The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 3155: Cruel enough big brother


Not just those materials, but the manuscripts they are writing.

Contact information for everyone in the circle, various records.

In short, it was in the studio. As long as they had it in their computer, it was completely deleted by Wei Wucai.

Seeing that all the files in the computer were empty, he didn't even leave an empty folder for them.

Yan Yanqing looked at it and couldn't help but want to laugh.

However, Wei Wucai still felt indifferent.

That's how he protects himself.

If Hou Wu threatened others, Wei Wucai wouldn't care, and he wouldn't provoke them.

Wei Wucai did not comment on whether the work done by Hou Wu Studio was good or bad.

No matter how good they are, Wei Wucai doesn't care.

But Hou Wuzhao provoked Yan Yanqing, and Wei Wucai couldn't bear it.

Since Hou Wu had the courage to do something to threaten Yan Maoqing, don't blame them for being polite to Hou Wu.

At the moment, Wei Wucai didn't have any guilt that ruined the hard work of Hou Wu's studio.

If you do n’t provoke Yan Yanqing, you do n’t need to be destroyed?

Therefore, Wei Wucai felt uneasy, but he deleted all the files he could delete.

Therefore, Wei Wucai deleted all the software in their computer again.

Even when buying a computer, the software that comes with the system, Wei Wucai has a way to delete it completely.

Now, Hou Wu's computer in their studio is cleaner than when he left the factory.

Yan Yan looked at the computer with a blank, nothing was left, and his eyes could not help but twitched.

Fang Qiaohan couldn't see or dare to come over.

After all, Wei Wucai and Yan Maoqing are a couple.

Although Yan Yanqing said verbally that the two were not yet together.

However, Fang Qiaohan felt that it was all a matter of time, and he did not care about Yan Qiqing's denial at all.

Therefore, it would be inappropriate for her to come here again.

However, looking at Yan Yanqing's expression, Fang Qiaohan was anxious.

Hurry up and ask Yan Yiqing, "What's wrong? What's wrong? What's the matter now?"

Yan Yanqing twitched his lips, and finally couldn't help laughing, and even said with some gloat: "He turned over all the information in all the computers in Hou Wu Studio."

"Then they deleted all the data and files on their computer. They didn't count. He also uninstalled all the software on their computer."

Yan Yanqing saw Fang Qiaohan's mouth and eyes twitched.

She couldn't help laughing, "Now, all the computers in Houwu Studio are blank and nothing. He didn't even leave the browser to others."

Browsers are not left, why do people search for software downloads online?

You can only find someone with a hard disk or something to install.

Seeking someone to install it will definitely take more time.

How much delay is there?

Unexpectedly, Wei Wucai added at this time: "I robbed them of their computer and gave them administrative privileges. The programmers on their side are not good enough to rob them back. So even if someone comes to your door, they don't have permission, they are safe No software. "

"If you want to use it normally, you can only buy a new one." Wei Wucai said.

Of course, when they buy a new one, if Wei Wucai still feels embarrassed, go and grab their management power.

On that day, they could only continue to press hard.

Yan Yanqing: "..."

Fang Qiaohan: "..."

Cruel enough, big brother!

Of course, Fang Qiaohan felt no sympathy at the thought of Hou Wu's studio.

"Well," Wei Wucai said.

All work has been processed.

At this time, Hou Wu Studio.

The programmer didn't know that Wei Wucai's evaluation was not good enough.

Programmers have been staring at the computer, although they dare not try to take back management.

But they have been staring at how long they intend to stay with them.

Finally, he screamed, "The other party withdrew!"

Everyone was shocked, and Hou Wu busy said, "Quickly, get ready."

The programmer focused on the point and started trying to get management back. "As long as the other person is not there, it's easy."

Before he couldn't **** it back because Wei Wucai controlled it there.

Now that Wu Wucai is gone, the programmer is very confident that he can regain his authority.

Before, it was a duel of technical level.

But now, for programmers, it's simple.

I said that some well-known hackers, a little technical can do it.

Not to mention, the procedure was originally done by him.

He hacked into another company's computer, and he could do it.

Now I am facing a program written by myself, which is naturally simpler.

After a while, Hou Wu and others saw sweating on the programmer's forehead.

Originally, it was crackling, the speed of hand typing on the keyboard was very fast, and it became slower and slower without knowing it.

As if the keyboard had become so heavy that he couldn't type.

"What's wrong?" Hou Wu asked urgently. "Are you ready?"

Don't blame him for being anxious.

It's just that everything in their computer is too important.

There is too much important information.

It really can't be delayed.

He wants to see if the information on the computer is okay.

It is impossible for the other party to invade their company's computer for no reason.

I must be looking for something in it.

Hou Wu was so anxious.

Moreover, you can also see what information was lost.

It can also be followed to determine who is looking for someone to attack their computer.

Although now, Hou Wu already thinks that the probability of Yan Yuanqing accounts for 90%.

However, facing Hou Wu's problems.

Programmers are sweating not only on the forehead, but also on the palms.

"No ..." the programmer said bitterly.

At this time, there was a feeling that he was not worthy of getting such a high salary.

"What's wrong?" Hou Wu was anxious. "Not done, why don't you hurry up?"

"..." the programmer said hard, "No ..."

"The other person changed the program I wrote." The programmer said, "It's almost the same as rewriting."

"So what?" Hou Wu asked.

"I can't crack this new program." The programmer is uncomfortable now and wants to cry.

Where is this great **** from?

How can you push people to the dead end?

There is no retreat at all.

Give no face at all.

Hou Wu: "..."

"So what now?" Hou Wu was really anxious.

"You can't crack it, this computer has been like this? Our office is like a pile of big bricks!" Hou Wuji said, "There are so many data in the computer!"

"It's all important information, and we're still waiting to use it. Also, we need to make sure that the information is in." Hou Wuji said.

(End of this chapter)

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