The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2658: Why do you suddenly look at him like this?

Chapter 2658 Suddenly Look At Him Like This?

"Okay, thank you so much. You help me pay attention." Lu Man said, "As soon as she changes her number and comes back, you tell me."

Entertainment Bibi: "What? You're following her?"

Lu Man laughed: "Anyway, I'm also idle recently. My elder brother and sister-in-law haven't had time to care about her so much. I'm idle to do nothing, so care about her. But we did not stigmatize our family. Fart. There's nothing wrong with throwing the pan. Otherwise, anyone dares to kick our house. "

"Okay." Entertainment Bapi agreed, "This is a trivial matter, leave it to me."

After thinking about it, he said, "Hey, this non-number one fan girl, for the sake of short-term benefits, directly puts her future on the road."

Unless she changes careers, if she still wants to work in her old business, she won't have the opportunity.


The online matter was resolved, and Han Zhuo Ling left with Shi Xiaoya.

Lu Man and Han Zhuoli packed up and returned to the bedroom.

"Brother is really not easy. There is always something going on." Lu Man said, "how can we recruit the best."

They even know about unvoiced sound.

Although tonight Han Zhuoling didn't say who it was.

But they can all guess.

It was clear that Han Zhuoling did not do anything. As a result, he got a neurosis like Qingyin for no reason, but it was really wrong.

Lu Man sighed, remembering that Han Zhuoli didn't bother her.

What Dai is still, Wang Yunyun's.

Dai still has such a small role.

Wang Yunyun is also a neuropathy.

Han Zhuoli: "..."

What's wrong?

Why do you suddenly look at him like this?

"You two brothers, why are you so uneasy. Big Brother has just gone to Xia Yixin, and has a more severe Lian Qingyin. And you had a neurosis like Wang Zunyun at the time." Lu Man Shook his head.

"I don't know if Zhuo Feng will recruit such people." Lu Man snorted. "If you look at it this way, you have the potential to attract the best."

"Of course, Xiaoya and I are not included here." Lu Man added.

Otherwise, I accidentally scolded myself.

This is not good.

How does Han Zhuoli think that Lu Man is not like a woman who has been pregnant for three years, this reaction is quite fast.

As a man with a strong desire to survive, Han Zhuoli immediately shifted the topic, "Are you hungry? You haven't eaten much at night, so you are in a hurry to come back to work."

Lu Man is still a little bit silly now.

How could it have been successful if Han Zhuoli had changed the subject bluntly.

But now Lu Man felt his stomach, "I'm really hungry."

Han Zhuoli's entire face brightened, "What do you want to eat? I'll get it for you!"

Since Han Zhuo Li knew that those semi-finished products purchased online came back.

He doesn't need to season, just follow the steps to cook things, and it tastes pretty good.

Therefore, Han Zhuoli now falls in love with this way of cooking.

I always felt that Lu Man was struggling to get pregnant, and he finally had a place to work.

And it's kind of fulfilling.

It ’s so good to make something for my wife.

Han Zhuoli secretly pondered that he had to find some time to learn cooking with He Ye seriously.

Han Zhuoli is now deeply in love with the feeling of feeding the road by himself.

So as soon as Lu Man talked about being hungry, he immediately got his spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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