The lord is red again

Chapter 206 Space Barrel, Disaster Cultivation Plan

The undead have disappeared for more than ten days.

It is April now.

The air is getting warmer, but the ground is still barren, and plants are trying to grow but cannot sprout.

Many "services" in Star Dragon City have also come to a standstill because of the disappearance of the undead.

The various products scheduled to be produced in the rear industrial town are slowly filling up the warehouse.

The products are unsalable, but they have lost buyers.

The prosperity of the previous few months is like a busy illusion.

Lind has also come to the industrial town again after half a month. He can now be sure that the undead will not come back in a short time, but how long the "one-day update" will last is uncertain. Maybe it will be 1 month, maybe 1 year, maybe more than 10 years, or hundreds of years?

What he has to do now is to solve the problem of survival.

"What do you want to say, old Cherry?" Lind looked at the old Cherry, who had already started to be bald. His age has exceeded the average life expectancy, and the old guy doesn't know how long he can live.

"Our food is consumed very quickly, and those idiots always eat like pigs." Old Cherry straightened his posture.

No one dared to disrespect the lord in front of them, especially when looking at the behemoth parked in the small square of Prey Town.

Flying dragon!

The soldiers' eyes were fanatical, and ordinary people's legs were weak.

"We should restrict them. Now they don't have so much work to do, so they can eat less." Old Chelly counted on his fingers, and his loose mouth would splash a lot of saliva when he spoke: "Eat one meal a day, no, no, no, eat one meal every two days, just let them barely survive, you are always too kind."

"I'm here to solve this problem." Linde didn't mind having a character like Grandet under his command. Sometimes the image of being mean and greedy is easier to reassure than doing everything for others.

"But" Old Chelly opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say the words after but.

The lord in front of him was no longer the poor little man who was willing to be slaughtered by himself just to see the pharmacist.

"I want to see Bard first. We can talk about you later... um, by the way." Lind was about to turn around and leave, but he remembered something and said, "You can let the residents reduce the production of small parts, but there is no need to reduce the work. The focus should be shifted to the production of armor and weapons."

It is impossible for all people to be soldiers, but he can train a group of strong soldiers.

When he saw the figure with four arms again, Lind couldn't hold back the smile on his face, and when Bard took out the heavy bucket, he smiled with white teeth, very bright.


"My lord!" Bard was studying something with two hands, and scratching his head with the other two hands. Four arms seemed quite convenient.

"I received your good news and flew over immediately."

"Fly?" Bard's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes, I heard from Lance that you, you have a flying dragon!"

"Fire Tumor Alex" Lind said: "But I'm sorry, its skin and bones must grow intact on its body while it is still alive. Even if it dies, I may treat it as a teammate's funeral."

"Of course, of course I know, but can you let me see it? A flying dragon, I have a lot of mechanisms, and by the way, I can also install some new mechanisms for it."

"No problem, as long as you are not afraid of heat, you can get close to it as much as you want" Lind nodded.

His eyes were on the heavy barrel, which looked like a wine barrel, but it seemed to be made of steel. He could feel its weight just by looking at it.

"This is the barrel you made, right?"

"Yes, I call it 'logistics', just like the logistics troops that are absolutely indispensable for the operation of the army." Bud smiled: "I put a lot of things in it, including traps, weapons, and food. It has enough capacity for a carriage."

"Show me!"

The internal space of the iron barrel is completely different from what the naked eye sees. It can hold a lot of things. Bud first put bags of food in it, and the capacity obviously exceeded the volume of the iron barrel itself. Then he stuffed some weapons, armor, etc. in it.

Linde came to the iron barrel and stretched out his hand to grab the barrel. It was very heavy.

The weight was roughly equivalent to the sum of those things just now. Not only that, when the weight of a carriage is concentrated in an iron barrel, it is like an iron stake nailed to the ground. Ordinary people can't move it at all.

"Can it be changed?" Lind asked, "For example, make it into a quiver, I think our soldiers will definitely like it."

Bard shook his head: "Sir, carrying hundreds of arrows is not conducive to action."

"Then hang it on the horse's back, the disaster warhorse can ignore these."

Lind thought and said, "Does it have to be in the shape of a barrel?"

"Solidity is very important, sir, if you have something stronger than steel, like dragon skin."

"I want dragon skin too!" I am just a lord, not a lamp god.

"Hehe" Bard scratched his head and didn't dare to answer. He also knew that his request was a bit difficult.

"But if it is a stronger skin, such as some disaster monsters, or some naturally strong parts..."

Lind restrained his thoughts from diverging too far.

"Just make a batch like this first," Lind said, "Make sure every defensive arrow tower has it."

For wars and conflicts that may occur at any time, Lind is more willing to be fully prepared.

After talking about the space props, Lind is more concerned about it.

Linde took out a stack of drawings.

Soilless cultivation!

This land is cursed by disaster, and plants buried underground cannot grow. Mutated plants that can grow in the shadow area of ​​disaster are only suitable for mutant people to eat.

Not only the old nobles have been abandoned by the times, but also the ordinary people who still retain their human bodies have been abandoned by the times, but they have not yet realized it. It will probably take a few years or decades before normal human beings will disappear in this world.

If someone chooses to transform their race like Sheruba and others, they can directly become a race that can cater to the new world.

It is impossible for Linde to abandon his identity, but aesthetically he cannot accept being green all over.

The food grown out of the soil obviously meets his needs.

At first, the undead also tried to carry out soilless cultivation, but they could not technically meet the requirements in a short period of time. Later, the undead, who were busy fighting monsters and upgrading, lost their energy. After Linde launched various "activities" unique to Star Dragon City, , even casual players have to earn points for new clothes.

Not too busy at all.

"It won't take long." Bud patted his chest and made a clanging sound.

The circulatory system is not difficult to make, and the nutrient solution has been successfully produced with the joint efforts of many pharmacists.

A planting area was set up not far from the town of Prey.

Among the first batch of trial-planted plants was the fastest-growing cress. Within a few days, you could see the cress with its tentacles extending in the nutrient solution. The growth was very gratifying.

It won't be long before Linde can eat vegetables from the "old days" again.

Large planting areas have sprung up from the ground.

The effect of the nutrient solution is very good, and magic should play a great role in it.

A group of people were arranged to leave the industrial town, enter the soilless cultivation area, and live in surrounding dormitories.

“It will take about two months to usher in the first harvest.”

Linde has been west of the foothills of Honglong Mountain recently.

The foothills of Honglong Mountain are a natural barrier that can isolate possible dangers from all directions and save more energy for defense.

The 30th day after the undead disappeared.

Star Dragon City.

At night, soldiers patrolled the city with torches.

The pitch-black night completely enveloped Xinglong City tonight. Dark clouds appeared overhead again at some point, and another spring rain was about to come uninvited.

Before the torches were extinguished, the patrolling knights put on oil lamps with a weaker illumination range. They also walked faster and put on their raincoats before the rain fell.

Spring thunder pierced the sky and poked a big hole in the rain clouds.

The sound was intercepted by the thunderstorm.

"Something happened over there!" The sky suddenly glowed with red light.

Domei's messy magic knowledge can always play some role, such as now being able to give a warning at the first time.

The signal drew the patrolling knights to their feet, and the rainy night became restless.

"It looks like a cage for blood lambs!" The knight who spoke raised his hand and wiped his face, then shook his hand to scatter the rainwater.

The lightning in the sky came in time, the blue light illuminated the front, and the iron cage broke open!

Blood lamb, the "suicide drug" for immortality.

In order to ensure that the "crazy blood" of the blood lambs can be adequately supplied, Linde and the undead people intentionally or unintentionally feed the blood lambs with fragments of the Heart of Disaster. This also causes the blood lambs, which are originally only the size of a small baby, to grow beyond the normal limits.

The sound of raindrops hitting the armor and the ground seemed to be mixed with the sound of something breathing.

The knight on the far left reacted quickly and bent his arms to block his chest. His vision was instantly shrouded by a thick figure, and then huge power surged in. As a knight, his body was knocked away uncontrollably.

A wall collapsed and half of him was buried in rubble.

The imprisoned "little beast" made a sneak attack and injured his companions, which made the great knights who came over furious. They looked at the figure who had completely broken free from the shackles of the chains.

Its body became very strong, its skin was blood red, and it exuded a fishy odor that even rain could not wash away.

Unknowingly, this blood lamb was promoted to the "Grand Knight Level".

But its counterattack is destined to fail to stir up trouble. Taking advantage of the rainy night to carry out a sneak attack is the limit of what it can do, and then it will face the anger from the great knights.

When Linde learned that a blood lamb broke free and successfully attacked and seriously injured a great knight, he looked a little surprised.

The blood lamb with its limbs cut off returned to its cage, and the chains were reinforced one after another.

When Linde took the initiative to approach, the knight beside him nervously stood up to protect him.

"I guess the one who needs the least protection here is me, right?" Linde looked at the great knight with a smile and said, "Don't be too nervous. What happened today was indeed an accident. Just pay more attention in the future. How about that brother?"

"He has drank the healing potion and will be fully recovered tomorrow morning."

"Let him rest for a while. I hope he can exert his full strength next time he holds the sword instead of fighting with injuries."

Lind looked at the blood lamb. He had had a similar idea before. If he kept feeding it with fragments of the heart of disaster, he might be able to breed a real disaster.

Now, it seems to be successful.

But there must be some opportunity, and this is definitely not a level that can be achieved by "feeding" and "supporting".

"When will Domei come? Also bring Miko, Morena, Brittany, and all the wizards from Star Dragon City!"


Facing the rainy night, all the wizards were summoned by the lord. When they learned that Star Dragon City had actually "raised" a real disaster on their own, their expressions became very exciting.

Disasters appear after the end of the world, and their appearance has changed from being incomprehensible to becoming a matter of course.

When a disaster suddenly occurs in a certain area, it is like being thirsty and asking for water. There is no need to ask why, it is like the instinct of this land.

"Sir" Domei approached the tied blood lamb with great interest: "I may know how it was born."

Linde looked at him, and everyone else turned their eyes to look at Domei.

"Maybe it can listen to a certain sound like us, right?" Dome rejected herself, and then said: "The power we take the potion comes from the disaster, and the power we steal comes from the lost power of the magic ring. Listening to all the God’s voice is only determining its own path, not going crazy and turning into disaster.”

"They have always been able to hear a certain sound." Dome took a deep breath, and he spoke very freely: "But it has never been able to understand it. Their brains cannot understand it, but tonight it gained strength. That’s enough, and it understands it, and it may even have something to do with tonight’s thunder and lightning.”

"There are a lot of thunderstorms at this time of year," Linde said. "You can try it slowly. I hope we can master the technology of cultivating disasters."

Only by cultivating Calamity and mass-producing Calamity Heart can we mass-produce great knights and wizards.

"Can you give it to me?"

"Of course, looking forward to your good news."

1,200 monthly votes, 24,000 words, plus the 40,000 words I said before if I wanted to add more updates. There are 30 days in June, so the target for next month is 340,000 words. Thank you for your support.

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