The lord is red again

Chapter 250 What about the guaranteed 10 draws?

Although Star Dragon City has basically completed the "de-undeadization" in more than a year, it was done with difficulty while reducing production and consumption.

In this situation, development and progress will also become very difficult.

You won't starve to death, but don't expect the territory to change every day like when the undead existed.

From the development of Star Dragon City over the past year, it can be seen that without the undead, it is really difficult to rely on local people alone.

The undead are the resources themselves.

With their return, Star Dragon City has gained a group of cyber workers with human livers. They don't mind the hardship or tiredness. It's okay if they earn less, and they have great consumption power, and they don't consider whether the things they buy are practical.

Such residents are simply perfect.

Disasters have not disappeared from the north. New disaster shadow areas will appear every once in a while, and then give birth to new disasters.

There is no absolutely safe place in this world.

In the past, the disaster shadow areas needed Star Dragon soldiers to go to deal with them. Soldiers often had to bear huge pressure and could be injured or even killed if they were not careful.

But now the undead have returned, they are not afraid of death and will not feel pain, just right to complete the work in the disaster shadow area.

The rabbit-toothed witch smiled at the undead working busy, and her hands did not stop. The staff in her hand turned into a round fan because of the rotation, making a whistling sound of rapid wind.

Miss Miko was quite satisfied with the current results.

After Lind ran "Arman's Loot Warehouse" for the first time and succeeded, he began to think about a new prize pool.

There is also a saying about opening boxes. You can't put all the good things in the same prize pool.

If there are too many good things in a prize pool, the undead will think that as long as they brush this kind of prize pool, they can get anything. The consequence is that the undead only do one kind of work and only earn one kind of currency, which will cultivate the laziness of the undead.

And Lind's purpose is to only collect benefits and not provide services.

In order to prevent the undead from really being able to draw a large number of good things at once, he adopted a method of monopolizing a prize pool with a key prop.

The "must-win rewards" in the prize pool are divided into different prize pools. If the undead want to get all the key materials or equipment, they must invest more resources to brush the prize pools one by one.

This will achieve Lind's original goal: the benefits brought by the undead can be accepted, but no services can be provided.

When the blood lambs were slaughtered and the hearts of disasters were harvested, Lind mentioned that Miss Miko would produce a potion material box. Not only that, people like Dome, Miram, Morena, etc. can produce boxes in the future.

Miko can now understand the thoughts of the undead. The feeling of getting something for nothing is indeed addictive. She has been getting something for nothing with Lind, and there is no shortage of various resources. The only difference is that she never needs to open a box.

Some people can get the heart of disaster by opening a box. They must have made a lot of money, which inspired others.

Most people are likely to be emptied of points and cannot draw.

For Linde, as long as he harvested the points, it was fine. It didn't matter to him who made a profit or lost.

Miss Miko also fully grasped the essence of Linde's box. The only thing that made her a little nervous was that the things in it were too cheap. She was afraid that the undead would turn against her.

However, the actual situation was completely different from what she thought.

No one turned against her because of the garbage potion materials. They just scolded Linde and asked Miss Miko to help put a basin of water for washing hands.

Why scold Linde? Although this idea was given by Linde, the potions put into the material box were all put by Miko herself.

"Damn, is it true that they were drawn alone?"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation in the crowd, and everyone's eyes turned to the figure of the female undead.

Romantic glutton held the heart of disaster in his hand with a smile on his face.

Ace Aimu on the side was also excited to applaud. It really deserves to be the first European emperor romantic glutton in the game. There is no prize that she doesn't win!

"I still have two boxes," said the romantic glutton.

The next box opened four bottles of Crazy Blood, which caused the crowd to exclaim again. This was a large bottle of Crazy Blood, a magic medicine for hanging up, which was a material that was hard to buy even if you had money. Although it was not as precious as the Heart of Disaster, it was also a rare and precious potion.

Even many undead people regarded Crazy Blood as a magic medicine to "awaken themselves", because they really couldn't fight, but as long as they drank Crazy Blood, they could immediately burst out with powerful fighting power, and this feeling was addictive.

The last box was opened, and another Heart of Disaster!

"Fuck!" Someone couldn't help but swear.

People really can't compare.

"It's my turn!" Seeing the triumphant return of Romantic Eater, Ace Aimu was also extremely excited.

He had a lot of points, and with the luck of Romantic Eater, he would definitely draw it.

Rub your hands and start drawing with confidence!

One box, two boxes... nine boxes, ten boxes.

All of them were potion materials, not even a bottle of Crazy Blood, and all the points were wasted.

"Where's the guaranteed 10 draws?!" Ace Aimu was filled with hatred.

The thing that everyone fears most is comparison. Compared with the romantic good-for-nothing, his hands are simply stinky to the extreme.

Ace Aimu had no choice but to grit his teeth and continue opening the box until he spent all his points and finally succeeded in drawing the heart of disaster that belonged to him.

At this moment, his eyes were filled with tears.

"Finally got it!"

The prize pool draw for Miss Miko's potion material box is still going on.

Ace Aimu and the others have left, and they are going to upgrade now.


Linde contacted Star Dragon City through the portal and learned about the area of ​​Star Dragon City.

Sure enough, a large number of undead people poured in. Of course, he had seen such news on the official forum long ago.

He needed to know the situation of his territory in more detail to ensure that there would be no accidents.

After hearing that Miss Miko had learned from her experience and used her own method to draw the prize pool and succeeded, he was even more happy.

There were still many immature aspects of Miss Miko's prize pool draw, and Linde was forced to make changes and corrections.

The first problem was that the probability of the props given by Miss Miko was too low.

"It is the most basic to give some good things in ten draws," Linde emphasized: "People must win the prize."

If you draw 30 or 40 times in a row without even giving a guaranteed minimum, it is indeed easy for the undead to break the defense.

The other parts are also some small places that need attention.

It seems that I still have to be on the scene to open the prize pool in the future.

Although the small space-time gate was opened, Linde only regarded it as an opportunity for face-to-face chat and did not intend to cross it.

After hastily determining the follow-up actions, Linde disconnected the transmission link of the shuttle gate.

He was still very busy.

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