The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2637: Where else is there work?

Chapter 2637: Where Is There Any Work?

However, not everyone is looking at their marriage with blessings.

That's Lian Qingyin.

After Lian Qingyin went back yesterday, he contacted the black market several times.

The black market has repeatedly promised that she will never be implicated.

Not only will not be implicated in her, even the black market will not be implicated.

But because even Qingyin's heart is not solid, he always asks, the black market is a little impatient over there.

To this day, Lian Qingyin has been remembering what happened to Han Zhuoling.

But I have never seen any action from Han Zhuo Ling.

It was known that Han Zhuoling had not found her.

Although it was only one night, Lian Qingyin knew Han Zhuo Ling's ability.

Those two people had been arrested in the police station. With Han Zhuoling's ability, one night was enough to find out something.

But until now, it was noon, and Han Zhuo Ling still had no voice at all.

I haven't heard that the two people involved her or the black market.

Because there was no movement over the police station.

It's not just the police who haven't come to the door, but even Qingyin himself is a bit connected at the police station.

She had also asked someone herself, and the two did not say a word.

Therefore, Lian Qingyin was relieved.

I really want to find out, it has been found long ago, there is no need to drag it till now.

It seems that the black market is right, they do have a way.

Lian Qingyin was very fortunate that she was looking for the black market to contact this matter.

At least kind of guaranteed.

However, Lian Qingyin did not expect that although she did not wait for Han Zhuoling to take any action against her, she saw the news that Han Zhuoling and Shi Xiaoya had obtained a marriage certificate.

This is how they got their cards!

Lian Qingyin didn't know yet, and he became a catalyst for Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya to receive the certificate.

If it wasn't for her repeated presence, she wouldn't remind Han Zhuo Ling to get her certificate with Shi Xiaoya.

It was because of her presence that she reminded Han Zhuo Ling that in order to avoid night long dreams and any accidents, she rushed to get the certificate early.

Although Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya will sooner or later get a certificate.

But if Lian Qingyin knew that instead of responding to them, he became a catalyst for them, and did not know what his expression would be.

Because it was near lunch time, Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya stayed in the old house and planned to dine together.

"Aren't you going to the company today?" The old man asked casually.

"Don't go. Today, I've got such a big happy event with Xiaoya and give myself a holiday." Han Zhuo Ling said.

The old lady thought with a smile. Since she was with Shi Xiaoya, Han Zhuo Ling is different.

If this was before, if he had to collect the certificate himself, he must make an appointment for a certain time and immediately return to the company to continue working after receiving the certificate.

That state is, how important is marriage to work.

The time spent before and after must not exceed one hour.

But now, go to the queue with Shi Xiaoya early in the morning and experience the queue to get the marriage certificate.

After finishing the lead and not going to work directly, we must accompany Shi Xiaoya.

At this time, there was still work in Han Zhuoling's eyes.

Nothing is more important than Shi Xiaoya.

The old lady felt that in this way, Han Zhuo Ling was considered to be popular, and she didn't just know work as before.

What's more, knowing rest and combining work with rest in this way is even more reassuring.

The old lady looked at Han Zhuoling's change with great satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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