have poor grades, she will be able to study hard enough to improve her grades until she is satisfied.

The same is true of extracurricular learning of dance, piano, etc.

Just a mental exercise, unwilling to lose to anyone.

At that time, she was so laboring, and the couple Lian Shitao were very relieved. They felt that her daughter was so hard working and very rare.

Not to be aware of any paranoia in her character.

Now listening to Han Zhuo Ling said that, although he was surprised, he didn't see it with his own eyes. He only listened to Han Zhuo Ling's words, and there was nothing too deep.

Just think that Han Zhuo Ling may be exaggerated.

How can it be so exaggerated.

His daughter worked hard and worked hard. She used to be introverted, but changed a lot after work.

But it is still not an extroverted child.

"Ling Shao, is there any misunderstanding in this?" Lian Shitao asked.

"Is there a misunderstanding, even if you come over and see for yourself," Han Zhuoring said coldly. "My patience can only be maintained for half an hour now. If I don't see you in half an hour, then you will see the company Miss. As for the business of the family, you may not have a chance to see you again. "

Even if the family doesn't have any cooperation with Han Bang?

Han Bang can still ruin their other businesses.

Lian Shitao struggled to suppress his anger.

This Han Zhuo Ling is too bullying!

First, his daughter said so badly, and now threatens their family's business.

Trick him to mess with him!

But even after being angry, even Shitao had to bear it.

Han Zhuo Ling said to this child, Lian Shitao had to say, "I'll pass."

I don't know exactly what happened, but Han Zhuoling called in person, and Li Shitao of course had to go in person.

And I do n’t know what it looks like, even Shitao did n’t dare to call others.

So he went to Han Zhuoling alone.


On the side of Han Zhuo Ling, Lian Qingyin clearly heard Han Zhuoling's words to Lian Litao.

When Han Zhuo Ling hung up the phone, even Qingyin asked: "Why do you do this? Why did you do this to me? I did nothing wrong and did nothing to regret you. Why did you threaten my family?"

"What did I do wrong?" Even the Qingyin grievance said, "I haven't done anything excessive from beginning to end. I didn't want to eat with you and tell the old story. Now you visit Auntie, you What's so unhappy? "

"Because there is nothing old to tell you, our family does not like your so-called visit." Han Zhuo Ling said coldly.

He looked at even Qingyin and sneered, "Story? I saw you yesterday on the school day, and I didn't know you. I don't remember that I still have a classmate like you. I have no impression at all, what else can I say?

Lian Qingyin was blown to his chest.

12 years from elementary school to high school.

He didn't have any impression?

He has grown up since childhood, and he liked it when he was in elementary school.

But at that time, it was just a child who didn't understand anything, and only knew how to look at his face.

(End of this chapter)

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