The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2678: Great contrast

Chapter 2678: Great Contrast

Shi Xiaoya pursed her lips and hugged Han Zhuo Ling's arm with both hands, just to support her soft legs.

Two buddhas play.

Although Shi Xiaoya bought a quick ticket.

But there is no requirement to play all these items.

Just walk slowly along the way, and you can play whichever project you pass.

Walking all the way, after passing the souvenir shop, Shi Xiaoya took Han Zhuo Ling into it again.

She chose a little yellow man's hat to wear. This hat is worn in two ways. Under normal circumstances, it looks quite similar to a peaked cap.

But turning the hat down and turning it into a little yellow man's hood is very interesting.

Shi Xiaoya also took the same model and put it on Han Zhuo Ling.

Han Zhuoling was really stupid looking at the mirror and wearing this hat himself.

The first response was to take it down.

"Don't pick it!" Shi Xiaoya stopped him in a hurry, "How cute! Since all of you have come to the amusement park, let's return to the childlike mind!"

Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling stood in front of the floor-standing mirror.

Han Zhuo Ling looked in the mirror, looked at it, looked at the habit, and suddenly found that wearing the same hat as Shi Xiaoya seemed not so stupid.

Shi Xiaoya took out her mobile phone and took a picture in the mirror.

Han Zhuo Ling looked down at Shi Xiaoya's good photo.

Shi Xiaoya smiled sweetly in the mirror, Han Zhuo Ling was not smiling.

Because for the first time wearing such a hat, I was not used to it, and even a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, Han Zhuoling's attitude was unprecedentedly stiff.

But it was Shi Xiaoya who was standing beside him.

When Han Zhuo Ling looked at Shi Xiaoya through the mirror, Rao was very uncomfortable wearing this silly hat, but still couldn't help but hook his lips.

With a smile in his eyes.

This was the moment when Shi Xiaoya was caught inadvertently.

Shi Xiaoya also did not expect that she had taken such a good picture without being aware of her.

Even if the expression on Han Zhuo Ling's face is not very obvious, it can be seen, it just feels that the picture is inexplicably warm.

"How can I shoot so well." Shi Xiaoya said joyously.

"Yes, my daughter-in-law is particularly good-looking." Han Zhuo Ling nodded, earnestly agreeing.

A little couple just passed by.

The woman's glimpse of Han Zhuo Ling's face seemed to be very strong for survival. No matter what his wife said, she couldn't help laughing.

He also whispered to his boyfriend and said, "Look at the enlightenment of others, your daughter-in-law is right, you have to learn a little bit. Do n’t take a selfie, you just think that I would take one hundred and eighty photos a day, so narcissistic. .You should boast how nice I am. "

I don't know how her boyfriend answered her, because the little couple was gone.

"..." Han Zhuo Ling frowned and said to Shi Xiaoya, "I didn't make you happy just now, it was because you took a picture that was particularly good-looking. Of course, it's also because you are good-looking.

Everyone: "..."

Seeing this man's face was so cold, it was very unpleasant to look at. He didn't expect to be so afraid of his wife.

The contrast is huge!

Shi Xiaoya doesn't care how Han Zhuo Ling praises her. She just likes Han Zhuo Ling's compliment.

The two buddhas are visiting the garden, and there is no task, and all the items must be played together.

When the tourists were sweating and their faces were exhausted, they looked for a coffee shop and sat inside to blow the air conditioner.

(End of this chapter)

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