The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2667: I said ugly

Chapter 2667: I'm Ahead

"I need to know everything to help Miss Lian. I didn't ask you to avoid it, so don't ask me to avoid it."

Besides, Lawyer Hu was originally from the future, and what made him avoid it.

Attorney Hu no longer said anything, just took a note paper out of the bag, wrote something on it, tore it off, blocked it with his hand, and passed it to Lian Qingyin.

Lian Qingyin's frown, who asked for it, was so mysterious.

What can't I say in front of lawyer Wang?

Holding her doubts, she brought the note paper over.

I saw only two simple words written on the paper.

black market.

Even the unvoiced pupil dilated.

The black market knew she was brought to the police station for investigation!

And, even so fast, the lawyer was called over!

"What do you want!" Even Qingyin felt dangerous.

Mr. Hu said, "Please also ask Mr. Wang to avoid it."

Lian Qingyin was a little scared.

She has heard many black market rumors from others.

When I heard it before, I also felt that the black market was reliable and could protect the interests of employers.

But now it was her turn, and there was a burst of coldness in her body.

Because of fear, Lian Qingyin didn't even want Lawyer Wang to leave.

This lawyer Hu made it plain that it represents the interests of the black market.

What comes to be her lawyer is probably to threaten her and prevent her from telling the black market.

Therefore, Lian Qingyin certainly trusts his lawyer more.

I don't know how much Mr. Wang can help, but at least one more person is here. Mr. Hu can't mess around.

Can give him a warning effect.

Lian Qingyin said: "Lawyer Wang is my lawyer and I will not hide anything from him. Either you say it in front of him or you don't say anything."

Lawyer Hu thought for a while and said, "Miss Lian, if you want to be so uncooperative, what's wrong, don't blame me."

"Are you threatening me?" Lian Qingyin raised an eyebrow, but he was actually a little scared.

She leaned over and lowered her voice. "I know what it means for the black market to let you come. I'm afraid I'll tell the black market."

Mr. Hu smiled, and also lowered his voice, "Miss Lian is a smart person."

"Since you acknowledge that I am a smart person, please believe that I will not tell the black market." Lian Qingyin whispered.

Their voices are really too low.

Even lawyer Wang had to work hard to hear it.

Afraid that Mr. Hu did not believe it, even Qingyin took the initiative to explain, "After I came, I didn't say a word. Until Mr. Wang came, I was discussing with Mr. Wang. There is no evidence on the police side and I can't be arrested. "

"As long as what your black market is saying is true, those two people will not confess me, then this matter has nothing to do with me. I mean I wo n’t recognize anything. I do n’t recognize it and I wo n’t say Come out. As long as you worry, can those two people carry it? "

"If I believe you, you can," said Mr. Hu, "I want to be your representative."

Lian Qingyin hesitated. Attorney Wang saw this and said, "Miss Lian, I'm talking ugly. You came to me first and asked me to be your lawyer. Now suddenly another one came out and wanted to replace me. Position. If you change him, you are playing with me! You act like a lawyer, and as a client, I can't say anything about you. "

(End of this chapter)

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