The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2563: Your conscience

Chapter 2563 Your Conscience

Dong Yu looked at Lian Shitao stupidly, he was so serious!

"Also, since you feel so bad for her and help her, your feelings for Lian Qingyin are better than our family's safety, then you can go out with her and stop at home." Lian Shitao said coldly.

Dong Yuyu seemed to be stomped on his tail, and suddenly screamed, "Do not let me stay at home, do you want to divorce me?"

Lian Shitao didn't really think about this stubble, but was reminded by Dong Yiyu.

Then he nodded, "Yes. If you carry me on your back and meet Lian Qingyin, and what she did to do something, I will divorce you. I would rather divorce you, and if you do n’t have this daughter, you have to connect me My home has been preserved. My family's inheritance has been passed on to me from generation to generation, and I cannot let it be ruined by my wife and daughter. "

Dong Yan's gloomy eyes turned red, "Lian Shitao! I've been married to you for more than thirty years, and now you even said that you would divorce me, just divorce me!"

"I said, I can't let Lianjia be ruined with me. As long as you do n’t see Lian Qingyin, it ’s not because she went to provoke Han and Shi Xiaoya. Of course I do n’t need to divorce you. And the flowers for you A lot of points. "Lian Shitao said.

What she said can be said to be very comprehensive, and she didn't drill at all.

Specially named Shi Xiaoya's name.

It is to prevent Lian Qingyin from instigating Dong Xuanyu to explore the emptiness of his words.

Instead of looking for Han Zhuo Ling's troubles, go to Shi Xiaoya's troubles, but even more Lian Qingyin's heart.

Dong Yanyu listened, and finally calmed down a bit.

Just listening to Lian Shitao said, "Instead, if you can help me stop her together and keep her away from the Han family and Shi Xiaoya, I will give you a reward."

Dong Yanyu listened and sneered: "You are treating me as your subordinate, and you are intimidated."

Lian Shitao nodded, "You can understand it this way, you can't agree. If you don't agree, then we will go through the divorce procedure early in the morning. After the divorce, you will help Lian Qingyin and follow you."

"You!" Dong Yanyu said angrily, "Even Shitao, your conscience was eaten by the dogs! I married you and worked hard for you to manage the family and have children. You have been so kind to me now! You are so sorry Say me? When did you manage your family's affairs from marriage to now? You only have your business in your eyes! "

"It's true." Lian Shitao nodded and admitted, not refuting at all.

He admits that he is so happy, instead, Dong Dongyu doesn't know what to say.

A lot of injustices and complaints were all blocked in the chest.

"I said just now that it was because I didn't contribute to the unvoiced voice of education at all, so now she is like this, and I am not qualified to blame you." Lian Shitao said, "Compared to you, I I really value Lianjia even more. After all, this is the foundation inherited by my ancestors. "

"Furthermore, even if you are well together, you can be well. It is because you are well together that you have the confidence to fight with others in the past, and you can live this wanton, right?" Lian Shitao said.

What he said were all facts, and Dong Yueyu only acknowledged it with a little thought.

She knew that this matter was put on others, and it must be that family business was more important.

Needless to say, even Shi Tao, even in the Dong family.

They don't even think about it, of course, they choose the interests of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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