The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2603: As if you saw Han Zhuoling behind her tail

Chapter 2603: Seeing Han Zhuoling Behind His Tail

In the room, Wu Mosen and Hu screenwriters discussed for a moment and said, "Don't tell you, we are very satisfied with your design."

Hu screenwriter smiled, "Even without Mr. Han, your strength is enough for us two to accept you."

"As for the specific makeup of the characters, we have to go back and discuss them. Because we have to choose other people and assign their own roles. After the roles are assigned, the screenwriter Hu will tell you about the initial role settings. Of course, it will be more detailed than the setting given this time. "

"At that time, you need to design a few more makeup according to the role settings. We will choose the makeup that matches the role as much as possible." Said the screenwriter Hu. "What is the role, I will go back with Wu Da to discuss it."

"Okay." Shi Xiaoya nodded.

In fact, the two will be so happy, there must be some reason for Han Zhuo Ling, she knows.

But she can also be sure that her strength is indeed in their eyes.

When I heard her just now, the surprise and satisfaction on Wu Mosen and Hu's screenwriters were not hidden.

The screenwriter Hu was so excited as if he was going to make a decision on the spot to confirm her.

The appearance of Han Zhuo Ling said that it only accelerated the speed of their agreement and made them more certain.

The reason for her strength lies in the face of Han Zhuo Ling.

But Shi Xiaoya didn't think there was anything wrong with this, anyway, her strength has been affirmed.

Han Zhuo Ling came forward and said everything, and told Wu Mosen and Hu screenwriters that he would never intervene.

She still chose her, and Shi Xiaoya accepted it happily.

Not to mention that he would not blame Han Zhuoling for not interfering.

She doesn't have this kind of fake clearance.

After agreeing with Wu Mosen and Hu screenwriters, several people left the room together.

Han Zhuo Ling was sitting outside, staring at the door with his eyes straight, waiting for her to come out, and doing nothing else.

Shi Xiaoya was the first one to come out, so as soon as she opened the door, she met Han Zhuoling's eyes.

Obviously it was such a cold person, but at this time, the look was a little milky.

Shi Xiaoya blinked and thought she was wrong.

The staring eyes were so distressing.

Shi Xiaoya's heart was hit hard by Han Zhuoling's eyes.

Not only Shi Xiaoya, but Lu Zeqing behind her is higher than Shi Xiaoya.

Even if Shi Xiaoya was walking in front, she could not block the sight of Lu Zeqing.

Therefore, Lu Zeqing happened to see Han Zhuoling.

Lu Zeqing: "..."

He must have seen a fake Han Zhuoling.

At this time, Han Zhuoling saw the door open, and when his eyes brightened, she saw Shi Xiaoya first.

Han Zhuo Ling's expressionless face suddenly smiled.

Lu Zeqing seemed to see Han Zhuoling's tail behind him, shaking.

He hurriedly closed his eyes and closed it again after two or three seconds.

Han Zhuo Ling had got up and came over to Shi Xiaoya.

Sure enough, he was dazzled, how can there be any tail behind Han Zhuo Ling!

However, Han Zhuoling's look at Shi Xiaoya really looks like a large loyal dog.

No wonder he was dazzled just now.

Even though Han Zhuo Ling didn't really have a tail behind him, as long as he looked at Shi Xiaoya, it seemed like he had a tail behind him.

"It's over?" Han Zhuo Ling came over and asked Shi Xiaoya's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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