The lord is red again

Chapter 118 Cursed Weapon Anti-Injury Ice Bow

Years of fighting and fighting have caused serious wear and tear on the equipment of Lance's team, and it is difficult for soldiers who have never mastered the iron ore smelting technology to repair their damaged armor.

In this case, their equipment is getting worse and worse, until now they are wearing the same as the characters such as the downtrodden wanderers and bandits.

The residence is very ordinary.

But these are just appearances.

90 elites are the harvest of Linde's trip, of course, the biggest harvest is the two upper-level positions in front of him.

The four-armed armor master Bard has not made much progress in combat. He goes to the battlefield with four swords or four shields, relying on his superior power to suppress.

With more arms, the fingers have become more flexible. In Bard's words, he should be able to make more sophisticated armor and mechanisms if there are materials.

Linde likes to hear this kind of words. Materials are not a problem. Bard has enough time to verify.

On the other hand, Lance's combat power has been greatly improved. Not only does his alienated deer man image make him more agile, he is also more flexible in the mountains and forests, runs faster in the plains, and can even move lightly like a gazelle on cliffs.

Coupled with his magical archery skills, it is not an exaggeration to call Rand the enemy that Lind least wants to meet.

And Rand also got an ice bow by chance.

"Blessed weapon?" Lind pinched the small ice bow, feeling the chill on it that was incompatible with his temper in all aspects.

Lance took the initiative to hand over an arrow, and Lind drew the bow and shot the arrow.


The bow was easily pulled to a full moon.

Bard's eyes widened. He could feel that Lind's strength was not weaker than his own, but he didn't expect it to be so strong, even Lance was the same. It was not easy to pull this small bow to a full moon. And most of the time he would not pull the full moon, it was too difficult and too slow. He only needed to gently pluck the bowstring, and the arrow was enough to hit accurately within a hundred meters.

Moreover, Lance's attack method is to flick and shoot quickly without any effort, and then use ice to control the enemy.

The ice quickly moved towards the arrow, and not only that, it also condensed towards Lind's arm holding the bow and the fingers hooking the string.

The flames overflowed from Lind's fingers, barely dispelling the coldness that tried to hurt himself.

He randomly found a direction and let go.



A strong airflow burst out as Lind let go, and the cold wind pushed the nearest people back half a step.

It was as if the ice bow fired a shot in an instant.

Bard raised an arm to wipe the ice chips on his face, his expression dull. He had seen Lance use this trick, but he didn't think it would be so easy for Lind.

The ice arrow flying close to the ground could not withstand the force forced on the body, and it shattered after flying forward about twenty meters against the strong wind.

Only a frost trail was left on the ground, and the wild grass around was blown around, and the cold wind disappeared.

Flames appeared from Lind's body, wrapping his hands.

Just as he pulled the bow and arrow, the burst of frost also reflected back on him.

"This is not a blessed weapon." Lind returned the ice bow to Lance: "It's not suitable for me."

Lind didn't care about the so-called attribute restraint, as long as he could achieve a better effect. With the power of the ice bow just now, he could completely ignore those.

However, the biggest problem is that the ice bow will hurt the user, which is completely different from [Broken Sword of the Carrion Princess] and [Gold Seal]. The greater the power used, the greater the damage fed back.

Cursed weapons, he heard Miss Miko mention it, and he also heard it when chatting with Serin.

Using such weapons requires sacrifice and dedication.

The flames helped Lind dispel the coldness in his blood, and his frozen fingers finally regained vitality.

Then, a stinging pain like sticking your hand into a snowdrift and then pulling it out came over you. Linde shook his head, feeling the pain of the needles. If he used this bow every time, there would be huge side effects, which would be no different from committing suicide.

Although he really needed a long-range weapon, it was not this bow, and it belonged to Lance. Linde did not have the habit of taking someone else's favorite.

Only Linde, Lance and Bard were left in the meeting room.

"... Rebellious Leon is a hero-level warrior. All we know is that he was promoted more than a month ago."

More than a month ago, when the undead had just started internal testing?

Today, we are not going to discuss how to break through the Leon Territory. Whether it is Linde, Lance or Bard, they all know that when a hero appears, the city walls will not be able to stop the opponent, and the traps will not be able to affect the opponent. All they can do is run away and try not to attract the opponent's attention.

Linde couldn't help but think of the Cyclops outside the Dragon Tooth Mountain Road. If he could control the opponent and use it to attack the Leon Territory, he might be able to successfully defeat the opponent.

But that was a Cyclops of the Heroic Class, and he only dared to think about it, which was not practical enough.

"He has many superiors under him, but no more than 10." Lance did not have much information, but he barely helped Lind to unravel the mystery of Leon County, and made his impression of Leon County not just stay on vague concepts such as "new nobles" and "enemies".

Lind once tried to ask Lord Serin, but after confirming that the other party could not reveal the information of Leon County, he did not ask again. Even Miss Miko said that in order to prevent some people from revealing key information, there are many potions, magic, props, etc. to do this.

One hero, that is, above level 31.

At most 10 superiors, that is, above level 21.

There are three high-ranking officials who have appeared now, including Siren, who has been captured, the envoy who went to Holy Water Town but was shot dead by Lance with an arrow, and the high-ranking storm wizard from Harbor Village.

"Put Leon Territory aside for now." Lind knocked on the table, "We are going to attack Holy Water Town! How much power does Holy Water Town have now?"

With the strength of Lance's group, Linde didn't believe that they couldn't take Holy Water Town, but thinking of Lady Serin, he felt that he might not be too harsh.

In some situations, Siren, who is riding an earth dragon, is strong enough to crush Lance and Bard. Lance's arrows are high-frequency but low-damage. Bard is not the main combat power. Facing someone who can spit lava The earth dragon and Lady Serin, who was wearing the Lost Soul Mail Armor, could only be crushed.

"No more than two hundred people." Lance replied: "Holy Water Town is built behind a mountain and needs to pass through a tunnel. After coming out of the tunnel is a sloping valley. They have controlled the highlands on both sides of the valley and forced their way through. They will be ambushed by the high ground on both sides of the valley."

The slide is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and combined with the rolling stone attack, no wonder Lance can't attack it.

His arrows only have a range of about 100 meters at most, and even if they are in high position, they cannot stop the vicious falling rocks.

"Where's the strength?"

"Mayor Bauer of Holy Water Town, I once shot an arrow through his arm. He is a right-handed swordsman."

Lance, who had always communicated with Linde in a humble manner, showed disdain when he mentioned his former defeated generals.

The swordsman who lost his right hand? Oh.

"Higher position?"

"Just an ordinary knight." Lance shook his head. "In addition, there is a pharmacist who is a wizard, and a somewhat special wizard who does not have a higher position."

"Special?" A new profession has appeared.

Lance thought thoughtfully and said: "He is good at creating illusions. If he is accidentally attracted by illusions, he may kill each other."

Linde frowned: "It sounds a bit troublesome."

He likes to punch hard, but he doesn't like opponents who shrink up.

But since there is no superior, the problem does not exist.

With the strength of three of them and three of them, they can push forward forcefully.

With his own tank roles, Lance's archers, and Bard, who is in charge of the agency but is of no use at the moment, there will be no surprises in the siege.

There would be a problem if the village chief of Novice Village was also in a higher position.

There are about 200 residents plus dozens of undead people who are not afraid of death.

And take advantage of the terrain.

It is considered to be all the trump cards of Holy Water Town.

However, the biggest reason why Holy Water Town can survive until now is that the imaginary enemy of Lance and others is the new nobles of the Leon Territory. They have never paid attention to the novice village. Otherwise, if they really want to attack by force, there will always be a way to break through.

Lind quickly made a plan and then wrote a letter to Reed. "Go back to Star Dragon Post and give the letter to Miss Miko. She knows what to do."


"And these." Linde was not polite to Lance at all, and directly took away all the hearts of disaster: "Give them all to Miss Miko."

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