The lord is red again

Chapter 143 Tonight at 8 o'clock, if you are a brother, come and chop me

Leon City.

When the first undead successfully broke through to level 11 through the potion, the rest of the undead also broke through naturally.

And they are keen on "bugs". The more inhuman their appearance is after promotion, the stronger their strength will be.

Therefore, a group of ugly and hideous monsters appeared in Leon. Whenever they walked on the street, people on the street would tremble and kneel on the ground, fearing that they would attract the attention of the terrifying existence.

"The lizard pit is almost cleaned up, so you don't want to go there?"

"No! It stinks! Lizard shit is everywhere."

This game is fun because it is very real.

But this game is not fun because it is too real.

The undead will never forget the soft and sticky touch left by their careless foot when they rushed into the lizardman's territory, and the sticky squeezed out from the toes.

Heaved until he was disconnected directly.

"That's right, we have successfully upgraded, so why not take on small tasks to show off."

Lion Territory is different from Star Dragon Outpost. There is no point setting. If you do well, the leader will praise you, just like going to work. Praise... nothing.

Without sufficient rewards and stimulation, the undead who have successfully upgraded to level 11 will definitely lose motivation.

You can't get experience by killing monsters. Although you can get money by completing tasks, there are no commodities in Leon Territory.

The only thing you can buy is food, but food is an important resource. No matter which faction you are in, there is a purchase limit. It just so happens that the undead don't need to burden ordinary food.

The tavern that looks very "fun" cannot be entered because the undead can't take off their pants. If they enter, they will be booed and laughed at. The undead also have self-esteem.

A group of undead found the legion leader "No Front Teeth" Yang, who was drunk and red-faced after holding a bottle of wine all day.

He had a good life in recent days. Although the undead people did not do anything big, the sudden expansion of 60 knight-class soldiers under his command was enough to make him stand up among the three legion commanders.

No matter what the other two people planned, Yang was already the strongest in name.

"Lord Yang, let's take the task~"

An unruly shout came, and Yang raised his eyebrows. He didn't care about the disrespect in the other party's words.

Most people who came back from the big rift and put life and death aside were not particular about details.

Yang found that the undead people especially liked to "do tasks". It was a good thing to like work, but he couldn't bear the large amount of rewards every time he did things.

As the legion commander, Leon had a lot of currency in the sphere of influence of the leader, and he would usually give some out to reward his soldiers, which could not be spent at all.

But since the undead people started to do tasks, Yang found that the currency he stored could only last for half a month at most before it was emptied by the undead people.

Not only that, the undead were willing to do tasks to earn money, but they didn't spend money, which led to another situation. The capital flow within Leon City suddenly had problems.

Everyone had no money.

In the past, everyone had no money, but at least they could still buy things. Suddenly, a large amount of cash disappeared in a short period of time, which made many people confused.

Fortunately, it was only a slight stagnation, and the problem was automatically solved before causing greater misunderstandings, otherwise Yang suspected that this was deliberately done by the undead.

However, as an NPC, he didn't know that someone had already played a capital game on the official forum using Leon City as the material.

[Hoarding a large amount of currency to verify whether the source of NPC currency funds is refreshed or each piece has a source]

There are many things that the bored undead can do.

Finally, the answer was obtained. The undead had nothing else to say except "This game setting is too real".

The crisis that almost caused the economic collapse of Leon City came silently and disappeared silently.

Thinking about what task rewards to give later, Yang listed the tasks in his sphere of influence.

Oral narration, paper is still quite precious, it is impossible to use it to record such trivial matters.

"A group of footprints were found near the Trident intersection, maybe there are hostile forces."

"Go and clean up those forces."

"Rewards" Yang felt a little difficult, the only thing he could come up with was money.

He didn't care whether the undead would be satisfied with his rewards. As the head of the legion, he issued tasks to his soldiers, and it was the duty of the soldiers to complete the tasks.

It was outrageous that he could give extra rewards.

Giving rewards is not based on what you want, but on what I have.

Unsurprisingly, a sum of money as a reward once again attracted complaints from the undead.

"It's money again, there is no place to spend so much."

"No food, no toys, and no new equipment, alas."


The more you compare, the more you feel that the difference in treatment in the game is very large.

Leon Territory is a dignified main city, the stage that the undead will step onto after leaving the novice village, but it gives people a feeling of a grass-roots team, and many functions are missing.

The undead who received the mission left Leon City and ran in the direction pointed by the soldier. After an unknown period of time, the undead saw the red name floating in front of them.

"Is it a player?"

The group of figures wandering in front attracted their attention.

"It seems so."

Both sides are red names, wild + red name = PK!

The undead in Leon City are different from the undead in Star Dragon Outpost.

From the perspective of potion research, the potion in Star Dragon Outpost is more complete, and there is basically no problem after drinking it, which is very stable.

The potion in Leon City is experimental, unstable, uncertain and unsafe.

From the effect point of view, neither the two-headed man nor the spell wizard is the most orthodox way to promotion. Taking this potion means that the road ahead will become narrower and narrower, and you will end up on a dead end.

The potion in Leon City is the most orthodox and normal promotion step, but similarly, the instability makes the undead grow uncontrollably in the direction of easier perception of magic power after drinking the potion, that is, alienation.

The strength shown is that the undead in Leon County may be stronger in the same level because of alienation, and they are more skilled in using skills.

In a surprise attack, the undead in Leon County caught their opponents off guard.

The joy of blocking people in the wild PK is here.

With the advantage of numbers and the intentional calculation, there is no suspense in this battle.

The undead on the side of the Star Dragon Outpost were wiped out, while only a small number of the undead on the side of Leon County died.

As the Celestial Dragons that all players envy, they were killed by a group of little minions. The undeads felt very upset.

It doesn't matter if we lose the battle, we will call for help!

"Brother De! Daddy! We were beaten!"

Our caring daddy will definitely kill you all and scatter your ashes!


Old Territory Lookout.

Linde looked at the 180 undeads standing in the square formation in front and nodded slightly.

In terms of discipline, the undead are both the best and the worst, mainly depending on their attitude.

Because they know what will happen next, the undeads have a very good attitude.

There is no speech today, only combat arrangements.

And the combat arrangements are not Linde's, he gave it all to the undead and let them organize it themselves.

Linde only needs to follow the NPCs behind.

The siege is not accomplished overnight, and the most important thing is logistics, but this time the undead are the main attacking force, so the logistics problems are greatly reduced.

There are also disaster war horses pulling carts, so the logistics problems are greatly reduced.

Lind wants to lock the battlefield around Leon City. If he can break the city, it will be even better.

Siege equipment is not a problem. The undead have experience in making it, and the materials are ready.

And there is no need to prepare engineering equipment such as siege hammers. As long as ten two-headed people stand up, it is enough to smash the city gate.

And this time, the undead of Star Dragon Post are also very smart. They did not show off on the forum and made a fortune quietly.

You must be serious when playing games.

On the other side.

The undead who won a battle returned to Leon City to report the mission.

"That is a very strange force." The undead chose to expose the information of Star Dragon Post when reporting the results of the investigation.

How can the two forces fight without instigation?

The undead are good at fishing in troubled waters.

"They have gathered a group of undead, and the lord is a level 20-plus... upper knight! He is a nobleman named Lind Alman..."

"Gathered undead?"

After listening to the information about the undead, Yang Zhen frowned and thought for a while: "What direction are they coming from?"


"Holy Water Town?" Yang's voice increased.

Lord Leon has eight upper-ranked ones and a madman under his command. This time, except for the three legion commanders, all the rest were sent out.

Among them, Kazhan Town can't do anything because that madman is in control.

But so far, only Milanm who went to Persimmon Town has returned with undead, and there is no news from the other four villages and towns.

I didn't think there was a problem before, but if the other party also controls a large number of undead...others are likely to be in danger.

Of course, compared to being in danger, he is more concerned about whether a force that suddenly appeared can be used for his own benefit.

"I'll go find Lord Leon!" Yang jumped up suddenly and ordered with a leaky mouth: "You, go find Miram!"


Yang hurried to the inner city. With his identity, he could run rampant in the inner city.

When he saw Lord Leon, Yang told him the news he got from the undead.

Including the identity of "Linde Alman", as well as his strength and power, Yang had long known that the undead seemed to have some way to communicate directly across a very long distance, so he didn't care.

"Lord, I think Serin, Yaza and others must have encountered trouble, but this is also our opportunity. If we can absorb them into the Leon Territory..."

It's just that this report did not get a response from Lord Leon, who seemed to be thinking about other things.

"Yang" Lord Leon's voice was dull, as if there was a tired soul hidden in his voice.

"Yes!" Yang closed his mouth. He knew that he just needed to shut up and listen now.

"I know you still want to return to the Great Rift, but not now."

"Sir!" Yang raised his head suddenly and said excitedly: "Sir, have you forgotten the oath you swore at that time?"

"We swore to the Magic Ring, but the Magic Ring has been broken."

"But the people who swore are still here. As long as we are still here, the oath will always be there!" Yang said: "Fighting the monsters of the abyss is our mission! Why must we target the old nobles?"

When Yang learned that the force was led by the old nobles and the other party still possessed extraordinary power, he was indeed a little surprised, but he was more concerned about whether he could absorb the other party into the Leon Territory.

This time, Lord Leon did not think of gathering the power of the surrounding villages and towns on a whim, but they had already begun to gather various forces for the future.

Although Yang's words were leaky, his voice was very firm: "The inheritor of Storm Knight, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Executioner of Disasters, received the teachings of the Star Mentor, and cooperated with the Exile of Pus, just to hunt the Abyss Disasters. As a member of the logistics team, it is precisely because I admire the Executioner of Disasters who are on the road to certain death like you that I am willing to follow you here to rebuild the city-state after the defeat."

"We should return to the Great Rift and unite all forces!"

Leon said: "We are not here to linger on, we are gathering strength and regrouping, just to return to the Great Rift again. The old nobles you know are blessed by the Magic Ring, so they have gone completely crazy after the Magic Ring was broken. If we want to gather more power, we must deal with them."

According to Leon, all the old nobles must die, and attacking Goliath is far more important than returning to the Great Rift to fight.

"You swore allegiance to me," Leon said.

Yang raised his head: "So I will die for you!"

There is no need to continue the conversation here. In the end, the decision still depends on power and status.

Different from the atmosphere in Leon.

The undead under Lind were very excited. They had made sufficient preparations just for the next siege.

More than 200 people approached and immediately attracted the patrols on the walls of Leon City.

Lind didn't say anything, and the undead had already rushed up on their own initiative, shouting strange words as a matter of course:

"Hmph, if you want to fight, then fight!"

"Tonight at 8 o'clock, if you are a brother, come and chop me!"

"Wait for me in the Sand City, you wait for me~!"

50 two-headed people rushed to Leon City with a roar.

They did not listen to Lind's orders, but had internal communication.

NPC, just stand aside and watch.

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