The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2671: 2741 Empty


He was really tired.

Shi Xiaoya watched him quietly for a while, and wanted to kiss him, but he was afraid to wake him up.

Only by pressing this thought, he gently held his wrist around her waist, moved away slightly, and got up quietly.

Shi Xiaoya closed the bedroom door gently, and went to the outside bathroom to wash herself, so as not to make a sound to wake up Han Zhuo Ling.

After packing, prepare the ingredients first.

Clean and cut.

Just waiting for Han Zhuo Ling to wake up.

It was a coincidence that just when Shi Xiaoya had prepared all this, Han Zhuo Ling also woke up.

He used to do what he would do every morning, and before he opened his eyes, he would take the people around him back into his arms.

After all, after falling asleep, unknowingly will turn around or something.

As long as Han Zhuo Ling is a little sober, she will feel uncomfortable when her arms are empty.

Xiang Xiang softly hugged a long time ago.

But this time, the old man stretched out his arms and groped with his eyes closed for a long time, but he couldn't touch Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuo Ling finally opened his eyes.

At a glance, the position beside him was empty.

He could feel a little cold in this hot summer.

"This little girl woke up early." Han Zhuo Ling said, and sat up.

When he lowered his head and rubbed his face, the man was completely awake.

He went for a wash.

I changed out of my pajamas and changed to comfortable home clothes, and then I got out of the bedroom.

He went downstairs.

Shi Xiaoya was not seen in the living room either.

He faintly heard a sound from the kitchen, and then went to the kitchen.

It happened that Shi Xiaoya had just prepared the ingredients at this time, and it was time to wash them and cut them.

At this time, Shi Xiaoya still turned her back to the door.

While she was unprepared, Han Zhuo Ling strode over and hugged her from behind.

Shi Xiaoya's height is exactly to Han Zhuoling's chin.

This hug just held her full.

She was full in her arms, not bad.

It's just that she's too thin.

Even if she hugged her, Han Zhuoling felt that her arms could not be completely filled.

He lowered his head, and buried his face in her hair and sniffed a few times.

The smell of her hair is particularly good.

Both people used the same bottle of shampoo and conditioner, which obviously had the same taste.

But when it came to her hair, the fragrance became very different.

He still likes smelling her.

Shi Xiaoya was scared a little by him.

But there is no one else in the family except the two of them.

So just one second, Shi Xiaoya relaxed again.

She turned her head slightly to barely see Han Zhuo Ling's small half face.

"Why did you wake up so early?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

At home, Han Zhuo Ling did not wear a watch.

But when I woke up, I looked at the time and said, "It's noon, it's not early. The first day of the wedding is not a pleasant one, but you can't sleep the next day of the wedding.

When he spoke, he still smelled of mint, which was particularly good.

Shi Xiaoya slightly tilted her feet, but still could not reach him.

He pouted at him.

Han Zhuo Ling immediately noticed, bowed her head and kissed her lips.

Shi Xiaoya's angle was a bit awkward. Han Zhuo Ling held her waist with both hands and turned her over.

Facing him directly.

Han Zhuoling held her in a circle and let her lean on the clean bar conveniently, then bowed her head and kissed her.

Shi Xiaoya didn't know how he was hugged and sat on the bar.

"Let's go back to the bedroom again?" Han Zhuo Ling's voice was low.

Anyway, Shi Xiaoya felt that her ears were hot.

When I heard Han Zhuo Ling said this, there was a blank space in my head for a while.

It's noon, and the sun is burning outside.

Even if the curtains are closed, the home is bright.

Shi Xiaoya was embarrassed.

"Just got up." Shi Xiaoya whispered, very furious.

"Anyway, it's not to go back to sleep." Han Zhuo Ling laughed.

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

Is this man talking about the idiots like this?

Shi Xiaoya was cramped and didn't know what to say.

At this moment, a cry of "grumbling" in the stomach rang among the two.

They both bowed their heads at the same time, Shi Xiaoya found that his stomach was calling.

Han Zhuoling chuckled, "Hungry?"

Shi Xiaoya is now relieved of the embarrassment of being laughed at by him, "I just prepared all the ingredients and plan to wait for you to wake up and prepare lunch."

Han Zhuo Ling sighed and let her down with some regrets.

"Then we have dinner ..."

Shi Xiaoya said heartily whether the man had made up his mind to make up for the wedding night.

"That ... that tonight." Shi Xiaoya said.

"What tonight?" Han Zhuorin teased her deliberately, pretending not to know.

Shi Xiaoya wouldn't know where she was, ignoring him with a small face.


Do you want love?

It wasn't her who was in a hurry anyway.

When Han Zhuo Ling saw this, he immediately accepted it.

(End of this chapter)

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