The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2598: Drop

Chapter 2598: The Difference

"She's so patient, she just made her a director. What else should I do? She's the only one to say anything." Wu Mosen was really angry.

The original can still bear it.

As a result, Lian Qingyin shouted a voice just now, Wu Mosen really didn't want to bear her anymore.

Montreal knows Wu Mosen, and Wu Mosen would not easily get so angry.

To be able to make Wu Mosen angry like this, obviously Wu Mosen is not even unvoiced.

Montreal said, "Wu, I didn't expect Lilian to be so overwhelming. When she was at our headquarters, her performance has always been good, otherwise she would not be sent to open up the market. But now that I know this, it is natural She must not be allowed to act arbitrarily. "

"You can rest assured that Louis will replace her work today. I believe you can cooperate well. Lilian will not interfere with your filming work anymore." Montreal said, "If you disagree with Louis , Can't solve it, just tell me. "

Wu Mosen certainly does not.

And he looked at Lu Zeqing, not even the unnatural look of Qingyin.

At least for the moment, it doesn't have any personal resentment against anyone like Lian Qingyin.

Wu Mosen hung up the phone, walked back, and stretched out his hand towards Lu Zeqing with a smile. "Welcome, welcome. We will have a happy cooperation in the future."

"Please also guide Wu Daoduo. If you have any needs, please tell me, as long as you can do it, you must cooperate with you." Lu Zeqing said with a smile.

Lian Qingyin saw that the two of them exchanged feelings very well, and she had left her aside.

The gap between before and after, even the unvoiced voice was a bit unacceptable.

Obviously, a few minutes ago, she could still confront Wu Mosen and influence the future of Shi Xiaoya.

As a result, she was thrown away!

Wu Mosen finished talking to Lu Zeqing, and just now Wu Mosen talked to Montreal. Although he went to the corner, the room was so fixed, after all, it was nowhere near.

Wu Mosen raised the anger that even the unvoiced voice couldn't help, so the volume was unconsciously uncontrolled, which was a bit loud.

Therefore, what Wu Mosen said was actually clear to everyone.

Of course, it includes Lian Qingyin and Lu Zeqing.

Lu Zeqing heard all of them, and naturally knew that when Qingyin came in, Lian Qingyin and Wu Mosen were confronting each other for what.

Lu Zeqing looked at Han Zhuoling.

It can be said that he could replace Lian Qingyin, in large part because of the support of Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling also approached him while discussing with Montreal.

It is very clear that he will support him.

Now that he learned that Lian Qingyin had been targeting Shi Xiaoya, Lu Zeqing knew why Han Zhuoling went to Montreal to negotiate, and why he wanted to support him, pulling Lian Qingyin down.

Lu Zeqing secretly thought that in this case, he must help Shi Xiaoya.

It is a tacit understanding with Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuo Ling helped him get what he wanted, and he naturally gave Han Zhuo Ling some feedback.

Thinking about it that way, Lu Zeqing said to Wu Mosen: "Director Wu, has the interview just ended?"

Wu Mosen laughed: "In fact, it can be over in my opinion. But before that, Miss Lian was the judge, and I have seen the performance of the makeup artists, but you still do n’t know, should you look?

"Then don't have to be." Lu Zeqing laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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