The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 2799: Then you are not a thing

Chapter 2799: You Are Not An Object

"You don't believe it?" Lu Qi looked at Sun Jingfei. "I have a marriage certificate! I can show you!"

"If you don't believe it, you're not a thing!" Lu Qi was furious.

Whether Sun Jingfei is innocent or not.

Even if she is really innocent, Lu Qi hates Sun Jingfei.

"I knew he had a family, but I was rushing to be a junior for someone, or a junior for such a thing! You said that you are a lady, what do you want? You have to be a thing that can't come to the table "Lu Qi said angrily.

He Zhengbai heard her yell at herself for "baubles" and "Wang Ba Baubles", and she was already very angry.

Now see that Lu Qi even scolded Sun Jingfei.

I saw Sun Jingfei look angry.

Does she really not know about He Zhengbai and Lu Qi?

She is not stupid.

Although He Qingyang and Yang Lin said that just now, she also acted as if she didn't know anything, she just believed in He Zhengbai's appearance.

But in fact, who knows what happened to He Zhengbai and Lu Qi?

What kind of news in the past is really forgetful?

However, since He Zhengbai was able to meet Lu Qi for her, she also felt very good.

Isn't it more attractive?

A man snatched from someone else's hand.

This **** is even better.

As for He Zhengbai, will she abandon her for other women?

This point, Sun Jingfei is not afraid.

He Zhengbai dared to abandon Lu Qi because Lu Qi has no backing now and no one can support her.

The He family dared to bully her like this.

But she has a Sun family, which is much better than the He family.

The He family still can't hold her?

This is not a question of whether He Zhengbai will abandon her for others, but a question of daring.

I really want to ask her, so many families are here, why did he choose He Zhengbai?

She also knows that He Zhengbai is not very reliable.

But this year, especially in their circle, there is no reliable love.

Like Han Zhuo Li and theirs, their wives are all lucky to leave.

My cousin Wei Rongxuan, who did not see Wei Wucai, did not marry well and was divorced three times.

Sun Jingfei is an understanding person.

Even if the men of the eight major families are as good as they are, they cannot be easily reached.

The world only saw those who successfully married into Lu Man, but did not see many failures before them.

Like what Dai still, Xia Yixin, Wang Yiyun did not end well.

As far as these examples go, the fool will go on and on.

She's not stupid anyway, she won't think about those.

As for He Zhengbai, because she knew he was not a fun thing, she could be more at ease.

I didn't know he was a good thing from the beginning. It was always better than those who were unclear. At first, he was attentive, or he was alert at first, but lowered the alert after a long time, but he was bitten Strong mouthful.

All of them are looking for family marriage in the circle.

Don't think you can find someone you like, even if you have him.

No way.

It's okay to have a duckling outside, but getting married is impossible.

But those ducks and dogs are not looking at your money too?

Marriage between families, if you are lucky, even if you meet a good one.

It's just that Sun Jingfei grew up in this circle since he was a child. He knows what these people usually do.

(End of this chapter)

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