The lord is red again

Chapter 427 The Shadow of the Mechanicus

"Sir, he confessed! He confessed everything!"

"So thick?"

Linde was a little surprised when he saw the confession.

"Yes, because Baisi jumped to clean the glass and rode a bicycle, which caused visual pollution to Heixue, so Heixue confessed everything."


Really? I don't believe it.

He would rather believe that Heixue had a plan.

After reading Heixue's confession, he confirmed his thoughts. Heixue kept mentioning "Lionheart King" and "Corruption King", as if he wanted to guide the undead to one of them.

Linde also had an understanding of "King". It was said that he was a top strong man serving the beast master, with a strength of 6 rings, and the specific level exceeded level 60 and reached the level of 61-70.

It's just that Tianxing Magic School doesn't seem to have a detailed division of this level. Legend is already the instructor level, and no one has given a definition of what it should be called above legend.

The strength of the Beast King is one level higher than the strongest person Lind has seen so far, the Daughter of the Night. The Daughter of the Night is only level 60, and her strength is barely 5 rings.

He had to sigh again that the three continents are indeed a novice village. A god who can change races at will directly turned into a little punk after changing the map.

"King of Corruption and King of Lionheart, which one should I join?"

"The King of Corruption took in a group of fleeing humans. This has nothing to do with me. We are not locals, but if we take the initiative to contact them, we should be able to get a detailed map. However, King of Lionheart seems more reliable."

King of Lionheart's policy style is the law of the jungle, which is very suitable for the development of the undead.

On the other hand, the King of Corruption, who is closed to the outside world and plays by himself, seems unreliable and has no development potential. Moreover, the beastmen have a good impression of humans and must have some plans.

He prefers to fight openly and not to play conspiracies.

As for the fact that the beastmen like to eat humans, Lind doesn't care at all. It's not the first time that the undead have been used as food.

"Why should I surrender?"

I don't need to make achievements in the wilderness, the proper way to play is to make a fortune and leave. There are undead people around me, so the main operation must be "waving".

When Black Blood learned that the human general he had never met actually had a good impression of the Lionheart King, the whole beast was confused.

Is there no normal person in the whole undead army? Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Corrupt King is in line with the development of mankind.

Or is the other party's cleverness backfiring?

What made Black Blood even more confused was that he was actually released!

"Why let him go?"

"Even if he is a BOSS, we won't gain experience if we kill him. We are all at the maximum level, so why not let him go and unlock the subsequent plot."

"Actually, I suspect there is something wrong with the options given by Blackblood. I'm not sure which one is more reliable, so let's just see which direction he runs."

"Oh my god, smart!"

"That's right, even if we can't beat him, don't we still have Dege? Miss Tione's mushroom growing skills are also awesome, so we can just run away."

"But have you ever thought about a problem? Everything is based on the premise that we don't have a fixed territory. The problem is that we are about to receive the reward of the 'Sandpit Ranch', so we must have a fixed territory."

"Hiss, is it too late to take action now?"


"Sir, why let him go?" William asked Lind.

In his opinion, Blackblood is a very powerful enemy. The two sides have fought a deadly battle, and the other party will definitely not give up.

What awaits him and others at that time is a continuous attack.

Although Lind said that he would leave the choice entirely to the Undead, whether to kill or release was up to them, in William's opinion, Lind's words meant that he had tacitly agreed to release Black Blood.

The strong man who could easily stir up a bloody storm in the Kingdom of Rand was let go just like that, which would cause endless troubles in the future.

Lind said, "What do you think of our strength in the Demon Land?"

William thought for a moment and replied, "If Black Blood and the others are not lying, we should be a relatively strong team."

He spoke a little more tactfully.

If they didn't have the Undead trait, they would be the last batch, but because of the Undead trait and the Undead's crazy personality, they would become braver as they die, so they could barely jump up a level.

In general, they are relatively powerful... minions.

If it is really as Black Blood said, Black Blood can only be considered as medium strength, and the Undead's suicide attack will not have much effect.

"In the wilderness, the strong prey on the weak. Ordinary humans or beastmen are at the bottom, but the situation is completely different with a record of war."

"You mean, we can take this opportunity to make a name for ourselves?"

The expeditionary army, of course, can't be sneaky!

It has to be high-profile.

They represent the Kingdom of Rand and humanity. Their small step is a big step for the humans of the three continents.

Linde glanced at William. He felt that William was very stubborn, but not very suitable to be an NPC who issues tasks.

"What if a force that has a grudge against Black Blood knows about us?"

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

A fairly strong army can get along well anywhere.

It is also convenient for Linde to open the "main city" of the beastmen and contact more advanced beastmen.

Even Black Blood had never heard of the Star Magic School. Either the school was too remote or too far away. It was necessary to contact a larger information network. It was definitely not okay to hide in the corner of the desert.

And more enemies would also give the undead people something to do.

Without the residents of the territory and all kinds of burdens around him, Lind was completely a homeless and unattached bandit.

What was there to be afraid of!

If you can beat them, fight. If you can't, retreat and continue to fight. Besides, you can't grow up in this place where no one lives.

I have three blood bars, what am I afraid of!

William also felt that it was just one life. If the lord was not afraid, he didn't need to be afraid either.

Lind had another thing to do at the moment. He should fulfill the "reward" he promised to the undead.

Sand Pit Ranch.

Located in the corner of the desert of the wilderness, according to travelers in the desert, if you lose your way and don't know where to go, you will encounter a sand pit ranch.

The power of magic and prayer makes the Sand Pit Ranch appear in front of every lost traveler, becoming the hope of survival.

However, some people point out that all this has nothing to do with magic, because the Sand Pit Ranch is always built in uninhabited areas, where the environment is harsh and very suitable for the growth of scorpion fleas.

When you are lost as a traveler, it is better to say that you have entered the ranch than to say that you have found hope.

The iron-gray sky, with stars scattered in the sky, but soon dark clouds covered the head, and gray sand and dust flew like rain.

The cold air swept in from the other side of the desert, ravaging the Sand Pit Ranch.

Bist, the beastman of the Sand Pit Ranch.

His full name is: ‘Drunkard’ Bist Iron Gall Beast Tamer

Bist, who drinks until he is dizzy and slurred every day, wears a set of fully wrapped armor that looks more refined. His profession is a beast tamer. This profession allows him to get a good job as a manager in the Sand Pit Ranch, and the scorpion fleas are more controlled.

But the atmosphere today was a little off. Bister looked up at the sky and mumbled something incoherent, full of drunken words and complaints that he couldn't understand.

Suddenly, with a "clang", something hit Bister's back, and the armor helped him block a sword.

Bister was a step slower because of the alcohol. He turned around and saw a ferocious dragon head, with bloodshot eyes staring at him.

"Damn, he has a good set of equipment!"

"Be careful, don't break the equipment!"

Someone is attacking!

Bister's mind suddenly became clear, but he immediately wondered again, what is there to rob at the Sand Pit Ranch.

Scorpion fleas are indeed a good means of transportation, but this thing is not expensive, so there is no need to rob it.

For money? Very likely, but with the energy to rob the Sand Pit Ranch, wouldn't it make more money to rob other people?

Bister burped, and the armor on his body suddenly turned.

"Fuck, his armor will deform!"

"Ha!" Bister jumped up.

Bister was knocked over by a fireball.

Bister was covered by more than a dozen fireballs.

Bister turned into charcoal.

"Damn! It's an assassination!"

"His armor looks so cool."

"Do you feel that his armor is a little familiar?"

"You'll know after getting a set!"

3,000 people rumbled into the Sand Pit Ranch.

A massive infiltration ended with all the witnesses dead or unconscious, and no one was found.

"It's really a reward level. It's not hard to rob."

"Damn, I can open the chest of my armor to scratch it!"

The undead were like bandits, sitting together in groups of three or two to divide the spoils. The small amount of spoils could not fill their appetites, and even the number of scorpion fleas could not satisfy everyone.

But every undead had expectations on his face.

Now that the area has been taken, the game system will definitely give a reasonable solution.

Lind said that he did not have any solution. Fortunately, some beastmen were still alive, and the scorpion flea ranch could continue to operate.

The beastmen squatted on the side with their heads in their hands. Although they did not expect that the terrifying invaders last night were actually humans, it did not prevent them from squatting obediently now.

Humans, are they so cruel?

"How long will it take to mature after breeding and hatching scorpion fleas?" Lind said.

"My lord, we only have two beastmasters."

"Then train a few more." Lind turned his head and looked at the undead. Unfortunately, you must believe in the beast master to gain the power of the title.

This beast master is different from the previous one. He is alive, and his strength may be at its peak.

Lind's eyes turned to the armor that the undead was showing. If he was not mistaken, the armor seemed to be somewhat similar to the mechanical skills of the 'dragon skin armor master' Bard.

You can even see the shadow of the "mechanical god" that Dome once moved and studied.

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