Reference 3152

Wei Wucai quickly cleared his mood and pretended to enter the room as if nothing had happened.

When the door was closed, I heard Yan Yanqing said, "Why are you doing such a straight man! I don't want you to call me, no matter how I feel."

It turned out to be this.

Wei Wucai breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, yes, it's my fault."

"You rest after you finish eating, and I won't disturb you until dinner." Wei Wucai said.

Yan Yan was sober all of a sudden, "and dinner?"

"Don't you have dinner? No, you can't!" Wei Wucai said immediately.

Yan Yanqing: "..."

Don't wait for things to happen, Yan Yanqing can already foresee her suffering today.

Only this time, Wei Wucai left immediately after eating.

Seeing Yan Yanqing coming over, Wei Wucai said, "I'll wait for you to take the medicine before leaving, lest you have to call to wake you up. And you can't go to bed right away after you finish your meal. I care about it in the morning, I didn't expect You go to bed after breakfast. "

Yan Yanqing: "..."

Is it still about half an hour with his eyes wide open and waiting for medicine?

Just then, the door bell rang again.

Wei Wucai will get up and open the door.

Yan Yan looked at it, it was enough, and quickly stopped him, "You can't open the door!"

Wei Wucai looked at her in puzzlement, Yan Yanqing explained, "This is my room."

Wei Wucai understood.

How anxious it is for someone who hasn't got a name yet.

As a result, Wei Wucai remained motionless.

Yan Yan went to the door and tied the anti-theft chain first.

After confirming the opening of the door, people outside the door could not see Wei Wucai, which opened the door.

It turned out that Fang Qiaohan was standing outside the door, looking anxious.

"What's wrong?" See her.

Yan Yanqing untied the anti-theft chain and opened the door.

"Yi Qing, you—" Fang Qiaohan said, hurried in.

Before I finished speaking, we saw that Wei Wucai was also in Yan Qingqing's room.

Fang Qiaohan froze for a moment, blinking for a moment, his brain was blank for a while.

Look at Wei Wucai, then Yan Yanqing, and then look at Wei Wucai.


Fang Qiaohanmu looked at Yan Maoqing with a face, "Don't you say that the two of you are not together?"

Although Fang Qiaohan said the facts.

But in the face of Wei Wucai, speaking like this, Yan Yiqing still couldn't express her guilty conscience.

Yan Yan subconsciously went to see Wei Wucai's face.

Seeing that he didn't seem to react, this explained the guilty conscience, "Aren't I sick? You're sick too, and I want you to take a good rest. So Wei Wucai went to buy lunch for me ..."

Fang Qiaohan raised an eyebrow. "Oh."

Yan Yanqing: "..."

Fang Qiaohan said: "Yi Qing, tell me the truth, are you two really not together?"

"No," Yan Yanqing said.

"I'm chasing her." At the same time, Wei Wucai also said.

Because Fang Qiaohan did not intentionally lower his voice just now.

Of course, even if it was really whispered, Wei Wucai could still hear it.

Fang Qiaohan looked at Wei Wucai, and then Yan Yanqing.

The relationship between the two is really terrifying.

I'm not together, let me know.

How do you explain it now?

"What's wrong?" Yan Yanqing asked.

"The paparazzi called Sister Mu and took a picture of you coming out of his room wearing Wei Wucai's pajamas this morning." Fang Qiaohan said, "So, ask Sister Mu if you want to spend money. If not, they will Directly announced. "

"How did they take it? It wasn't the residents who couldn't get up," Yan said.

"Because there was a gossip about you two before. Most studios are waiting outside the hotel, as well as outside the crew. They are waiting for the studio, and set the hotel room directly."

"They booked a room on your floor and a room on Wei Wucai's floor," Fang Qiaohan explained, "no matter who you go to each other's room, they can take it."

"No, when you came out of Wei Wucai's room this morning, they were photographed." Fang Qiaohan took out his mobile phone and showed Yan Yan a clear look.

"When they contacted Mu, they sent the picture to Mu." Fang Qiaohan said.

Otherwise, you can't believe it by relying on the other person's mouth.

Yan Maoqing saw the photo in Fang Qiaohan's hand.

It happened that she ran out of Wei Wucai's room and was wearing Wei Wucai's pajamas.

Without knowing the truth of the matter, just looking at this photo, that is Yan Yanqing spent a night in Wei Wucai's room.

Of course, this is true.

But in Wei Wucai's room, she did nothing but sleep.

But apparently, from this picture alone, no one felt that they had been doing nothing in the room overnight.

"They want 1 million." Fang Qiaohan said, "So this is what you mean."

"Now you two ... hey ..." Fang Qiaohan really couldn't say anything.

"You said that if the two of you are officially together, your love affair will be announced. The release of their photo will not affect you. But you are not together. This photo was sent out. Whoever believes you have nothing at all? ? "

"Netizens will only feel that this is the case. You and the two do not admit it, either you are a fool or you are playing and satisfying each other." Fang Qiaohan said, "Qing Qing, if this is the case, this will have an image on you Great negative effect. "

Yan Yan said calmly: "These people are so boring. Have I been in love, with whom, what matter to them!"

"I usually just follow me and shoot, and now I'm running to the door of my room and waiting."

Follow her usually, at least that's what she knows.

But now, without her knowledge, she blocked her door.

This is too scary.

Who knows what more terrible things will happen in the future?

All her private life was covered with so many eyes.

No privacy at all.

Can't even have a little normal life?

No matter if she is with Wei Wucai or not, when she is together, she can make a generous announcement, but feels that there is no need to explain to those paparazzi.

Why do you have to explain to yourselves what your private affairs are not?

This approach of the other party is simply extortion!

"Which studio is it?" Wei Wucai asked.

Fang Qiaohan didn't know the identity of Wei Wucai's Lanshan Courtyard. After listening to Wei Wucai's question, he just said subconsciously: "It's Hou Wu's studio."

"Wait for me." Wei Wucai said, then he got up and walked to the door. "I'll be back in a little while. You don't have to worry about this. Don't make a decision first, I'll talk about it when I come back."

(End of this chapter)

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