Linde had never thought about immersing himself in the ocean of knowledge. Whether it was him before time travel or Linde, the former son of a nobleman, he really didn't have much love for words.

But when he was able to draw strength from it, the immersion was overwhelming and he couldn't refuse.

"This is the collection of poems you need, my lord." The butler selected a thick stack of books and said, "Strictly according to your requirements, each of them comes from a certain secret belief."

These books are undoubtedly "forbidden books". In the Kingdom of Rand, which mainly believes in the "Three Gods", the Witness of the Sun is the mainstream belief.

There was even a trend of hunting witches... Of course, there have never been witches in the Rand Kingdom. It was just a way for some murderous bastard to vent violence.

However, at that time, even the believers of Yuni, the so-called moon witch, would be tied to the pillar of fire, which shows how difficult it is to retain this knowledge in the hearts of some crazy believers.

Lind looked at six books and this was definitely his biggest takeaway yet.

If all are true, it means that as long as he finds six magic potions similar to these religions, he can make his tree of knights grow more branches again.

"The Pied Piper, is this a sheet of music?" Linde flipped through a thin book.

"Yes, a story about mice." The butler nodded. If he wanted to show his role, he must answer all the questions of the new lord at this moment.

"I have heard similar stories," Linde said: "A man in colorful clothes played a flute. He claimed that he could catch mice, so he played the flute at the begging of the villagers, and the mice swarmed in as if they were bewitched. He came out and jumped into the river under his control, but the villagers refused to pay him, so the man played the flute again, but this time it was not the mouse that was taken away, but the child."

Linde looked at the sheet music and said: "This is a fairy tale we often hear. In my opinion, it is a bit bloody, but when I was a child, I only thought it was very interesting to control mice by playing the flute."

The housekeeper said: "Children are always innocent and will ignore cruel things."

"Where did it come from?" Lind asked.

"A circus," the butler recalled: "The leader of the circus, the bard, wrote this music score himself. It is said that in order to make the music spread further, he also developed some magic."

"A power system was created for this? A circus religion?" Linde wondered.

Then he thought about the long recorder, Numpo's ability to control mice, and the flute player he had met on the road.

He immediately ordered someone to bring the long recorder, and then played "The Pied Piper" according to the music score. The blessing weapon that had always been unsuccessful successfully emitted light!

"He is really a genius." Linde marveled at the other person's creativity.

Unfortunately, he only had this music score, but could not find the relevant potion formula. Lind thought that maybe he should send people to capture a few flute players, and then let the wizards make inferences.

Even if I can't use it myself, I believe that the bards under my command will not refuse this power.

Only if the entire population takes drugs can they keep up with the evolution of the version.

The second collection of poems: "Hymn to the Lion".

"It comes from a small sect called the Bloodthirsty Gang. Those people are bloodthirsty and advocate killing." The butler recalled: "I still remember the scene when the Duke returned after sending troops to exterminate that small gang. He was like an elephant. Such a tall lion requires dozens of people to pull a cart. Its blood is so hot that people infected with the lion's blood will suffer from red rashes for several months, and even develop a devastating infectious disease. ”

"A sect that believes in Warcraft?"

In an era when the per capita strength could not reach that of a great knight, this "god" of the sect was actually killed by a group of soldiers. Its power would probably disappoint people.

"The promotion of religion has nothing to do with God himself, my lord," said the steward.

"You're right." Lind flipped through "The Lion's Hymn" and found a potion formula from the onomatopoeia of the strange cry that was almost whimpering.

But it is a pity that the Great Knight is the end of this power.

If he could obtain a new heraldry power, Linde might not be too dissatisfied with the power of this great knight.

Providing new sigils is more important than new abilities.

The third collection of poems, "Miss Moon," is a collection of poems related to the moon. In terms of God's authority, it is too similar to the Moon Witch.

"This is a collection from the Kingdom of Black Marsh," the butler said: "The Duke once wiped out an illegal assembly village. There was something good at hiding itself hidden in it. The Duke's black iron hooves turned that village into a It was in ruins, and this forbidden book is the harvest of that war.

Linde was a little surprised by the fourth collection of poems, "Rand's Army Under the Golden Oath".

"It comes from Hedwin," the steward said, looking down.


The recipe for the magic potion would be given to me by someone, the "Her Majesty the Queen" to whom I swore allegiance.

In the fifth collection of poems, "Along the River," Linde tried to identify what type of religion it belonged to, but found that it was very much like a song, but it didn't come with it like "The Pied Piper." sheet music.

Even the butler shook his head and said he was not sure. There were too many collections that did not necessarily have a reason. They might just have appeared here because of some accident.

The sixth collection of poems, "The Last Refuge".

Two fast horses galloped along the path, and when the morning sun pierced the sky, they finally arrived at the valley.

"How could this happen?"

They looked at the Dark Night Orchard, which had been turned into ruins in the fire, and they were still panting.

"Are we sure we are in the right place?" the person on the left asked.

"Since Brother Blackfire agreed to come to Raven City," the person on the right said, "they were attacked by something, maybe an army."

"Are there any enemies nearby?"

"No one dares to approach, except those disasters."

The two men got off their horses and turned over the ruins, trying to find survivors, whether they were Brother Blackfire or unknown enemies.

But what they saw next shocked them. They found countless charred corpses, their bones twisted, and their deaths were miserable, as if they had all been beheaded.

But what really surprised them was not these corpses, but why there were so many people in Brother Blackfire's Dark Night Orchard.

"Brother Blackfire is missing."

"They are not loyal."

"Then go back and report."

"To whom?"

"The city lord, or...Prince Seven?"

The two were silent. The situation in Raven City was turbulent and undercurrents were surging.

As messengers, they only hope to save their lives and not be involved by any party.

But now it seems a bit difficult.

The right to choose is never in their hands.

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