The lord is red again

Chapter 214 Whispering Woman

Whispering Po is a hunchbacked woman, wearing a tattered linen robe, and walking with difficulty, and leaning on a cane that looks like an enlarged human leg bone.

There are many decorations hanging on it, such as spice bags, skulls, bells, leather packages, etc.

Carrying such a heavy cane to walk around does not match her image of a frail old woman. At least an ordinary adult male would have a hard time carrying a cane.

Although she did not have any special smell, Raniya could not help but slightly sniffed the moment she saw the figure of Whispering Po. She knew that her action was not very polite, but this was the first time she had seen such a "disheveled" audience.

Long before this, whether people wanted to see the queen or the princess, they had to go through a long period of aristocratic etiquette training.

Don't care too much about those things, you have no choice, Raniya said in her heart.

Otherwise, she would not have taken the initiative to seek help from the other party after knowing that Whispering Po was an evil witch.

"Your Majesty, the Queen" Whispering Po spoke with a strong southern accent. Perhaps because she was older, she didn't have many teeth and swallowed her words heavily.

Rania's eyes subconsciously fell on her large hooked nose with loose skin. The fleshy mole on the bridge of her nose was very eye-catching.

"How should I call you, Whispering Po?" Rania asked.

"I lost my name when I gained this power. Whispering Po is me, giggle." Whispering Po nodded and made a cute giggle similar to that of a little girl, which made people creepy.

Rania took a deep breath: "I heard that your ability is very special, you can listen."

"Listen to the whispers, your great queen!" Whispering Po said: "I can hear all the whispers, and sometimes I can hear the future, although that sound is always unclear."

Rania reached out and stroked her silver-white hair.

Her hair was piled high. This hairstyle symbolized elegance in Goliath's golden palace. It took a group of maids more than an hour to braid this hair every day.

There is nothing worse than using hair to express nobility.

She was reflecting on whether her behavior of inviting Whispering Po to come was correct. Raniya was better at communicating with rational people. She ran her fingers across her delicate and noble cheeks. Her innate noble blood made her very beautiful, and the nobleness and domineering aura born as a queen were the unique style of the whole country.

The slightly raised chin curve was the oppression of her superior.

Whispering Po stopped her laughter and lowered her head.

As a witch, Whispering Po might really have some skills, but when she faced the queen of the kingdom, her pretentious madness looked very funny under heavy pressure.

Momentum is what the superior is best at using.

Although it was Raniya who asked for help this time, she was not ready to be humble. The king had his own way of asking for help, just like now.

"Whispering Po, if your ears are really sharp, you must have heard a lot of stories. The kingdom has encountered some minor troubles, just like a sick warhorse. We need a doctor."

Raniya also had a headache. The struggle for power was still above the disaster, and the end of the world could not dispel the desire for power of the remaining people.

But she performed very well, keeping elegance in her expression: "I need you to listen to the future and find a way that may heal the wound."

"This is very troublesome," said the Whispering Po, but immediately she quickly said: "I will prepare for you immediately after I go back, and I will prepare for you as soon as possible."

"No, you are here," Raniya smiled: "I can't wait to know what you heard."

Whispering Po swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The door behind her opened, and two big knights in gorgeous suits and heavy armor walked in, exuding warmth like the red sun, which made Whispering Po feel very uncomfortable

"But I still need..."

"You will have everything you need, no matter what you lack," said Raniya.

Whispering woman didn't dare to refuse at all, just like when she learned that the queen was looking for her, she never thought of refusing, because refusal was never within the range of choices for the weak.

"Yes" Whispering woman obviously couldn't laugh anymore.

The method of divination and obedience was very complicated, but Rania Hedwin had been watching intently, and she was protected by various powers.

The broken magic ring cursed the nobles. As a king, she didn't even dare to touch that power, but ordinary soldiers didn't have this distress, but their talents were limited, and taking potions was a very dangerous thing. Most knights didn't dare to drink deeper potions before they were fully sure.

Rania sat at the table. After being forced to leave Goliath and come to the Baya territory, the new "great lord" knew that she liked wooden tables very much and sent one over as soon as possible.

Made of oak, it was very similar to her dressing table, but this table was also decorated with ivory, gold powder and gems.

The proportion of gold color was very high, and the Kingdom of Rand respected gold.

Rania tapped the table lightly with her fingers. The sound of her fingertips tapping against the table was very clear in the specially cleaned "prophecy room".

The soldiers' breathing was blocked by their helmets, so they probably couldn't hear this sound.

Only the Whispering Woman seemed to be stimulated. She circled and spun, her eyes flashing with light, and she muttered fragmentary words.

To predict the future related to Rania, she needed her cooperation, so although she was full of oppression, she was an absolutely indispensable figure sitting here.

"Dragon" Whispering Woman uttered the first word.

Very good!

Dragon, the family emblem of the Hedwin family, if the Whispering Woman did not make it up, the direction was correct.


The second word was very directional.

Gold is not only the most favorite thing of the Rand Kingdom, but also the impression of the surrounding countries on the Rand Kingdom, which is related to the revival of the Rand Kingdom.

"Sun... Black Flame"

Rania stopped tapping her fingers for a while. She began to be unable to understand, and her brows wrinkled unconsciously. The sound of her fingers tapping the table has stopped.

What is the sun, the proof of the sun? The Church of the Sun?

Then what about the black flame?

"Rage, killing," the whispering woman spoke faster, "anger, destruction, death..."

The face with loose skin suddenly raised its head and looked at Rania: "I heard your voice and a deep man's voice, intercepted from a certain future."

Rania's frown slowly relaxed.

The whispering woman's pretentious voice made her a little irritated, and no one could keep a queen's appetite.

"What did you hear?"

"I always hope that you will die, Rania," the whispering woman called the queen's name directly.


The sword was unsheathed.

The great knights surrounded her, and they could kill her here with the disrespectful words of the whispering woman.

"Stop," Rania stopped the great knights: "This is just a prophecy, don't take it too seriously, but whispering woman, is everything you said true?"

She stared at the figure of the old witch, suppressing the other party with the aura that belonged to the king.

The whispering woman bent down: "I promise, Your Majesty, every word is true!"

"What she said is true, every word" a voice came from Rania's side, and the whispering woman who had been lowering her head felt tight in her heart.

The maid who stood quietly beside Rania was obviously also a witch, and she seemed to have the ability to identify the truth.

"You can leave, I will reward you with everything you need" Rania waved her hand.

This prophecy made Rania feel heavy in her heart, which meant that the people in front of her were not her last enemies, but someone who knew her and even called her name wanted to kill her.

Only the nobles could do this, even those who clamored to take her head had to call her queen, because many times those enemies would rather bless her with honor, so that when they cut off her head, they would gain more glory.

Is it really necessary to marry the great lord of Baya?

This is definitely the worst choice. The queen's face was ugly, but then she smiled at the idea that came to her in a moment of panic.

Then take the initiative to fight, she has never been afraid!

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