The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2587: Are you questioning me?

Chapter 2587 Are You Questioning Me?

Wu Mosen tilted his head to watch the screenwriter, "You are optimistic about Shi Xiaoya, aren't you?"

The screenwriter smiled and said, "To be honest, although we will discuss it later, but I have already decided, and let Shi Xiaoya be responsible for the makeup design of the protagonist. My vote is definitely for poetry. Xiaoya. "

Wu Mosen smiled, nodded, and said nothing.

Suddenly, I heard a bang, tearing the paper.

On the other hand, Shi Xiaoya also rarely changed her face.

Guo Yujie next to Shi Xiaoya was even flushed.

Wu Mosen and the screenwriter turned around and saw Lian Qingyin pick up a drawing and tear it!

She still had broken drawings on her hands.

Because drawings are used to draw design drafts, they are thicker than ordinary paper.

When tearing, the sound is much louder.

"Miss Lian!" Wu Mosen cried, "What are you doing!"

"Since it's not the same as the drawing, it's useless to keep the drawing. I just tore it up, lest Shi Xiaoya be distracted and think about the design on the drawing." Lian Qingyin said.

It's just that the excuse is too ridiculous to convince anyone.

The screenwriter is also angry.

This unvoiced sound is too much.

In the interviews of those before Shi Xiaoya, Lian Qingyin himself proposed that they should be judged together. As a result, they didn't care about it at all, and they didn't choose at all.

It doesn't matter, she frequently disturbs interviewers.

Walking around the room, calling again, and instructing the assistant to do things.

Since she has no intention of judging, then leave directly and do what she likes to do?

You have to stay here and interfere with the interview.

Now I have actively participated in it, but there is no real selection at all. I just kept trying against Shi Xiaoya.

It seems that Xiaoya Ming is very good.

What is Lian Qingyin's trouble?

If the president of Menxue is here, maybe he and Wu Mosen can't say anything.

But now Lian Qingyin is just a representative, he really doesn't care much.

"Miss Lian." The screenwriter said, "Yan Jiayin's role, Shi Xiaoya's design completely matches my design for the character of Lian Jiayin. This makeup is very suitable. If you change it, it may not be more suitable than the current one. "

Even Qingyin said unpleasantly, "Are you questioning me? As a reviewer, I don't even have the qualifications to take a test and interview?"

The screenwriter chuckled, and said a little sarcastically, "How can I, I dare to question Lian Zong. However, this question is not suitable if I really want to test Poem Xiaoya. Besides, the creation of this movie, I He is a direct participant with Wu Dao, and no one understands that the setting of this character is inappropriate. Since the current design is good enough, there is no need to test this character again. Your request itself is unnecessary and wasteful. Time."

Lian Qingyin was angry, "Are you still questioning me?"

The screenwriter smiled a little, and didn't take Lianyin's anger at all. "I mean, it's okay to take the test and test Poem Xiaoya, but I have more suitable questions here."

The screenwriter no longer read Lian Qingyin, and said to Shi Xiaoya, "The crew contacted you for an interview and gave you a title. This question was originally written by me. It is based on the original settings of the characters to let you design makeup. But This is the original setting of the film. As the storyline develops, the shape of the characters will naturally change. "

The fifth is at 12: 30 ~

(End of this chapter)

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