The lord is red again

Chapter 406: Limb-jointing insects in the dungeon of the royal city

"What's wrong?"

Raniya sat in front of the mirror and saw Linde leaning on the bed, frowning and thinking.

She had to admit that she shouldn't drink. Last night she just wanted to hug Linde and relive the sense of security she had when she threw herself into his arms. As a companion of the agreement, this was reasonable.

Then they talked about the war in the Great Rift. Now the undead are wearing the Abyss Suit and moving around the Kingdom of Rand, which has caused a lot of panic.

Although some undead have learned to change their equipment immediately after discovering that wearing this thing will reduce their favorability, some undead still choose to do their own thing.

So Linde discussed with her about the issue of making abyss weapons.

As a former female knight, Raniya has never dared to touch those powers. She was worried that she would become a monster that could not control her body, so when she saw Linde took out the spear, as a female knight, she couldn't help but wipe it.

This was a difficult task. It took a whole night just to polish the Abyss Spear.

It's just that the love and exploration of weapons between the female knight and the general should not be spread, but just the experience last night made her feel the difficulty and hardship of the battle.

Very hard.

"I'm thinking about something, and there are other arrangements today." Linde lifted the quilt. He was going to solve the remaining small troubles before going south.

Rania, who was looking at the red mark on her neck, looked at him and her cheeks suddenly blushed: "You should wear a pair of pants!"

"Right away, I have to find it first."

Even if the soul companions have physical contact, it will not change their relationship much. The interests of both parties are completely consistent.

Linde needs someone to take care of the novice village as a poster girl.

As for what happened last night, it can only be said that it was all the fault of drinking!

He didn't drink, but Rania drank. Even if he took the initiative, the wine should be responsible for it.

Being strong always has its disadvantages. When Linde was looking for his pants, the two talked about the bread they ate last night.

"Are you interested in baking bread?" Linde was a little surprised. He thought that Her Majesty the Queen was focused on developing the country.

It seems that even without the Dusk Key of the Lady of the Night, many locks can be opened.

"Of course! But how did you put it in the oven? It looks different from last night." Rania was a little confused. As a queen and a former female knight, she always kept herself clean, so she didn't master a lot of knowledge completely.

"You have to ferment it first."

"How to ferment it?"

"Use your hands."

"Bake it now? Didn't you say you have something to do today?"

"Tomorrow is also fine."


The dungeon of the royal city is always guarded by soldiers sent by Linde.

Occasionally, some things will rush out of it, but most of the time it remains quiet, and Linde and Rania's attitude towards it has always been to ignore it temporarily as long as it doesn't make any noise or trouble.

They had too many things to deal with before, but fortunately now they are temporarily free, allowing Linde to take time to solve it.

[Explore the dungeon: There seems to be some danger hidden in the dungeon of the royal city, mysterious, or nothing. Go explore and report to the Duke. ]

[Task rewards: 1 experience point, 10 points, 100 gold coins]

"The dungeon map is finally open?"

"Is there a team?"

The undead who are still in Goliath responded positively. As long as a new map is opened, let alone rewards, even if there are no rewards at all, they will go.

Everyone who has been with Lind for a long time knows that this old guy likes to play tricks. Often, you think it is a trivial matter, but it may involve the subsequent plot development, and even often get extra rewards.

The most famous is the Black Island War, which actually allowed the undead to obtain the qualification to execute the Black Catfish Prince. There is a BOSS stretching its neck waiting for you to kill it, which is very cool.

So this time, after the undead quickly prepared, they took the task and rushed into the dungeon.

Not only must it be fast, but it must also be detailed enough!

The deep darkness in the dungeon of the royal city is set off by the unknown, making it suffocating. The heavy dungeon walls block the sound, allowing everyone to hear their own footsteps and breathing.

The undead choose to move forward in the dark, and the torches are likely to attract unnecessary enemies.

The intricate dungeon gradually divides the undead, which is also an inevitable choice. A group of people squeezed in a narrow dungeon passage can't exert much strength even if they really encounter danger.

They can still inform each other.

Suddenly, a muffled groan came from the air, mixed with pain and fear, like a wail before death.

"I think the atmosphere here is a little bit wrong." Niao Niao said.

He is a temporary team. As a top boss in the game, he will explore by himself most of the time, but for work like this that requires multi-person cooperation, he will also join forces with other lone rangers.

Everyone is for a better gaming experience.

"I can't see it, and I can't hear it either."

Someone squatted down: "Damn, it's human bones, lots of them!"

"Wait, something is crawling!"


Several people squatted down, holding their breath and looking at the dark area ahead. The sound was getting faster and faster, and the bricks and stones were rubbed with a loud noise, just like an out-of-control car bumping and banging in a narrow road.


Here it comes!

All of them had excellent combat experience, so after they determined that the enemy might have appeared, they immediately entered combat mode.


The white light illuminated the front, and a huge centipede-shaped insect appeared, almost filling the dungeon passage of the royal city.

Its carapace was gray, its body was flat, it had many legs, and it moved very quickly.

Those who were afraid of insects would probably lose their combat effectiveness when they saw such a realistic centipede.

[Magic Centipede with Limb Reattachment, lv28]

[HP: 3300/3500]

The wizard quickly opened a barrier to block the front and threw out the alchemical props.

The warrior held the shield and moved forward.

Even if they did not cooperate with each other too many times, the long years of fighting allowed them to master many temporary matching skills.

The centipede jumped to the top, and its many legs were like spears, smashing towards the undead.

"Such a hard shell!"

"It can barely break the defense, but it's too fast!"

"Can you help control it?"

As soon as they came into contact, the undead felt a headache. It was fast, and its movement method was bouncing. Even if it looked like it had average health, it became difficult to deal with because of its strong defense.

Where on earth did this thing come from!

"I'll do it!" Niao Niao moved forward coquettishly. He directly used a set of Jackie Chan wall running, and jumped onto the head of the limb-attached magic centipede. The weapon in his hand quickly switched from a dagger to a big sword. He rotated his body to turn the big sword into a wheel, and chopped it vertically from top to bottom, hitting the centipede's head heavily.

The centipede immediately shook and fell to the ground.

"Oh my god, this can also climb a dragon?"

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