Reference 2566

Wasn't Lu Man before thanks to Xiao Guo?

Seeing the benefits of Han Zhuoli's prevention beforehand, Han Zhuoring also took it seriously.

After taking off the driver's job, Guo Yujie also sat more relaxed and chatted with Shi Xiaoya at the back.

"I enquired about the makeup artist who also applied for the competition this time. Almost all the famous and free makeup artists in the circle have signed up." Guo Yujie said.

"Wu Dao's play is a rare opportunity. There must be many people competing." Shi Xiaoya expected.

She opened the bag and took out a kraft paper bag from the inside.

Open the file bag, there is a stack of makeup pictures she made.

Based on the characters provided by the crew, she probably introduced some makeup designs.

Shi Xiaoya studied fine arts at university, because some of the color schemes in make-up and oil paintings in the fine arts have the same work.

That's why she chose this major, and then went to learn makeup by herself.

Therefore, it is a very familiar thing for Shi Xiaoya to draw a character makeup design now.

Although I went to paint on the spot, and stated my design philosophy.

But it ’s more intuitive for the director to look at the drawings.

Film crews like this, of course, cannot have only one makeup artist.

A makeup artist is responsible for several or even just one actor.

For example, the male and female protagonists must each have their own makeup artist.

As for the supporting actors who are not so heavy, they may share a makeup artist with others.

Shi Xiaoya certainly hopes to get the opportunity to make-up the protagonist.

In this way, there is more room and opportunity to play.

After all, the protagonist has a lot of appearances, and his makeup changes a lot.

Although I don't know the script yet, I know that Wu Mosen's story has always been deep and changes a lot.

According to the advancement and change of the storyline, there must also be changes in makeup. This is the challenge that makes Shi Xiaoya very excited.

Even special effects makeup may be used.

Shi Xiaoya's art skills are reflected in this respect.

Shi Xiaoya not only painted the makeup pictures of the main character and the main supporting character, but even some inconspicuous supporting characters.

She thought about it, maybe she might not compete with the lead makeup artist.

There are always accidents, what if the main supporting roles cannot compete?

You have to let the director see her sincerity first.

If you want more opportunities, you must put in more effort and show greater sincerity and hard work.

"You've done all the paintings. You've revised them so many times. Why do you still see them?" Guo Yujie said.

"Look at it again, if there is anything else you can change, or if you have more inspiration." Shi Xiaoya said.

"You, you should relax a bit, don't stretch yourself too tightly." Guo Yujie advised her, "To be honest, there are not many makeup circles that can compete with you now, five hands come over. That's it A few, at most, you are the same. "

"No one has been able to win you by crushing the gap. Unless someone has secretly occupied a place through the means of contacts. But to be honest, if you really tell the background of contacts, who can be yours?" Anyway.

"But there is Ling Shao." Guo Yujie said, "I know that you want to compete fairly, and did not find Ling Shao to pass this quota."

Otherwise, Shi Xiaoya doesn't need to stay up late to draw these makeup pictures.

The sixth is at 1: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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