The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2627: Is it ridiculous to stuff your own parents with dog food?

Chapter 2627 Stuffing Dog Food To My Parents

Very careful and precious on the coffee table in front of Du Yizheng and Shi Guanzhong.

I also turned in a special direction, so that the three characters of the marriage certificate were facing them.

In the poem: "..."

Du Yichen: "..."

Are they dazzled?

Du Yizhen blinked and looked closely, there were still two marriage certificates in front of him.

Shi Guanzhong looked at the marriage certificate, and looked at the young couple who were opposite.

How come I haven't seen it for a few days, and suddenly the two marriage certificates are released?

Du Yizheng was more direct. He picked up the marriage certificate and opened it.

Inside it are particularly conspicuous pictures of Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya.

Look at the date, it is today.

Freshly baked!

Han Zhuoling explained, "Dad, mom, sorry, I didn't tell you in advance, it was our negligence. We decided this in the middle of the night. Because I wanted to marry Xiaoya, and she was right with her name. The thought of getting a permit can't wait to be done immediately. "

"We patronized nervously and thought nothing of it, all we had to do was to get a certificate." Shi Xiaoya said.

She couldn't really push everything to Han Zhuo Ling, so she couldn't help but speak.

"Don't say it's you, we even forgot to notify the old house." Shi Xiaoya said.

There was still a bit of dissatisfaction in the original poems, but when Shi Xiaoya said this, the second-generation seniors were so high that they didn't know it, and the dissatisfaction in the heart couldn't be expressed.

"We just finished the card, and felt that we had done the important things in life, and then we had more than enough to think of other things. It was only after we got the card that we remembered. We even forgot to tell the elders first." Shi Xiao Ya embarrassed pursing her lips, "But anyway, I've run out of certificates, and it's too late. So that's all I can do."

"Moreover, I originally wanted to go to the old house first. It was Zhuo Ling who insisted on coming here first." Shi Xiaoya said.

Han Zhuo Ling turned his head slightly, watching Shi Xiaoya speak seriously and defended his face.

Han Zhuo Ling's eyes overflowed with a smile.

This little girl, when she was obviously outside, said that she would give everything to him, and let him stand in front of her, the storm that her parents might come.

As a result, I haven't said a few words, and Shi Guanzhong and Du Yizhen haven't had time to show any angry emotions, the little girl can't help but protect him first.

The smile in Han Zhuo Ling's eyes couldn't stop.

When Shi Guanzhong and Du Yizhang watched, they were helpless.

Didn't these two children come to coax them?

Why did n’t you give the dog food without a word?

Is it ridiculous to stuff your own parents with dog food?

Shi Xiaoya noticed Han Zhuo Ling's gaze and turned her head, just facing Han Zhuo Ling's smiley face.

Shi Xiaoya's face was slightly red, and she smiled at Han Zhuo Ling.

When he turned his head to look at his parents, the blush on his face did not fade away, but also became stronger.

It's like a pink steamed out by the hot air. The whole face looks so hot that it feels hot visually.

Han Zhuo Ling's fingertips moved, and she managed to stop, without reaching out to pinch her face.

After all, there is no father-in-law and mother-in-law yet, and Shi Guanzhong and Du Yichen have not stated whether they will continue to be angry.

Although she had already obtained the certificate, Shi Xiaoya officially became Mrs. Han, but Han Zhuoling felt that she still had to exercise restraint.

6 is more complete, and the double monthly ticket activity is continuing, until the 7th of this month ~

Ask for a monthly pass, don't leave the little cute with a monthly pass in the back, take advantage of 1 vote = 2 votes, give it to me ~

Good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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