The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2682: In my arms, what are you leaving?

Chapter 2682: In My Arms, What Are You Going On?

He gritted his teeth and decided, "Go in and see."

Han Zhuo Ling tightened her hands and pulled her to the line.

Because I haven't bought a quick ticket for this project before, I can only line up honestly.

Fortunately, the reputation of this haunted house is too high. Most people watch at the door of the event, and not many people actually queue up.

According to the queuing time displayed on the electronic sign at the door, about 40 minutes can be enough.

However, the time displayed on the general brand will be a little longer than the actual time, in order to reduce the psychological expectations of guests.

Lest the time has come for prediction, but the team hasn't lined up yet, making people feel unhappy.

Instead, it was predicted to queue for 40 minutes, and the result was half an hour. It was also 10 minutes ahead of schedule, which was surprising.

As a result, Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling entered the line.

I don't know if it is to render the atmosphere, let the guests enter the horror atmosphere in advance, or let the guests gradually get used to this horror atmosphere.

Even in the queuing area, the surrounding decoration is a bit stunner, a little horror atmosphere.

The walls were mottled, and the original white wall skin on the wall fell off one by one, revealing the gray inside.

The wall that has not yet fallen off does not look too white, and has been intentionally aged to become dirty gray.

There was blood on the walls from time to time.

There is a complete palm shape, and there is a blood color that has not been seen for a long time.

It was as if a hand was stuck on the wall and was forcibly pulled away, leaving a blood mark on the wall.

Half on the wall, half on the mud wall inside.

Shi Xiaoya looked around, and the lights at the top of the wall seemed to be shaking.

From time to time, there will be ghostly screams from the speakers that I don't know where.

From time to time, tourists screamed through the wall.

But because there were so many people standing in line at the moment, Han Zhuoling was standing behind him.

When Shi Xiaoya leaned back, she put it into Han Zhuoling's arms, and when she smelled the smell of the men's perfume from him, she was not afraid.

There were many girls around, in groups of three or five.

Hearing this, the voice of chatter shook.

Most of the boys who came to play were students, and they looked bolder.

There are also male and female students who go out to play together, and the boys deliberately scare the girls.

Still in line, the girls started to tremble.

But more couples like Shi Xiaoya and Han Zhuo Ling.

Little lovers can naturally embrace each other without burden.

The girl was excited and nervous, and her mood was about the same as that of Shi Xiaoya.

Tired of being spoiled in the arms of her boyfriend.

Seeing their tiredness, Shi Xiaoya suddenly thought that her current appearance was in the eyes of others, and she should look similar.

I am ashamed to lie in Han Zhuoling's arms.

Just take a step forward and be separated from him.

Who knew Shi Xiaoya had just moved, Han Zhuo Ling seemed to have been aware of her thoughts.

The palm rested directly on her lower abdomen and pinched her back again.

Shi Xiaoya put his back in his arms, and had to look up to see him.

Seeing her eyes confused, Han Zhuo Ling lowered her head in her ear and said softly, "In my arms, what are you going for?"

There are many people around, and chats of all sizes continue.

So you have to raise your voice a little bit to hear it.

(End of this chapter)

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