The lord is red again

Chapter 133 NPC Rat Man

There are no more hints for the 1.03 version update, and players need to guess everything.

But Lind can almost instantly determine that it should be himself.

Or... his appearance is actually part of the game process? No, it is definitely not the case. If it is not his own action, then this faction boss may be Lance from the old territory lookout.

And in addition to his own place, there should be faction bosses in the main cities of other regions.

He quickly scanned the post and did not even notice that the warhorse had stopped.


Currently, only Lind's Star Dragon Outpost has launched the "siege gameplay".

"The game official may not exist," Lind boldly guessed, "The 1.02 update is nothing, but the 1.3 update must be related to me."

Maybe, the old nobles can also become official? For example, after killing all the new nobles.

Lind finally noticed the change in the scenery in front of him, and he had already ridden to the gate of Prey Town.

The appearance of Prey Town, which has not been visited for a long time, has not changed much, but the gatekeepers have been replaced by regular soldiers.

Riding on a disaster horse and followed by a volcanic bird, Lind appeared like a disaster knight.

Just now, when the patrol soldiers saw a figure wearing golden plate armor riding a strange and ferocious horse on the horizon, they immediately went on alert. The newly built crossbow bed on the city wall had already aimed at Lind. Fortunately, someone recognized Lind's identity in time, mainly because they had seen the armor on Lind.


The soldier looked at the disaster horse with bloodshot eyes in awe. As a soldier, he should go up and lead the horse, but this thing's teeth are different from ordinary horses. Why does it look better than a lion's teeth? It won't eat people.

The sticky saliva dripping from the mouth of the disaster horse and the "gurgling" sound of the belly like a cat stimulated the heartbeat of every soldier around. The hands holding the weapons tightened, but the weapons did not bring them any sense of security. Instead, the rapid secretion of sweat made their palms feel slippery.

Lind threw out the chain, nailing the Disaster Horse and the Volcano Bird to the ground along with the Broken Sword of the Scavenger Princess. The broken sword was the anchor.

Taking off the helmet, Lind's short golden hair and tough and handsome face were revealed.

He casually handed the helmet to the soldier beside him.

"My lord!" Old Chelly rushed over as soon as he got the news. Old Chelly, who hadn't been seen for a while, didn't look very good.

"Thinner," Lind said unexpectedly.

Old Chelly smiled awkwardly and rubbed his hands like a fly: "I've never managed so many people before."

He was indeed a little overwhelmed. Never have too high expectations for the quality of the inferior people struggling in the doomsday. Only when Lind received the report from Old Chelly, he killed 8 people.

Beheaded in public.

But it can only serve as a warning on the day of the murder. The bad nature has already taken root.

When there are too many people, the rat people who rely on power to bully others will hide themselves, and even a search will not find good results.

Lind did not blame Old Chelly.

A few months ago, the other party was just a profiteer who deducted food from ordinary people, but now he has to manage the food, drink, defecation and urination of thousands of people. After gaining power, Old Cheri himself is too lazy to be greedy, but he can't make his subordinates not greedy.

Although Linde doesn't care about food corruption, his profit is too big. Every time the NPCs make an inconspicuous trinket, Linde can take it to the undead to exchange points, and the points can drive the undead to grow a lot of food, which is enough to arrange for the NPCs to make a basket of trinket.

The two sides have an information gap that they can't understand each other. As Linde, who holds the final right to interpret the points, is the link for the exchange of interests between the two parties.

Having said that, Linde can't accept someone encroaching on the interests under his nose.

In his eyes, it's not a little bit of cheap, but for ordinary people, it's a shocking profit, enough to exchange for lives.

"Where is Han?"

"I'll take you there, this way."

"Okay, let's talk as we walk."

Linde walked forward, while Old Cherry bent over and talked about the recent situation beside him, but the sweat on his forehead could not stop flowing down.

The sentry soldiers who used to be blackmailed by him now feel more stressed just by hearing their breathing, and Old Cherry has a hunch that someone will die today.

"That is to say, even though there is enough food distributed every day and someone is supervising, some people still faint from hunger, and even if they are not named, no one will know if they starve to death?"

He is a lord who likes to exploit, but it does not mean that he has no humanity. On the contrary, as long as they work for him and provide enough labor, the NPCs can eat and wear warm clothes.

I want to develop the population, but someone wants to go against me.

"Who is responsible for distributing food?"

"There are 30 people"

"Bring them all here."


Linde was already standing in front of the blacksmiths' forge. He didn't say anything about Bard and Han's decision to build armor to supplement their combat power. At present, the construction of the post station has not yet been completely completed. After the soldiers under his command have tamed enough disaster war horses, they will really start the production of related peripherals.

The market for small accessories linked to 180 undeads is already completely saturated.

Unless new products are continuously released, they will not be sold out.

After the last round of sales of small accessories and clothes, the undead people's points were almost emptied. Now the undead people are clearly accumulating points to get mounts, so Linde has slowed down the production pressure.

There is no rush to earn points, just accumulate them first.

He and Han chatted casually and mentioned weapon modification.

"You have to find Lord Bard for this. Everything he makes is very beautiful."

Han wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt a little confused about the modification proposed by Linde.

More beautiful, more gorgeous, and the idea of ​​equipping the sword with a scabbard and the shield with a shield scabbard, which really opened Han's eyes. Would anyone really spend points for beauty?

He also roughly understood the points and understood their operating rules, but understanding did not mean that he thought it was reasonable. On the contrary, digitizing honor in detail and then spending it like currency was a disgrace to him. And the faction that you can quit the camp at will, but the camp points will be reset to zero, but you can join the camp at will, etc., made him feel difficult to understand.

Is this a punishment? There is no punishment for betrayal!

Fortunately, these are only rules for the undead.

"Just some special designs," Lind emphasized, "For example, you can pair weapons together when making them, and add some small designs to make them look like they are from the same series. You can name them whatever you want, such as Han Set or Bard Set."

As long as there are many types, there will always be people who will spend money to buy them, and all the blacksmiths have to pay is a little bit of thought in the appearance design.

"Just change some appearance?"

"Just change some appearance."

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