The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 3342: Give money


Xiao Feng was terrified after he fell in love: "But ... but it said ... it said to let me go. To attract men, it took the opportunity to absorb the essence of men to enhance its ability."

Han Zhuo Ling and Han Zhuofeng listened, their faces were dark.

As the most direct victim, Han Zhuofeng was naturally angry.

Han Zhuo Ling is because this Xiao Fengqing dare to calculate his brother!

Xiao Fengqing thought this was his way to death.

Xie Jiling then said: "It itself is extremely heavy, and although you as a human being have vitality that it does not have. This vitality is its great complement. But again, as a woman, your spirituality is also heavy. .It absorbs more and naturally needs yang to reconcile. "

"It's not just that you need to replenish the yang energy, you don't need to pay." Xie Jiling said coldly.

"As long as it is on you, you will not just sacrifice your hue and body in the future, you will still use your life to supplement its mana."

"But, after all, you are a human, and how much can you provide it for a century-old fox demon? Don't say a few years, and then continue, you will be sucked by it by the end of this year." Xie Jiling said.

Xiao Feng's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Xie Jiling with fear and suspicion.

"I'm not scaring you," Xie Jiling said coldly. "Don't you always feel tired? And you don't need to control your weight deliberately, and are you getting thinner and thinner?"

"Don't you think that you are so thin because of Fox Demon?" Xie Jiling asked.

Xiao Feng's complexion changed and then changed, and finally looked away with suspicion.

"You are getting tired and exhausted because your energy is sucked away by it. And you are getting thinner and thinner, too. You have less energy and energy to support your body, your body is natural Getting thinner and thinner. "Xie Jiling said.

"So ... what to do?" Xiao Feng hurriedly said, "Now it's gone, shall I be all right?"

"Before it was sucked away, it was gone, it's gone. In the whole life, the spirit and energy are going downhill, and these can't make up. If they can make up, people will not be born old, die or die."

"What you lost before was lost." Xie Jiling said.

Xiao Feng's face was pale, at this time he really regretted it.

She should not have rushed to ask a fox demon for appearance.

Well now, she has lost so much.

Can't see on the surface.

But what she lost was her life!

"I ... how long do I have?" Xiao Feng asked.

"If you keep swallowing it, you will live up to the end of the year." Xie Jiling said, "Now it's gone, you ca n’t get back your lost energy, but the rest of it will be enough for decades."

"Because the fox demon swallows fast and keeps it swallowing, you can only go to the end of the year. But now there is no external force swallowing it, and it is not so fast just by your own consumption. In addition, people now pay attention to maintaining their own The body, delaying aging, can be dragged again. "

Of course, twenty years are also decades, and thirty years are also decades.

It can be delayed for decades, and Xie Jiling is hard to say.

I really want to tell her that she can only live another 20 years. It is estimated that Xiao Feng is crazy.

Xiao Fengqing is only 20 years old now.

Forty years old, for female stars, it's still young.

Actresses have more capital to maintain themselves.

Now it's 40 years old to make yourself look like around 30 years old, this is not a problem.

However, Xie Jiling did not know how long Xiao Fengqing could support in the end.

"I urge you to take good care of your body, and don't think about evil ways. The trade-offs are equal. When you look for beauty again, you lose your life. But if you still pay attention, Whatever you ask, whether it is a spirit or a thing, if you ask for life, you will definitely lose something else. "

There is no need to remind Xie Jiling that Xiao Fengqing has suffered such a big loss this time.

"I'm definitely not begging." Xiao Fengqing said quickly.

She suddenly remembered and said, "Yesterday ... Yesterday, Han Dao touched my shoulder. My two skins were burned, and nothing could be better."

Xie Jiling took a bottle of ointment out of her bag and gave her: "Apply this, don't go to the hospital, the hospital can't handle it."

"Thank you, thank you." Xiao Fengqing said quickly.

"Not for nothing." Xie Jiling said, "Except for the fox demon, it was Han Zhuofeng who came to me. He had the money to remove the spirit. But if you want this bottle of ointment, you must give it to me. Would I give you something for nothing? "

Xiao Fengqing blinked. Isn't this for free?

Actually, what I really want to say is that Xie Jiling's Fu burned her.

But again, it's because of the fox demon she invited first.

So Yin is still on her.

Xiao Fengqing now just wants to deal with his injury quickly, so he no longer bargains, and directly asks: "How much is that?"

"100,000 yuan," Xie Jiling said.

"What?" Xiao Feng blurted out, "100,000 yuan, such a small bottle?"

Custom creams don't cost this price!

Xie Jiling did not sympathize with Xiao Feng at all, and very simply retrieved the small bottle of ointment.

"You don't have to be too expensive."

"Wait!" Xiao Fengqing quickly stopped her, "I want it!"

Although expensive, 100,000 is indeed a small sum to her.

Usually Carry's pocket money is more than that.

"Then you give the money." Xie Jiling did not believe Xiao Fengqing's credit. "Give the money, I will give you the medicine."

Xiao Feng said unhappyly, "How do I know if this ointment is effective? What if it is useless?"

Isn't that money for nothing?

How can Xie Jiling be constrained by her: "If you don't believe, then don't buy, if you believe, then give money."

It doesn't matter if she can't sell it anyway.

Xiao Feng loves believe it or not.

Xie Jiling was too lazy to talk to her again.

Don't even think about it, what can Xie Jiling be capable of?

One trick to subdue the fox demon, so good relationship with the land government.

Will her ointment be useless?

Xiao Fengqing obviously thought of this layer and said, "I'll give it!"

Her shoulders were still burning fiercely, and she really couldn't hold it.

Hurry to transfer money to Xie Jiling, Xie Jiling gave her the ointment.

After Xiao Feng's feelings were smeared, it really didn't hurt.

And the scar problem that has been worrying her has improved.

Not all of them have been eliminated, but some of the less serious injuries have actually faded.

Seeing the surprised expression on Xiao Fengqing's face, Xie Jiling said, "This ointment has the effect of removing scars. Normal scars can't be removed. You can only remove the scars caused by runes. But you won't remove them all at once. Will be completely removed. "

"So ... is this bottle enough?" Xiao Feng said uneasily.

Make up one more ~

(End of this chapter)

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