The lord is red again

Chapter 311: City of Gold

Linde sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a bowl in his left hand, which should be considered a small basin for others. Inside was boiling broth. After a rain lowered the temperature, the heat floating on the broth became more conspicuous.

He held a large piece of dry bread in his right hand.

Although he was not afraid of fire, it did not mean that he could drink hot soup without expression.

He blew the hot soup gently, drank a sip, and then took a big bite of the bread.

No one was qualified to waste food, this was the end of the world.

His teeth were like steel guillotines, and the dry bread was chopped up quickly, and swallowed into the stomach with a "gulp" sound as his cheeks bulged.

Every soldier who is good at fighting has a good appetite, and the great knight is the best among them. Strength does not appear for no reason.

Linde needs to eat a lot. In fact, he can also take potions to replenish his physical strength, but he enjoys the feeling of his mouth working.

It makes him feel alive.

The rain outside has become lighter.

Thick clouds were like a mattress spread overhead, the sky was dark, and only scattered beams of light penetrated the weak points of the clouds.

It was impossible to set up camp and rest. It was still afternoon, and they could at least advance a few dozen miles.

If the road ahead was flatter, they could make up for today's rest time.

The Riven soldiers finally caught up. The heavy rain spared them from lagging behind for more than 20 miles, but the subsequent roads were muddy and difficult to walk on. With this time, at least the distance between the two sides could be shortened.

The gravel road that had not been used for several years was like a broken huge fish bone. The long road that once ensured the passage from north to south was now only a desolate place without anyone to take care of it.

They passed by a sun church, but the years had corroded it beyond recognition. The roof had long been scattered on the ground, and the new mutant vines with vigorous vitality pulled the beams of the roof, like a spider web catching its prey.

The figure of the dragon knight on the lintel and arcade was broken, but this was the only way to identify which church this place belonged to.

The ruins of the collapsed walls were covered with serrated grape plants.

Encountering an abandoned church on the way back to the royal city from the border was like witnessing the decline of a country. This scene made the soldiers uncomfortable.

They camped late at night. There were few people in this area. A large number of undead finally received their missions and went out to investigate with satisfaction. They had to bring back important news while destroying the enemy.

However, Lind soon heard rumors about himself.

It was all over the forum!


"My lord, I definitely didn't tell anyone about your relationship with Miss Druids!" Doris puffed out her chest, but her swearing look was really unreliable.

"I haven't asked you what it was."

"Ah?" Doris lowered her head in panic.

She really didn't think that the group of undead would be so interested in Lord Lind's emotional life. She did accidentally say a little that day, but she promised that she only said a little, and most of it was true.

"The love-hate relationship between Rania and me, the love story between Tionne and me, how come I don't know it myself?"

Linde himself didn't know that he and Rania had so many unforgettable memories. Happy enemies may exist, but they won't appear between him and Rania.

The only possibility he could think of for his union with Rania was that he wanted to sleep with Rania, and Rania also needed her own strength to consolidate the kingship.

The relationship with Tionne was even more nonsense. She was a fiancée, but it didn't necessarily mean that the two had any feelings.

Marriage requires a lot of comprehensive considerations, and love happens to be the least worth mentioning part of it.

The more people have, the more they need to consider.

Tionne just happened to be suitable.

As for Miss Druids.

He wanted to swear, which was not a stain on his feelings, but it made him a little disgusted, especially when he thought that he and she accidentally shared the same dish.

That woman is just like her mother.

Linde didn't attend many dances, but he believed that he would definitely find it hard to forget the scene he saw when he accidentally walked into the wrong room upstairs that day.

Miss Druids is good at playing musical instruments, and there is a group of noble young men practicing with her, which is eye-catching.

But the woman's mother is good at it, and she actually claimed that Lind was obsessed with her daughter. The nobles regarded it as a joke, because everyone can see how bad Miss Druids is.

But ordinary people are different. They firmly believe that Lind is obsessed with the daughter of the Druids family, and the matter was not settled until Lind and Tione got engaged.

Lind waved his hand and ended the accountability this time.

Anyway, Goliath is already in sight.

Towering walls, solid barriers, when mentioning Goliath, many people can even think of the classic battle decades ago, the one where four armies invaded but were finally repelled, or messing around for decades.

In short, the longer the time goes forward, the more bizarre the stories about it will be.

Time can add the coat of epic to all stories.

Before getting close, there were already fireballs roaring in the sky, and catapults drew huge arcs and smashed in the direction of the army.

The pits ahead indicated that even after three years, the defense system here was still working.

Goliath stood before them. The thick and tall city walls could not block the towers in the city, and the towers pierced straight into the sky.

The sickly sunlight lengthened the shadow of the city wall.

If you want to find a building with a similar style, the snake catcher's fortress before it became a ruin may be more similar.

The gray stone walls are piled up into towering buildings, and the spires extending from the city walls are shining with gold and silver.

Even if you can only observe it from a distance, everyone who visits this place for the first time can't help but be intoxicated by the title of "Golden City".

The towering buildings have not been corrupted by the years, and people can be seen wandering on the city walls. They are urgently deploying manpower.

Long before the expeditionary army arrived, the other side had already discovered their traces one step ahead.

Lind shouted for the troops to stop advancing.

"Marcus, the cavalry team will be the vanguard."

This is what Marcus has been doing. He raised his chin and was proud of it.

"Reed, Leo, go and get the siege equipment now! Our range cannot catch up with the Goliath defenders. Let those wizards who are good at magic use magic. No matter what magic they use, I want to be at this position and blow up those guys on the city wall."

The two nodded immediately.

"Let the undead clean up the debris around. I need to make sure there is no mess around when I prepare to launch an attack."

"Lance! I remember Goliath has another way."

"Yes, sir, it's at the Second Legion's barracks."

"Then take people over to keep an eye on it! The gate there should be open to us now."

The Second Legion rushed to various places almost as the Doomsday Riots began. The forces left in the Royal City were at most the First Legion's infantry and some of the Third Legion's cavalry, not too many.

Lind issued orders one by one, not allowing anyone to refuse.

This was essentially a confrontation between scouts, and the disparity in power would make the deployment of troops meaningless most of the time.

"Did you hear that clearly?" He amplified his voice.

All the upper commanders bowed their heads to show their respect: "Yes!"

"Then, take action!"

He roared loudly: "To return to the Golden Throne!"

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