Reference 3359

"There are no other places, only ghost towns. The mushrooms have also been tested, and there are no harmful substances. Although they are not a big supplement, they are especially delicious. That is no other mushroom."

"However, it only grows where the stone and the soil meet, so the yield is not much. It is strange to say that we have also tried to artificially cultivate the mushrooms after picking them, but it just can't be cultivated. Only in ghost towns Cultivate, "said the boss.

"But fortunately, as long as it is cultivated in the environment of a ghost town, it can still be cultivated, but it cannot be out of the ghost town. In this way, the yield is much better than their natural growth." The boss explained.

"In the beginning, we also felt that the sound coming out of the ghost city at night was caused by wind and stones. So many people didn't take it seriously. They didn't return until it was dark."

"As a result, something happened, and one person didn't return. The next day, many people organized to go to the ghost town to find it, but they didn't find it," said the boss.

"One person was missing. Everyone was quite nervous at first. They didn't dare go at night. But after a long time, nothing happened. People gradually lost their minds. As a result, another person was missing. It hasn't returned since it was dark, and it has never returned. "

Han Zhuofeng frowned slightly and said, "Isn't anyone coming back later than anyone else?"

"It happened before the first accident," said the boss. "But they didn't have an accident. I don't know what happened because of the disappearance. After the first disappearance happened, people were heartbroken."

"Even if it was a little relaxed later, everyone remembered not to stay too late in the ghost town. They left the ghost town basically before dark. The second time the man disappeared was only him, the only time was in dark He hasn't left yet. "

"So, for whatever reason, our locals have decided that we must come out before dark. However, because there are many tourists, we are afraid that tourists will forget the time when they play."

"Furthermore, even if tourists listen to this kind of thing, they may not be able to attract attention. It is likely that we are alarmist and not at all concerned. If you are bold, you have to stay and see if there is anything. thing."

"Don't say that after the reputation of the ghost town spread, someone really came to explore. So the staff of the ghost town will go into the ghost town every night at 4:30 to check it out, let the tourists come out and close at 5 o'clock on time."

"However, there are always people who deliberately dodge the staff. However, according to the experience of the first incident, it may not necessarily happen as long as it stays in the dark, this depends on luck." The boss said.

"So, not every guest left has an accident. A total of three guests secretly hid and did not come out. Good luck and no accidents. But we ca n’t really guarantee that it will be okay every time. So, as long as there is When the guests come, we will remind. Coupled with the daily inspection by the staff at the ghost town, it always works a little bit. "

"Although there is no guarantee that there must be something in the ghost town, it is true that the two incidents were in the ghost town." The boss said, "You have a lot of people, but don't take advantage of them to take risks."

"Anyway, you can avoid trouble, or try to avoid it." The boss specifically ordered that they were all young people this time.

Fear of young people, young and vigorous, not afraid of heaven.

The more we heard about it, the more we had to do the opposite.

"Don't take risks because of curiosity, let yourself be in danger, or even be killed. This is not worthwhile," the boss reminded.

Han Zhuofeng nodded in agreement.

He didn't understand those who died.

Even if the rumor is not necessarily true, it must be taken seriously.

Who knows true and false.

Have to challenge it, what if something really happens?

Han Zhuofeng was very cautious and refused to die!

"I'm definitely not going, other people, I also restrain them from going." Han Zhuofeng said.

He is not worried about the actors and crew.

Everyone is busy working and has no time to do this.

Mainly Yan Yanqing's classmates.

Seems to be coming towards the ghost town.

Han Zhuofeng then said to Yan Maoqing: "Remember to remind your classmates that it doesn't matter if you play, but you must come out before 5 o'clock. Do not hide in it because of curiosity."

"Okay." Yan Yan nodded.

She didn't think that Han Zhuofeng was timid.

On the contrary, Han Zhuofeng was so cautious that he was responsible.

Those who always want to take their own lives to hunt for adventures and take risks are actually immature.

They are joking with their lives.

I ca n’t be responsible to myself, so how can I be responsible to others?

If they can be as cautious as Han Zhuofeng, then they will be spiritualists, even if they are unemployed.

Back in the room, settling the luggage, Xie Jiling sent a message among them.

I told the rest of the owner.

Ren Lin's first reaction was: "Yes, we have a reminder here, so we must come out before five o'clock."

The second Kuang Xiaorou appeared, saying, "I have already told them four boys, go and see if you can, after all, it is also a famous tourist attraction. But no matter what, you must listen to people's advice, do not stay until 5 o'clock . "

Feng Yaqing also said: "Yes, they are also people who have seen your de-spirituds anyway, and you should believe in this aspect that they won't mess around."

Zhang Tonglin said: "At least when you are not there, they dare not mess with themselves."

If this is left before, He Yuliang's bear bile will definitely go.

But now, after really seeing it, it must not be risky.

Later, several boys from He Yuliang also emerged.

They have promised that they will not die.

Xie Jiling was relieved.

She still remembers that Han Zhuofeng said that he would go to the filming field for an inspection in the afternoon.

Therefore, Xie Jiling leaned on the bed and waited while resting.

After waiting about twenty minutes, her door was knocked.

At the same time, Han Zhuofeng's voice sounded outside the door: "Send the spirit, are you ready? Let's go now, or should you take a rest?"

Xie Jiling went to open the door and saw Han Zhuofeng standing at the door.

Xie Jiling then said, "Let's go now, I'm all packed."

Immediately afterwards, Xie Jiling said, "You wait a moment."

After speaking, she turned and picked up a cloth bag and satchel from the table.

This was previously in the backpack.

She took it out.

The backpack is too big to carry.

Everything used for daily detoxification is placed in this cloth bag.

The third is around 2 o'clock ~

(End of this chapter)

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