The lord is red again

Chapter 168 Enrollment Leaflet

With loyalty to the Lord and faith in honor in their hearts, they rushed towards the flickering fire in the air.

It was an illusory figure, floating half a person's height above the ground.

It was obvious that it was a woman, her cheeks twisted in pain, and there was a clear cut on her neck, which immediately reminded Reed and others of the frozen but swollen body they had found before.

It was indeed a ghost, and they could see the building behind her through her eyes.

Her painful screams echoed in the ears of several people, which was very strange. As a ghost, her voice seemed to be easily blown away by the cold wind blowing in her face.

Reed did not hesitate at all and charged again. He muttered to himself and used prayer to awaken the dormant power in his body. Even if he was very proficient in mastering this power, he could not miss this step.

Some processes must not be abandoned, and omitting some processes means suicide.

No one can miss this step. There is only one person who can use his own power like body instinct, and that is the Lord.

Reed charged without thinking, holding high the sword with a long tail of flames due to the charge, and chopped it at the illusory figure.

It was like slashing at the air, without any contact.

Pulling the reins to remind the Disaster Horse to stop, the reins are not used to force the horse to stop, because the Disaster Horse will not stop because of a little force, even if you stick a knife into its head, it will not stop at will.

Only the soul-lost chain tied to it is the source of slavery.

Reed turned his head and looked back.

Bad bad news.

Ghosts cannot be touched.

The other party was still howling, but the sound was covered by the subsequent charge of the horse's hooves, just with his mouth open and a ferocious expression wailing.

"Don't worry about it, go back and find the body!" Reed made a quick judgment: "Try to burn the body."

He must use all the methods he can think of to try to solve the problem. Even if he encountered a difficult problem, he could not immediately go back to the lord for help.

Trust comes from loyalty and ability. He already has loyalty, but he must also show that he is worthy of the lord's trust.

The loyalty of mediocre people is not precious.

A big knight turned around and rushed back. It was not easy to light a fire in the cold wind, so the big knight opened his arms and bombarded the corpse with explosive flames.

The burst of fire could also be seen from Reed's position, as if it had ignited half of the street.

The huge explosion crushed the sobbing wind whistle.

The female ghost was still crying.

The soldier walked back, not riding a horse.


A disaster horse dragged its tired and seriously injured body, broke free from the control of the soul-lost chain and rushed over. The disaster was out of control.

"Kill it!" Reed shouted.

Immediately, someone rushed up on the disaster horse. What happened just now was obvious... The big knight did not burn the body, but fired a "Clory's Explosion" at his own disaster horse!

What happened?

The disaster horse was as fragile as paper in front of the big knight's charge and was easily torn apart.

Reed led the remaining people to form a semi-encirclement, looking at the knight standing there motionless.

"What's going on?" Reed asked.

The others raised their weapons slightly. Even when facing their former comrades, they were still on guard. Things were already developing in a weird direction. Right under their noses, something went wrong with their own people.

The voice of the knight "Dome" came from the gap in the helmet: "You will be burned to ashes by Dome's flames!"

He rushed towards Reed with a sword raised, but Reed was high above and successfully picked up the long sword in his hand.

The knight, who had obviously begun to lose control, was greatly reduced in his combat level. Reed just had a feeling that he was not facing a knight who had been tempered on the battlefield for a long time, but a staggering old man holding a long sword and trying to chop him with an unfamiliar body.

Without a weapon, the knight howled strangely, and flames burned in his hands.

Accompanied by the sound of "sizzling" grilled meat on the iron plate.

In this world, so far, the only one who dares to use "Clory's Fury" on his own body is the Lord. Others can't even cover the blade of the sword with flames.

And the Great Knight just skipped the prayer, an absolutely indispensable step.

Being covered with anger is no different from burning yourself with flames.

"Crazy!" Reed jumped off the horse and punched the soldier's head quickly, and the fist hit the visor and made a "dong" sound.

There is also a gap between the Great Knights. Reed, who was taught the skills by the Lord himself, is one of the strongest.

The fists are fast and fierce, punching continuously and hitting hard.

It's like knocking a broken bell, and the dong sound continues.

Blood overflowed from the gap of the Great Knight's visor. Reed lowered his body and hugged the opponent's waist, then suddenly lifted him up and slammed him to the ground.

Finally controlled the opponent.

"Put out the fire!"

The helmet had already rolled to the side, and the soldier who had suffered from Reed's continuous punches had fainted on the ground, with his visor completely deformed and sunken.

The bridge of the knight's nose was completely broken, and blood was gushing out.

But fortunately, the fire that was burning his arm was extinguished after he lost consciousness.

At least he saved his life.

"Dome!" Reed gritted his teeth at this name. He didn't mind fighting on the battlefield, but he hated the other party's manipulation of his mind and fiddling with his trust.

"Tie him up!" Reed knew that it would be useless to do so. After waking up, the other party only needed to ignite the extraordinary power in his body and he would be able to turn into a burning fireman again.

I hope he won't lose control again.

Who should I pray to? If I don't know, then pray to the Lord.

The exploration of Weeping Town should end here. Reed asked everyone to gather together and no longer act separately. They returned to the female corpse.

The corpse, with its throat open like a big mouth, lay stiffly in the cold wind.

He found a wooden stick, covered the stick with anger, and then placed the stick on the corpse.

The wind suddenly became impatient, tearing at the flames, and instead of extinguishing the flames, it pulled the flame curtain up a few points, making it look more turbulent and crazy.

The corpse was also ignited, and the flames finally got out of control.

"Is the ghost still there?"


Reed looked back, and his sight seemed to be able to see the ghost emitting white light through the darkness and the cover of the house.

He already knew that Duomei was not a ghost, but a wizard, but the other party's strangeness and difficulty were obviously beyond imagination, and the way the knight's mind was affected just now reminded Reed of the abyssization some time ago.

That special plague that would make people's minds fluctuate violently after just one look, and would be alienated after contact.

Reed didn't even know whether to return to Star Dragon City now. If this strange situation could be contagious, the best preparation they should make was to find Duomei before all went out of control, kill him, or all die here.

As the flames burned, Reed suddenly found a piece of paper under the female corpse, and he quickly reached out and pulled the paper out of the fire.

A small part was burned, but fortunately it didn't affect reading.

There was even better news, he knew most of the words in it, and only a few sentences he couldn't read.

He instinctively felt that this matter was inseparable from the content on the paper.

He shook the paper and put out the flames.

Reed tremblingly smoothed the paper, and struggled to recognize the words on it word by word.

"XX school XX enrollment tomorrow, witch XX Ms. Morena, principal Mr. Dome, welcome" the following text stopped abruptly.

The reason why the Weeping Town was deserted seemed to have been found.

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