The lord is red again

Chapter 330 Alman Manor

The battle named [Golden Throne] was declared over as Rania sat on the throne made entirely of gold.

The battle was heavy with casualties. One fifth of Lind's knights died, and one third of the survivors were seriously injured and could not go to the battlefield again.

Fortunately, the other lightly injured people were quickly healed after drinking the potion.

As the queen, Rania was running around outside, while Lind was recovering quietly.

Lind successfully killed the person "he" had been loyal to.

Before his death, Kurt's consciousness seemed to have returned to normal, just like Baron Ronan gave Lind the Snake Catcher Fortress before his death.

But Kurt gave Lind only a curse.

Lind's body grew a few gray scales.

He suffered from dragon transformation.

The krait emblem was fighting against the curse, and the two sides were in a stalemate. His situation was not too bad. As long as he was not affected by more curses, he could remain normal like this.

Even because of this dragonization curse, his strength was forced to increase by two levels.

One level comes from the characteristics of the krait emblem. As long as there is a constant flow of curses for it to devour, the krait emblem will feed back to Lind, and the other level comes from the dragonization itself.

Although dragonization can make people crazy, lose their minds, and turn into dragon-like monsters, it is also truly improving a person's strength.

Except for a little itching on his wrist, Lind didn't feel anything else.

However, after discovering that Lind had dragonization, Rania refused to let him continue to be busy outside.

And Rania arranged for the flying dragon to bring Miss Isa, the troll poster girl.

Miss Isa studied astronomy and archaeology. This time, the stars could not tell her what Lind's future would be like.

"The stars don't always give the answer."

Miss Isa's ferocious face showed a gentle smile: "But you don't have to worry about your life."

"I may be stronger now than before." Linde patted his chest, indicating that everything is not a problem. As long as he is given enough time, the serpent emblem can always devour the dragon curse.

However, Rania was not satisfied with this answer: "Miss Isa, I hope you can cure him."

This country can't leave Linde.

She looked at the man in a robe lazily leaning on the head of the bed. Seeing him reach out and pull the gauze curtain beside the bed, she couldn't help but remind him: "Duke, this is my room!"

"One!" Linde added: "The whole palace is yours, Your Majesty, but this bed should belong to me now."

He patted the bed. This is Rania's room... She lived there two or three years ago. Now she cleaned it up specially for Linde to recuperate and replaced it with brand new bedding.

So things like "body fragrance", "fragrance", "fantasy" and so on do not exist at all. This is a room facing the sun. The smell is not as bad as the next few rooms. You can only smell the smell of dust when you take a deep breath.

Isa felt that it was not appropriate for her to stay here any longer. She said: "Taking more anti-curse potions should help, but I know nothing about brewing potions."

"There are pharmacists in the army." Rania said.

Isa hesitated and said: "I suggest that you should find an absolutely trustworthy pharmacist, not in the army."

Linde frowned, he heard that the troll lady was referring to something.

"What happened, Rania." While he was resting leisurely, something must have happened inside Goliath, and those news were blocked by Rania.

As his only external information channel, there was no movement on the official website. The most popular video now is the video related to the [Golden Throne] campaign, and each character that appears in it has his own character biography.

Linde is the introduction protagonist of the first issue, and the video is still popular.

The second episode is Dragon King Kurt. The epic war between Lind and the Dragon King has aroused the interest of countless people.

There is even a joke.

"This guy in golden armor looks a little weak. Can he beat the super scary monster in front? BOSS: I fight Lind??"

Obviously the problem broke out internally.

Lind continued to look at Rania until his eyes oppressed the other party and had to speak.

"Someone tried to incite division and opposition."

"Rebellion?" Lind gave a more precise definition.

He could see the fatigue on Rania's face: "From whom?"

"Not sure, but there is a rumor circulating in the military camp," Rania said uncertainly, "Some people think you will definitely sit on the golden throne, and they are forming gangs in private."

Some people are loyal to Lind, but there are still some people who are always loyal to Rania, and there are also some neutral parties.

If the power from Raven City is added, it can really be said that there are many parties.

Now that Linde has won the victory by himself, it is more reasonable for many soldiers to take a step forward. They are loyal to Linde, and of course they do not rule out other ideas.

Not everyone is willing to be a soldier for life. As long as they are alive, they will have their own desires.

Soldiers loyal to Rania will naturally start to guard against and even speak rudely.

When talking about rebellion, Rania is not worried. She knows that Linde does not want to be king, and she has long known that Linde may leave one day.

Staying to become the so-called king would not give Linde any advantage, but would instead drag him down, just like in this war with Dragon King Kurt, only Win Raven and the Crystal Mage could follow Linde, and other soldiers could not even get close.

Miss Troll meant that she suspected that if Linde looked for a pharmacist from within the army, the other party might do something to harm this brilliant general.

Indeed, Linde himself knew that his team was complex, because there were not only Rand soldiers and Raven soldiers in it, but it was even likely to have been invaded by Black Island soldiers and vampires who stayed in Raven.

"I have a pharmacist I trust, and she is on her way." Linde said.

Isha ​​did not stay any longer, she still had a lot of things to do, the "awakening" of the old nobles had reached a critical moment, and Goliath had many ancient sites that could meet her archaeological needs.

Only Linde and Rania were left in the room.

Rania picked up a stack of paper, and the dense text made Linde's scalp numb.

"If you want to appreciate poetry, I recommend you a few poets. If you like painting, I also know some painters who are very good at painting. But don't give me work. I need to rest now."

The text materials that exuded the smell of ink had already followed Rania into the door, but Lind made himself deliberately ignore it.

It was not until Rania picked it up that Lind knew that he could no longer pretend not to see it.

"We are in a difficult situation now, Lind!" Rania handed the text materials to Lind, "The news of the end of the Goliath War will definitely spread."

Lind flipped through the materials casually, which were some data compilations, including the current detailed data.

"Are you worried that Prince Black Catfish will attack?"

"Maybe it's not just him." Rania said worriedly.

The Land Kingdom, which seems to have regained its sovereignty, is actually still leaking everywhere.

The northwest direction of Xinglonggang to the central area, including the Snake Catcher Fortress, the Mountain Troll Castle, the Raven City and other areas, all the way to the Royal City Goliath, is the power he now controls.

But further west of Lind's territory is the Gate of Morpheus, and through it is the Great Rift.

With Goliath as the center point, the Great Frozen Land is to the north. The Red Knight Arena on the way has been controlled by the Salamanders, and there are vampires hiding in the mountains of the Frozen Land Mountains to the north.

Rania in front of her didn't even know that her father Redwald had become the Scarlet Monarch.

To the east is the Black Island, and Prince Black Catfish is eyeing it.

If you really want to develop, it is a good choice to contact the Duke of Griffin in the south.

But the other party was identified as an "official friendly" force, and the town below the Griffin Castle became the main city of the undead.

To some extent, it means that the Duke of Griffin or one of his relatives may have been brainwashed by the "official".

Lind will be absolutely vigilant and hostile to any forces that are friendly to the "official". At the beginning of contact, he will kill if he can, and consider negotiating if he can't kill.

Goliath was not stable either. The chaos in the army mentioned by Rania was nothing. The things in the dungeon of the royal city were another batch of troubles.

Linde was not even sure how many things there were and how chaotic they were.

"Rania, can you still find the previous records?" he asked, "Information about prisoners in the dungeon of the royal city."

"It's difficult," Rania shook her head. She understood what Linde meant, because many things escaped from the dungeon one after another. Although they were not strong, they did not mean absolute safety. "Is it safe for us to stay here?"

Should we risk staying in Goliath, or turn back to the mountain goblin castle, or Raven City.

"We are not safe anywhere." Linde told the cruel truth.

They won the battle, but they are still a weak force.

"Miss Tione wants to see you. She is waiting for you outside." Rania said calmly.

But his eyes still glanced at Linde who was looking down at the information.

He wore a simple robe, and his loose and open shirt revealed his strong chest. The dense ring patterns that appeared faintly were like the patterns engraved on a beautiful ceremonial long blade. Unlike the usual armor, he no longer exuded that aggressive momentum.

Raniya still remembered the prophecy of the whispering woman before her death. She sneered at the prophecy, but agreed with the evaluation of the whispering woman. Linde's "aggressive" momentum was the reason why he could get to where he is now.


Linde threw the information on the table, then twisted his body on the bed, and then suddenly "hissed" a breath of cold air.

"What's wrong?" Raniya asked subconsciously.

Linde rubbed his shoulders: "I felt a pea under your mattress, it hurt my skin."

Rani Ya rolled her eyes, she hated those so-called fairy tales: "Don't let your fiancée wait too long, and you are not in danger, it's time to go out."

"Didn't you let me rest here from the beginning?" Linde stood up, he untied his robe, completely ignoring Rania's gaze.

On the battlefield, he exposed more than this, and it was recorded by the undead and made into a video, which is now played very frequently.

Rani Ya hugged her arms and looked at Linde's upper body quietly, his body as hard as a sculpture.

Watching Linde put on a long gown, and then put on a loose robe.

The loose clothes did not make him look "thin", because his body was too tall, to the limit of ordinary people. When he walked to Rania's side, his strong body brought a strong sense of oppression to Rania.

Lind no longer needed to make propaganda speeches. Rania did much better than him. He was born without any bullshit kingly demeanor, and he had no interest in sitting on the golden toilet. It would give him hemorrhoids.

"I'll give you a cushion someday." Lind said to Rania.

"What?" Rania asked.

But Lind had already waved his hand and strode forward.

"My lord!" "My lord!"

Pierre and Pim approached immediately after seeing Lind.

"My lord, Miss Tionne is waiting for you!" Pierre winked at Lind.

Lind glanced at him, but Pierre just laughed, showing a smile that all men understand.

He didn't want to have too much contact with Tionne.

Because it was dangerous.

There was no extra affection between the two sides.

There is a dragon tree in the front courtyard of the palace. It may have been a camphor tree or something else. However, those who suffer from dragonism must feel itchy at the time. They will scratch it at first, and then they will find that the mucus secreted from the cursed place gradually changes their hands and feet.

Then they will find a place to rub and scratch.

Linde also has dragonism, so he can understand the origin of the appearance of those dragonism.

After being rubbed many times, the tree has become what it is now, covered with thick white keratin scales, like bones but also like winding horns, twisted and growing.

Tionne is sitting on a bench under the tree, and a "ring" appears behind her head.

She has changed out of her nun's long dress and looks like a simple noble lady, but the feeling of "nun" she gives Linde has not changed. It's just that she has changed from believing in God to believing in something purer.

Linde stared at the "ring" behind Tionne's head, and the weight of the fragments was shocking.

Tionne looks pure and elegant like a water lily, and people's mood becomes uncontrollable and peaceful when they see her.


What's coming will come. He walked towards the other party, while Pierre and Pim stayed where they were, consciously turning their eyes to other places.

It's a joke when it's a joke, but whoever really dares to take the Duke lightly will definitely have a hard time.

Going to farm, mining, managing prisoners, or even being the manager of the laundry women, in short, there are many things that can make them obedient.

Tione raised her head when she heard his voice, and then looked at Linde with a disgusted look at garbage.

"Huh?" Linde was puzzled.

What's wrong with her.


"You don't like it?" Tione's expression returned to normal.

"Who told you I would like it?" Linde already had the answer in his heart.


Sure enough, it was a mistake to hand Tione over to the undead. He only considered that Tione's fighting power made her not afraid of the undead at all, but forgot that the "cultural output" of those guys was more rogue than their fighting power.

"What else did they teach you?"

"A lot." Tione walked in front of Lind. She was tall, taller than most normal men, but she still looked like a little bird standing in front of Lind.

She rested her head on Lind's chest, and then put her arms around his waist.

Pierre and Pim, who were "pretending to look at the scenery", saw the two people suddenly hugging each other, their eyelids jumped, and then they immediately whistled and looked away.

Could it be that the lord can also play pure love? No, he is not that kind of person.

Tione raised her head in confusion and made contact with Lind's downward gaze: "Your heartbeat is not accelerated?"

"Don't learn from the undead." Lind sighed.

Tione now gave him the feeling of a kind of "observer" who had completely independent emotions and cognition from humans. She was interested in such things and learned to imitate them.

But Tione would not do this to others, because she instinctively believed that those written moral doctrines were things that must be followed, so her fiancé became the only object that satisfied her curiosity without violating the doctrine.

Linde pressed Tione's shoulder with one hand and pushed her away. She didn't flirt. After making sure that there was nothing special about the hug, she returned to her normal state of lack of emotion.

Maintaining expressions and imitating those things was too tiring and troublesome. Tione still preferred silence.

He went to the barracks and met his soldiers. They cheered for Linde's arrival and expressed their respect for Tione who was with Linde.

This is the Duchess.

"Sir, when will you get married?" someone asked boldly.

Marrying with a magic ring fragment?

You must be kidding.

However, Linde also knew that the soldiers who had experienced a war and life and death wanted to hear some "happy things". Fresh and exciting news could soothe their hearts.

"Soon!" Linde pointed at the soldier, "You will be responsible for blocking the wine for me at the wedding!"

"Oh!" The soldier smiled, "I am a heavy drinker, hahaha."

"Really? I will treat everyone!"

"I want to toast you!" Some soldiers have already started shouting.

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

The soldier's smile wrinkled: "Then please burn my drunken body after the wedding."

The scene was bustling, and the atmosphere was visibly relaxed. They were indeed very tense, because they were not as confident as Lind, who never doubted that he could kill the Dragon King Kurt.

If they couldn't beat him, they could run away. The difficulty was to make a comeback, and the undead would grow up one day, and they would definitely successfully defeat every enemy on the road ahead.

But these soldiers were different. They felt that it was unreal that they could become great knights. Before the end of the world, great knights were heroes, war machines that could decide the direction of small battles by themselves.

They were panicked and confused, and because of this, they would be more loyal to Lind, because the road ahead was unknown, and they needed to follow someone with a clear goal.

An undead passed by and heard the excitement here.

Lind and Tione's wedding?

It sounds interesting, but the problem is... Tione is still a red name now. She always has a posture of drawing a sword and planting mushrooms at any time. How can you let us believe it?

Is there a plot?

Although Tionne is Lind's fiancée, she is also one of the "wives" of the vast majority of undead.

"I Attend the Wedding of My Cyber ​​Wife" will definitely be very interesting.

Leaving the military camp.

Tionne took a few quick steps to catch up with Lind. She didn't understand why Lind walked so fast. After looking down at his movements and amplitude for a long time, she asked: "Our wedding? When?"

"Any time, but," Lind looked at Tionne seriously, "Before that, you should understand what love is."

Lind laughed in his heart. He let a fragment with no emotions figure out what love is.

Easily stabilize her, and then slowly study the things about the fragments.

"What is love?" Tionne was very straightforward.

"You can't get married without love."

However, Lind was complaining in his heart: There was no love between the two before, but this reason seems to be good.

When he stopped, he had arrived at Alman Manor.

This place was guarded by soldiers, and a wooden sign was inserted, saying [Unlocked Copy].

In any case, Linde is still the only heir of the Alman family. He has all the memories and feelings of Linde Alman.

He doesn't want his family to be killed by the undead as a boss.

"Has anyone gone in?" Linde asked.

"No one has ever come in!" Wright shook his head. He was responsible for leading the soldiers to guard here and make sure that no one could enter casually.

Linde nodded and pushed the door open.

The big iron door of the manor slowly opened under his palm.

He went home.

Although the process of seeing relatives this time may be a bit painful.

Only 330,000 of the 340,000 this month was completed. Let me explain why it was not completed. The place where I live is in the suburbs of the city and is planned to be demolished, so we are all building houses crazily. Building houses day and night, the noise is very loud, often until the early morning, and it is not easy for everyone to stay up late.

However, there are many power outages. Yesterday, the power outage lasted for half a day. The impact of the power outage was too great, and I was directly controlled and silenced.

Currently looking for a place to move.

The 10,000 will be added in July, and then the monthly votes in June are 2,200. As usual, 2,000 words will be added for every 100 monthly votes.

So the update in July will be: 31+44+1=364,000 words.

There was a lot of work before, please bear witness.

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