The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2664: Call the police

Chapter 2664: Alarm

"And we have the right to break the door to arrest you. Now give you five seconds to consider. Do you want to cooperate with us or let us break the door and arrest you in the name of obstructing the case?"

Lian Qingyin quickly turned his brain and said loudly, "How can any police come to help someone in the middle of the night? You dare to impersonate the police. This is a felony! I tell you, if you don't leave, I will call the police!"

The two policemen outside the door really said badly, and even Qingyin was delaying time, or they really doubted them.

However, a single woman who lived alone and was ringing the doorbell in the middle of the night was more vigilant and justified.

So one of the police officers said, "Yes, you call the police."

Even after listening to Qingyin, you can be sure that the other party is really a police officer.

She didn't know what the other person was looking for.

She hoped it wasn't because of Shi Xiaoya's accident.

Lian Qingyin chose to call the police in order not to let the other party doubt.

In this way, she is also guaranteed on her own side.

What if two people outside the door are really posing.

Minutes later, the police arrived.

Lian Qingyin opened the door. "Sorry, I saw them both knocking on my door in the middle of the night, and said they would take me to the police station. I'm afraid that some gangsters pretended to be believers."

The coming police officer nodded, "It's good that you have such vigilance."

However, the original two were really policemen.

Therefore, after the two sides confirmed their identities with each other, even Qingyin could no longer delay, and could only follow the two policemen.

At home, Han Zhuo Ling also received a call.

"Ling Shao, Lian Qingyin has already entered the police station."

"Okay." Han Zhuo Ling said, "In three more hours--"

Han Zhuo Ling glanced at the current time, it was already over 2 o'clock.

After three hours, the sky will be bright.

"Let the black market know that Lian Qingyin has been arrested to the police station for investigation." Han Zhuo Ling said, "Let the black market know that Lian Qingyin was arrested because of a deliberate accident."

"Yes." I answered in the early years.

"At that time, when you look at Lian Qingyin, you must stare dead. Is someone approaching her and threatening her? Don't focus on any outsider. All people who can and can appear in front of Lian Qingyin , Pay attention. "

Han Zhuo Ling paused and said, "Including anyone in the police station."

"Including the police?" I asked directly at the beginning of the year.

"Yes, including the police." Han Zhuo Ling said.

According to Wei Wucai, the black market really has so much energy that it will inevitably penetrate into every corner.

Han Zhuo Ling also thought about the two men who deliberately hit Shi Xiaoya.

They have been taken to the police station and have never come out.

How did the black market contact them, and when did they promise them benefits, letting them take their blame off?

According to time, those two were always in the police station.

How did the black market do it?

In particular, those two people were held in solitary confinement, and no one else could reach them except the police and lawyers.

Han Zhuo Ling thought, either, the lawyer invited by the black market, when he went to see them, took the opportunity to convey the meaning of the black market.

Or, there are black market people in the police station!

But Han Zhuo Ling prefers the former.

If it was the latter, it would be terrible.

Moreover, the possibilities of lawyers are very high.

(End of this chapter)

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