The lord is red again

Chapter 194 Throw three in and combine into one (38K)

Chapter 194 Throw three in, combine into one (3.8K)

Linde rode the Calamity Horse and left Star Dragon City, with Reed only by his side. He also took away the [Banshee Horn], and reminded the inside of Star Dragon City that the limited-time free trial was over and the game copy was closed.

It didn't matter whether he was dissatisfied or not, he needed a horn that could directly weaken the enemy's strength.

The Snake Catcher Fortress ignited the interest of the undead. When they heard that there were 10 imprisoned BOSSes, they were not afraid at all, but only excited.

Some people even considered using props and traps to kill the BOSS in the blind spot of vision. The fun of the game is not only to defeat the enemy head-on, but also to destroy the enemy in the evil way, and the latter is even more fun sometimes.

Stop by the roadside and set up camp to rest.

Reed took out the Star Grass to feed the Disaster Horse. Because it had been with Lind for a long time, the Disaster Horse grew stronger than ordinary horses. When Lind was not in the mood to deal with it, he would throw some fragments of the Heart of Disaster into the horse's mouth at will, turning it into a force to strengthen its body.

The most obvious thing was that the teeth in the horse's mouth became sharp, and the teeth were like curved daggers.

Reed was also very alert when feeding the horse, fearing that his arm would be bitten off accidentally. His thin arms really couldn't block a bite.

This place is not too far from the Soul Valley. When the footsteps of the undead covered this place, it meant that there would soon be no trace of the disaster here.

"Those ghosts" Reed couldn't bear it after all. He tentatively patted the Disaster Horse that Lind rode, and found that the horse seemed to be impatient for a moment, so he immediately retracted his hand: "My lord, do we really have a way to deal with those ghosts?"

Lind was staring at the bonfire that Reed had just built, and was in a trance.

He was thinking whether it would be better to insert a spiral sword on it; or to set up a grill on it and let a few cats in clothes grill meat next to it.

Black smoke billowed, but the flames were not strong.

Fanning the air to make the flames burn bigger, Linde answered Reed's question casually: "Don't worry, I learned how to deal with them from Morena and Domei. They are not untouchable."

Pure physical attacks cannot touch them, but as long as you use some magic, there will be no problem.

Enchanted sword oil is also being developed. Although the technology is not mature, it is not difficult to make melee weapons also cause similar effects to magicians.

And Linde has the [Banshee Horn]. According to the pigeon girl Selina, Linde can just swing the horn and smash it, and maybe those ghosts will be enslaved directly into the horn, just like when he caught her.

At this time, the area where they camped was open, and the wide field of vision also ensured that even if there was a disaster or other things attacking, they could still react in time.

"Tell me more about your experience in the depths of the Soul Valley."

"Yes," Reed described his frightening experience as clearly as possible.

What awaits Lind ahead may be special weapons or a very difficult ghost boss. The former can enhance Lind's strength, and the latter can allow Lind to harvest unexpected materials. Everything is a resource.

"They are attracted by the sound in the stone door," Reed said his guess.

"It means that they follow a certain order, or have a strict code of conduct," Lind said: "If it is the former, what awaits us may be a wizard who controls the undead. If it is the latter, it may be an ancient magic circle."

Since contacting Dome, Lind usually hears the most about "ancient magic". His concept is similar to that of the master of secret patterns in "The Ancient Legend of the Twins·Volume 3". The times have been developing, and there has been no knowledge gap before the magic ring is broken. Why are ancient things better?

Or is the so-called ancient magic simply another civilization?

Duo Mei couldn't give him a clear answer. Even when Lind asked these questions, the other party had already extended hundreds or thousands of guesses based on this point.

"What about the ghost's outfit?"

"It's very messy."

The two chatted about Soul Valley, but soon they talked about the Snake Catcher's Fortress, and then talked about the court painter Boyd. What can men talk about? National affairs? The future of the territory? You have to talk, but you can't talk all the time. How can a man with vigor and blood resist talking about things that he likes to hear and see.

They ate a little. Both of them had a big appetite. In order to travel light, they only brought a small amount of food and water. The rest were bottles and jars of magic potions. Drinking medicine can also replenish physical strength, but the stomach will growl.

The sky was clear at night. Looking up at the sky, it seemed that the sudden heavy rain a few days ago had carefully washed the sky above. It was hard to believe that the battlefield where countless corpses fell that day was actually in the same area and under the same night sky as this moment of tranquility.

In March, the night wind was very cool.

The broken moonlight fell again, and if you look closely, you can even see the stars hidden in the corner.

After entering the Soul Valley, the two of them stopped chatting unconsciously, and there was only the sound of horse hooves stepping on the ground.

The air was cold.

The visual range of the eyes was very close, and Linde suddenly missed Duomei at this time. If he brought the old guy here, at least he would have an extra human flashlight.

They tried to light the torch, but the cold air seemed to be very sensitive to flames.

It was possible to light the fire with extraordinary power, but it would waste and sacrifice too much power. It was completely unnecessary to waste power in order to hurry.

It was no problem to travel in the dark. Linde's hearing was very sensitive, especially when the visual range of his eyes was limited, his attention became more focused and he could hear more.

Entering the Weeping Town, passing through the crooked and dilapidated houses that were worse than the ruins after the war, and walking on the slopes mixed with mud and loneliness.

The road after passing through the town was very difficult to walk. The stone thorns that grew wildly like thorns were scattered in every corner where you could land, while the Thousand Layer Rocks on both sides looked like neatly arranged red brick walls, flat and smooth.

Entering this place was like falling into a deep pit that could penetrate a person, surrounded by smooth walls, and there was no way to escape.

They advanced in the dark for about several hours, and even the Star Grass was taken out for lighting, but they didn't expect that the wild grass suddenly played the role of "carrot", attracting the Disaster Horse to chase and run forward quickly.

It was a bit difficult for the two to see in the dark, but the Disaster Horse had no such confusion at all, and it was not affected at all when it rushed forward.

As they went deeper and deeper, the temperature was dropping rapidly.

Something disturbing was announcing its appearance in an unpleasant way. Linde quickly took off the secret crossbow from his waist, and an arrow injected with the power of fire flew out, successfully piercing the stone wall dozens of steps away.

Flames erupted in the darkness, and the firelight disc player spread darkness and coldness, with flying debris from the explosion.

The arrows inserted into the stone wall continued to burst out with a light comparable to that of a torch in an unreasonable way. This was the result of Linde's massive infusion of power.

A stone door was quietly embedded in the stone wall, and the open door had a stone staircase leading down.

This was a tomb, and the style of the tomb was very much like that of a noble lord. Linde had visited his grandfather's tomb, and there was even an elderly gravekeeper there.

It was said that it would be filled with jewels, various burial objects, and of course, gold.

The Rand Kingdom loved gold the most. It was said that the ancestors of the Alman family all used golden coffins, which was quite luxurious.

"Woo woo" the sound of crying and sobbing suddenly came.

Linde also felt that something was staring at his body.


He had felt it before in the choir of Archbishop Kazhan, who was at the heroic level, but this level of curse was insignificant, and only gave him goose bumps and a little nausea.

"My Lord!" Reed's reaction was slower, he was just an ordinary knight.

Reed was muttering to himself, accumulating strength.

However, Lind never had the need to "read the bar". He jumped out of the disaster warhorse, and the palm burst into flames, and the terrifying heat illuminated everything in front. It was a ghost floating in the air, missing a leg, no chin, and a fat tongue covered with blisters stretched out like an octopus tentacle. The fingers of both hands were very long, and the fingertips and nails were completely integrated into an extended steel needle.

When Lind was moving, it also whistled towards Lind, and the half-pointed fingers of the steel needle went straight to Lind's head. Lind had taken off the [Banshee Horn] in his right hand. The bull-horn-shaped horn was like a short-handled hammer in his hand, shining with purple light.

The ghost rushed over with his damaged body, and met Lind's body flying over with a hammer. The horn hit his head, and the ghost's body trembled violently, but it seemed that he did not expect the horn to have such a terrifying power, and his soul body began to tremble.

Lind tentatively stretched out his left hand, but unfortunately he did not catch the ghost's body, so he had to use the horn in his right hand to make up a hammer, smashing his body apart.

"My lord, are you okay?" Reed, who finally completed the accumulation of strength, also jumped off the horse, holding the flaming long sword in his hand.

"It's just ugly to me," Lind shook his head.

When you can't touch it, the ghost is indeed difficult to deal with, but after having the means to deal with it, the ghost's strength is estimated to be less than level 10.

"Let's go, remember to be careful." Lind took the lead and entered the stone gate.


Entering the tomb and going down, Lind became more and more certain that this must be the tomb of a noble of the Rand Kingdom. Various gold products were piled up on the ground, and he even saw a large number of Rand gold coins.

Nowadays, due to the increase in the number of undead in Star Dragon City, the demand for gold coins is increasing. Linde does need more Rand gold coins. Otherwise, he has to pay points just to go to the tavern for a drink, which makes points seem too omnipotent.

As we all know, there are several ways to make money in a game. Lottery and opening boxes are necessary; value modification, which Linde can't do; point card payment, he can't do it either.

But he can increase the types of currency, so that the undead have to grind another currency for a certain material.

Going deeper and deeper, the surrounding walls seem to have the function of swallowing sound, swallowing up the footsteps of the two. If the two could not hear each other's breathing, they would probably think that each other was deaf.

The humming sound came again. This time it was Reed who rushed up first, ignited the long sword through "Clory's Fury", and then used the magic sword oil to ensure that the ghost could be hurt.

The ghost that rushed over was swept away by Reed's upward sword, and the blade turned again, and it had already pierced into its body. The blade twisted and turned, and the ghost exploded.

The number of ghosts encountered increased. They wandered around unconsciously, but would rush forward immediately when they found the presence of living people.

Reed gradually began to struggle. After his flaming sword burned several times, it could only produce a trace of red light.

It was Lind who led the way. The ghosts were completely unable to stop Lind's steps. The heavy breathing and the whistling wind collided in the narrow passage of the tomb. Reed, standing behind, once again watched the Lord's wild fighting style bursting with flames.

The broken sword could not be swung here, but Lind holding the horn was still frightening. Those difficult ghosts were like moths flying into the fire, screaming in front of him, and then exploded.

Lind easily shuttled and jumped among the ghosts, bringing almost barbaric rampage and boiling heat to the piercing cold underground tomb passage.

"Hush!" Lind raised his finger.

Reed, who had just caught up, saw the Lord's gesture and subconsciously lowered his voice. When he got close to Lind, his eyelids jumped.

There was a huge open space in front, which did not look like the main tomb chamber, but rather like an arena built in the tomb.

There were flickering blue flames around, as if there were twisted and struggling human faces in every cluster of flames.

The ghosts with gray bodies floated and crowded together, and there were probably hundreds of them.

They died in different ways. They were not as crazy as when they pounced on the two. Instead, they were arranged in an orderly manner.

Among them, there was a group of ghosts wearing armor, who seemed to have a higher status and guarded around.

The breath on his body probably touched the edge of the great knight.

The two tried to lower their bodies as much as possible, but the ghosts probably didn't react to the sound. Linde's fighting style had nothing to do with silence.

"Is there really something? What are they doing?"

"Look there," Linde pointed to a corner in front.

The ghosts lined up and approached a well. They should still have some memories of their lives, at least they must have the instinct to survive. Under the gaze of the sword-wielding ghost, they jumped into the well reluctantly.

One ghost, two ghosts, three ghosts... Then, a brand new ghost came out, and it was also wearing armor.

"Are they reborn?"

"It should be a kind of soul fusion," Linde whispered his guess.

Throwing three in and merging into one, the sense of déjà vu is a bit strong.

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