The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2573: If she agrees

Chapter 2573 If She Agrees

"That 15 minutes, this is Xiaoya's time. She just gave up the time, and she was back row. It had no effect on the overall time. Besides, Xiaoya didn't take 10 minutes more. Because she was at all I haven't taken up time. She's 10 minutes. She paid you back 5 minutes. "

Guo Yujie's face was ugly.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Xiaoya slowly said, "Whether you can give me this opportunity is also determined by Wu Dao. Can you trouble me to ask Wu Dao for instructions? If Wu Dao said that he would not be given this opportunity, I have nothing to say. "

The assistant's face was even uglier. She could understand Shi Xiaoya's meaning.

This is what Shi Xiaoya is saying. She doesn't count, Wu Mosen said.

Even if she refused Shi Xiaoya here, she had to ask Wu Mosen.

The assistant gave a cold hum, "There is no need to bother director Wu Mosen here. Director Wu Mosen is only responsible for participating in the makeup artist's opinion. As for contacting the makeup artist, he is not responsible for these trivial matters. I will directly ask the person in charge, If she agrees, you can stay until the final interview. "

After speaking, I didn't wait for Shi Xiaoya to say anything.

The assistant went in.

As the door opened and closed, the assistant entered the interview room.

The person in charge of the interview in the room, in addition to Wu Mosen sitting in the middle, also has the lead writer of the film.

There are many screenwriters for this play, but the main thing is this one here now.

There is also a judge who turns out to be Qingyin!

Because Lian Qingyin's Menxue Film Industry accounted for a large portion of the investment in this drama.

It takes a long time for a movie to attract investment, finalize directors, actors, scripts, etc.

So this investment was determined early.

At that time, Lian Qingyin was not responsible for the domestic market.

Han Zhuo Ling did not know that even the unvoiced voice was in Menxue.

Lian Qingyin managed to get the position of a person in charge of the country in order to get more opportunities to meet with Han Zhuo Ling and get along with each other.

After returning, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Han Bang had also invested in Wu Mosen's play, and in addition to Men Xue, the investment share was the largest.

Lian Qingyin thought that through this opportunity, he could have more interaction with Han Zhuo Ling.

Unexpectedly, Han Zhuo Ling had no mercy at all, and bluntly hated her.

She was even looked at by Lian Shitao.

Although she is not restricted in her actions, after all, she has to work and cannot be affected.

However, she knew that no matter where she went, someone would follow her and report her big or small things to Lian Shitao.

It was at this critical moment that even if Qingyin wanted to see Han Zhuo Ling again, and wanted to kill Shi Xiaoya, he had to be low-key and honestly shrank.

Until a few days ago, the crew began to recruit makeup artists.

She remembered that Shi Xiaoya was also a make-up artist, and she was little known in the country.

I don't know if she will also register for the election.

Thinking about it that way, Lian Qingyin asked someone to come to the registration list.

Sure enough, she was really told to find Shi Xiaoya's resume inside.

So Lian Qingyin offered to take part in the review of choosing a makeup artist today.

Lian Qingyin is now the domestic representative of Menxue. She wants to be a judge, and Wu Mosen naturally gave her this face.

He was planning to discuss it with the two screenwriters.

Both of them have personally participated in the creation, and have their own impressions of the film's characters in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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