The lord is red again

Chapter 339 She is actually a wizard?

Unlike those who claim to be new nobles, the bloodline theory of the blood clan is more stringent. Their power does not come from blood, but they cannot do without blood if they want to be stronger.

So in their eyes, there is no distinction between new and old nobles. Linde, Rania and others are nobles, while Wen, Leon and others are not new nobles. Except for the title of nobles, they have nothing to do with nobles.

The 12 undead remembered that when they were online recently, they often heard twisted howls from the depths of the dungeon.

In a blink of an eye, they had rushed to the deepest part of the dungeon, where there were magic and secret patterns guarding, and even traps.

I don’t know who triggered the trap by mistake.

The arrows coated with poison flew over, and the blood clan exploded into black mist one by one, but the 12 people behind them were miserable.

“Fuck, it’s poisonous!”

The powerfully prepared poison paralyzed the bodies of the undead. The group of undead who were stripped of their equipment soon collapsed to the ground because of the poison.

The blood clan ignored the undead. They continued to go deeper and saw several people with distracted minds. However, in the nearby cell, they also saw the figure of a monster whose body was twisted and completely transformed.

Xinta looked at those crazy and alienated things with disgust.

Their arrival made the twisted monsters bang the cell door frantically.

"Take it away." Xinta pinched his nose. He was disgusted by the filthy and smelly blood on the monster.

He waved his hand to let the scarlet ladies take action. Their target was not the "nobles" who were twisted and transformed into monsters, but those nobles who still looked like normal people.

This blood was pure.

The scarlet ladies were ready to break the cell door.

"My lord," Tracy turned back, "we can't do anything about this door."

Xinta frowned and walked forward to twist the door lock.

The scarlet ladies rushed in, lifted the weak nobles up and walked out of the prison.

When passing in front of Xinta, he raised his hand to stop him and gently scratched the arm of a noble with his fingernails.

A drop of blood trembled and stopped in the middle of the fingerprint spiral of the index finger.

He put the blood under his nose and took a deep breath: "Inferior noble blood."

It is very difficult to find pure noble blood that is not polluted in this era, although this kind of blood is so thin that it seems to be completely non-existent.

When they took the nobles back to the mechanism outside, they found that the poisoned undead were still struggling to hold on, but it was obvious that they had reached the end of their lives.

Bang, an undead body exploded into a pile of ashes.

Undead exploded one by one.


They seemed to be called undead.

"They will be resurrected." Tracy saw Xinta's confusion and took the initiative to explain.

"Where is the resurrection?" Xinta had a little interest in the undead, which was obviously different from the "immortality" of the blood clan.

"I don't know." Tracy shook her head.

"Let's go."

The undead were not their main purpose, so there was no need to stop for them.

But they didn't expect that when they passed by the undead's cell, they all appeared in it.

Xinta instantly thought of a possibility.

"My Lord!" The undead followed immediately.

"Yes, let's go." Xinta smiled. What a beautiful and perfect life! He could feel that the bodies of these undead had completely recovered.

A large group of more than a dozen people rushed to the ground.

At several intersections, the bodies of soldiers guarding the prison were lying crookedly on the ground.

The undead shouted "Good death". Now they simply hated Linde's forces, and all actions against Linde could be regarded as imperial orders by them.

These guarding soldiers deserved to die. If it weren't for them, I would have escaped long ago.

The ground exit was getting closer and closer.

But a huge figure suddenly squeezed in from the ground, like a stone pier falling down.

[Isha, lv19]

The undead didn't recognize the ugly behemoth in front of him. But level 19? Haha, he was a powerful blood clan, and there was even a top-level strongman at level 31.

"Who are you?" Her voice made the undead's heart twitch.

It sounds nice.

But it looks too ugly, like a troll.

The two scarlet ladies dropped the nobles they were carrying and rushed forward.

Unexpectedly, Isa raised her arms, and her palms were like two big pots that could stew food for dozens of people. The air in the narrow dungeon passage was almost stagnant, but because of her waving hands, it made a whirring sound. The undead felt the strong wind sweeping in their faces, and their hair was blown messy.

Her fingernails accidentally rubbed the wall, and the wall immediately dug two big holes like tofu.

The big slap hit the two scarlet ladies at the same time.

They vomited blood and flew backwards, rolled into a ball on the ground for a long time before getting up. When they looked at Isa again, their faces were full of horror.

The undead were completely shocked.

This is a bit of a hooligan, a level 19 person directly destroyed two level 22 people.

What happened next shocked them even more. Xinta rushed up, and of course Xinta won.

As a level 31 Scarlet Noble, Xinta's strength is unquestionable. He easily dodged Isa's slap, and his sharp nails scratched multiple wounds on the opponent.

The narrow dungeon entrance was a unique skill of Xinta.

Isa could only stand there stupidly and be attacked. She tried to grab clumsily, but couldn't touch anything.

"I found an average of 85 locations on the human body that can cause severe pain," Xinta turned into a black shadow, "The larger the subhuman body, the more pain it causes."






Blood flowers exploded from Isa's body. She waved her arms, but it had no effect except making the wind in the dungeon passage whistle more wildly.

Xinta was immersed in the art of showing her pain. Isa was not a warrior, and her body and mind had never caused her to suffer similar pain.

"Although her body is a little wrong, I guess the five locations on her right leg must still have an effect."

Attacked again, Isa's right knee, knee bend, ankle and other places were severely injured at the same time. When the blood exploded, she finally couldn't bear it and knelt on the ground.

"It's really smelly." Xinta covered her nose and hid in the distance.

In the close combat just now, not a drop of blood fell on him.

"Ugly and smelly." Xinta commented again.

The crowd bypassed the fallen Miss Isa and ran to the ground.

They could kill Isa, but that would be a waste of time. It was better to leave quickly now. No one was sure what was in Raven City.

"Wait, did you hear any sound?" One of the undead people who were running suddenly asked.

Someone is chanting? The sound came from behind.

Even the vampires turned their heads and looked back, and found that the lame troll Isa stood up with the help of the wall, opening her huge palm that could smash the head with a slap.

An ice crystal condensed in her palm.

The ice crystal twisted and expanded rapidly, and the fire from the torch on the wall spread and twisted after passing through the ice crystal.

Everyone could feel the chill that made people tremble from a distance. The ground was covered with a layer of white frost in an instant, and all of it came from the lame troll lady.

Then in the next breath, the ice spear caught up and instantly connected the distance between them.

The scarlet lady named Jiayika was pierced, and the ice crystal completely froze her body.

The undead saw with their own eyes that the Scarlet Lady named Jia Yika's health bar was reduced to zero, and she turned into a wilted black snake.

Xinta did not turn around, but the Scarlet Lady named Tracy bent down to pick up the black snake, and pulled up the nobleman that Jia Yika was responsible for carrying. They fled quickly and disappeared in front of the dungeon entrance.

But when they left, they could not hide their shock, especially when they saw the troll falling backwards.

She was actually a wizard?

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