The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2646: As if I saw it with my own eyes

Chapter 2646: Seeing Like You See It

I saw her and said, "Han Zhuo Ling's ex-wife Xia Yixin didn't say it herself. It was as early as Xia Yixin hadn't divorced Han Zhuo Ling, and Shi Xiaoya already hooked up. Did Han Zhuo Ling explode Xia Yixin? Give back love. The child was born. Everyone thinks Shi Xiaoya is innocent. "

Shi Xiaoya poked her lips and looked at what Lu Youlin said. She had the courage to say bad things, but did not have the courage to say Han Zhuo Ling, so she dared to say her.

Someone even talked to Han Zhuoling.

Shi Xiaoya thought, she was ridiculed by herself silently.

Luo Qingxian followed and said, "At that time, it was estimated that Han Zhuo Ling was moving fast and poured the dirty water on Xia Yixin's body. In addition, Xia Yixin's work was even bigger. There was a road to public relations, and Xia Yixin could not be beaten. It's also normal. Before giving the evidence of Han Zhuo Ling and Shi Xiaoya together, people will go to jail. "

Huo Dongsen came out and said, "You speak so vividly, as if you saw it with your own eyes."

Wu Erjia has always had a good relationship with Huo Dongsen, so he also said, "Yeah, this time is likely to be the same as last time, just to spill dirty water. Xiaoya is our classmate for so many years, and her character is still trustworthy Right. "

Shen Mujing said, "Do you think that Shi Xiaoya is a poet and would n’t do it? To be honest, who are the students of our college who are bad family members? But the other person is Han Zhuo Ling, even if we have family members How's it going? "

Yuan Aileen said: "I understand Mu Jing's meaning. Let's compare with Han family, just like ordinary people compare with us. Since there is this opportunity, even Shi Xiaoya will not let it go."

Hodson raised his eyebrows and said, "So if this were you, would you do that?"

Huo Dongsen did not use the word "Ye", which means that he was Xinshi Xiaoya and he was not involved in Han Zhuo Ling's marriage.

Although he had no fate with Shi Xiaoya, because of some considerations of his own, he had not formally established his relationship with Shi Xiaoya.

So that when he wanted to be sure, Shi Xiaoya was no longer there.

Yeah, after all this time.

Without saying anything, without any commitment, who will be waiting for the other party in situ.

If the competition is someone else, he still has the confidence to fight.

But the other party was Han Zhuo Ling, he really could not even give birth to the competition.

But after all, Shi Xiaoya is a girl he likes.

At least in Shi Xiaoya's character, he is trustworthy.

I also believe that Shi Xiaoya will never be like what was disclosed in the news.

Otherwise, he would not like Shi Xiaoya.

He likes her, in addition to her beautiful, but also because of her good personality and good personality, unlike those of Luo Qingxian.

It's just that his likes are not enough.

But if he can like Shi Xiaoya rather than others, he can trust the girls he likes.

Shi Xiaoya did not expect that Huo Dongsen would help her speak.

Han Zhuo Ling noticed Shi Xiaoya's side, turned to look at her mobile phone and asked, "What's wrong?"

It happened that I caught sight of the chat in her classmate group, and also saw the words that Huo Dongsen helped her.

Shi Xiaoya also didn't hide it, and directly and generously handed her mobile phone to Han Zhuo Ling to see.

"I didn't expect Huo Dongsen to help me talk." Shi Xiaoya said.

(End of this chapter)

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