The lord is red again

Chapter 440: Head-grabbing

From the gray wastes of the wilderness to the beast's nest, the undead all chose to ride on scorpion fleas. Their moving style also made Black Blood believe that the greedy undead had been moved by the price.

The noble Lionheart King, the beast prime minister who advocated that high-level beasts were human beings, many beast commanders, and even the lowest-level beastmen could not regard humans as their own people. Their role was to use their immortal characteristics to send them to death infinitely.

The mighty team took a very long time to travel, and Black Blood discovered another characteristic of the undead. They would disappear occasionally. Although they would reappear soon, this might mean that they mastered some kind of space magic.

He thought of those annoying wizards. If it weren't for them, he would have caught the fleeing humans and would not have to pay money to subsidize 3,000 undead like now.

"What did you disappear for before?" Black Blood felt that he had to ask them what they did. He couldn't wait until the problem broke out to understand everything.

"Go to work." The undead sighed, "You don't know, forget it, you don't understand at all. Can you not talk about depressing topics when playing games?"


They entered Lionheart Castle. Although it was named after the castle, it was actually a huge city-state where all kinds of beastmen could be seen coming and going.

The undead looked around excitedly, and the beastmen also looked at the undead curiously.

Could it be that a caravan sent a batch of fresh ingredients? We must find out where this batch of ingredients will be sent, and they will take the initiative to patronize the business.

"He's drooling, sharp-toothed dog!"

"Why do I feel like he wants to eat us?"

The black blood walking in the front was trying to adapt his ears to the undead, although he kept failing: "If I were you, I would wear those abyss armors. In Lionheart Castle, strength is your identity proof."

The undead are very obedient, always.

They put on the abyss suits one after another, and the rich abyss breath spread from the three thousand people, and the atmosphere on the street immediately changed.

Beastmen instinctively fear the abyss, and it is difficult for them to see any human-related parts in the abyss disaster in front of them. They are the abyss disaster!

The undead were not allowed to move freely, nor were they arranged to stay. After Black Blood left, a beast commander wearing black armor soon came.

The other party had a red name on his head, and did not hide his hostility.

"Captain of the First Team of the Lionheart Regiment·Scar·Berserker·Claw of the Wild Beast, Burning Wings, lv32"

"Life: 5000/5200"

The undead shared each other's information through private chat. From the basic attributes alone, the other party has a high-level beast profession berserker, and also has two titles that look very strong, "Claw of the Wild Beast" and "Burning Wings".

However, the life value is a bit low, and it is very likely that it is high attack and low defense.

"Undead? I really want to try if you are really immortal." Scar twitched his mouth slightly, he should be smiling, but the scar running through his face made him smile hideously.

"You have a new job. There is a damn missionary. They are in the village north of the Beast's Lair. Those bastards betrayed the Lionheart. Kill them all. I want to see the missionary's head!"

"Where's the reward?" The undead didn't have a good impression of Scar. "Where's the reward that Blackblood promised us before?"

Scar's cracked mouth spitted saliva: "Exchange it with human heads! I will act with you! As for what Blackblood promised you, you go find Blackblood, hahaha."

"Do villains think they are very charismatic?" Some undead couldn't help but want to complain.

"Are you going?"

"Of course I'm going."

"I'll find trouble with Blackblood when I come back."

Scar looked at the undead who swallowed their anger and felt more comfortable.

Little did he know that he had committed a taboo. Of course, he was not mocking the undead. Every undead has been mocked countless times.

Taboo, refusing to pay the promised reward.

Now the undead are full of thoughts about catching Blackblood, killing Scar, and killing the Lionheart.

However, they are still weak, so they need to hide.

From now on, it is time to truly demonstrate their skills in hiding.

Scar led three thousand undeads to act. When he received the order from the Beast Chancellor Wolfgang, he thought that he was very unimpressed with this mission. Although there were many undeads, they still could not become the force to break through the enemy's defense this time.

The strength of about 1 ring can barely be used as cannon fodder.

And the enemies they have to face are only more than a dozen strong enemies with 3 rings, and they can easily destroy the undead countless times.

They went to the city-state called "Horn Song City". The beastmen here did not make any mistakes. They were just believers of the former beast master, a group of forgotten and abandoned people.

It does not mean that they are still loyal to the former beast master. If they were really loyal, they would not maintain a trading relationship with Lionheart Castle.

Now, they have become a whetstone for detecting undeads.

"You'd better listen to me later!" Scar said to the undead. If someone disobeys later, he doesn't mind "accidentally" getting rid of a few.

The undeads curled their lips and said nothing. Scar had become an annoying NPC. Although everyone wanted to kill him, they could only endure it considering that there might be hidden plots.

Jiaoge City had appeared in front of them. The building was not high, but with the advantage of the terrain, Jiaoge City, which was built at the throat of the road, was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"We must feint from one side to attract their attention. A strong attack won't open the door! We must pull and approach from the other side, so remember, don't rush in before those 3-ring beastmen appear."

Things didn't go as smoothly as Scar imagined. Just at this moment, the gate of Jiaoge City suddenly opened, and the rumbling sound interrupted Scar's words.

The heavy gate takes a long time, both when it is opened and when it is closed.

"Go!" The undead rushed out with a roar.

The gate is open, what is there to hesitate about.

Forget about the messy pulling and sneaking into the game. Now the undead just want to finish this part of the plot mission quickly, and then go back to settle accounts with Black Blood.

Scar looked at this group of fearless guys and cursed in his heart.

Jiaoge City also discovered a group of abyss warriors who suddenly rushed over.

Their feet crushed the stones on the ground into powder, and the armor wrapped with a strong abyss breath was draped on their bodies, announcing the beginning of a bloody war.

The beast warriors in the city took the lead, but they had never seen such a crazy army, just like a tide of ants and rats that were not afraid of death. The fluttering sand and dust covered their figures and brought only the rhythm of death.

Listen carefully, it turned out that someone was singing and playing in the sand and dust. When the sand and dust dispersed, each undead was wrapped in a different light.

The gate of Jiaoge City could not be closed. The beastmen guarding the city abandoned their weapons and fled at the first time. The scene of thousands of abyss disasters rushing over was too horrifying, making them unable to control their desire to escape.

What the beastmen of Jiaoge City could not expect was that those unknown enemies who came with great momentum actually began to use magic.

The first 3-ring strongman who rushed forward was instantly swallowed by a colorful fireball, and the charred body broke through the wall on one side of the road.

The 3-ring strongman opened this feast of death with his own corpse.

Scar pulled out two scimitars. He was good at using all kinds of weapons, especially knives and axes.

"Damn human wizards!"

Although the battle situation seemed to be more advantageous for the undead in the short term, it did not prevent him from cursing human wizards. In the land covered by the glory of the beast master, there were not many spellcasters in the beast path.

Priests may be, but they are too scarce, and they are not good at war.

The raid dragged Jiaoge City into a storm of killing, with explosions and roars that kept venting.

Scar saw the exploding fire bombs flying from the ground to the sky, and after the sky exploded, it turned into a rain of fire and swept to the ground.

"What a bunch of lunatics!" He watched the undead dancing wildly in the flames.

More and more 3-ring beastmen arrived at the battlefield. Scar had no choice but to quickly enter the battlefield. The greatest credit for taking Jiaoge City would be his own, so Scar would not allow the mission to fail.

The battle formation in front of him was like a pre-planned stage play. Everyone seemed to be dancing to the rhythm, and the chaos was just right.

It was only since the beginning of the war that he discovered that this group of undeads were all good at using magic. They could spit out flames, poisonous mist, and grease while using sword skills.

Various magics and dazzling lights made the weapons have something other than sharpness.

A sword attacked, and Scar dodged while crossing his hands to cut the enemy with a scimitar, just like a beast opening its jaws and then biting suddenly. The enemy was cut before he could dodge, but a figure was one step faster and quickly stabbed the staggering enemy.

It was an undead.

"I'm sorry, I took your head." The other party apologized without sincerity.

Scar snorted coldly.

The wall of the house above Jiaoge City exploded, spewing out a large number of beastmen. Scar's attention was immediately diverted to that place. There were more over there, and he could kill them happily.

Avoiding the battle zone of the undead, Scar sent the blade in his hand into the chest of a beastman, and then turned his eyes to the enemy rushing over.

He could devour the enemy with his weapons, but these weak enemies could not arouse his interest. He needed to find a strong one... and he found it.

The missionary of the Horn Song City, a guy wearing a sheep-horned skull mask.

The other party was holding a winding snake staff and was guiding something. Scar rushed over. He thought this was a perfect stage. In the melee in the enemy's city-state, he forcibly killed the leader of the enemy.

After that, his name and new title would be praised.

The beastman's pursuit of titles was almost crazy.

The flames ignited as Scar rubbed his two swords, and as he ran with his arms open, it was like a pair of burning wings flapping.

The title on the battlefield came from this, and the power of the beast master made this title "more real". The burning wings wrapped around his arms became more real, and Scar's arms gradually turned into a pair of real burning wings.

Scar leaped over the battlefield, flapping his wings to cross the endless obstruction and approached the missionary.

The missionary reacted quickly. He quickly turned the snake staff in his hand, and the snake staff twisted and became real. The tail whipped towards Scar's chest, and the air flow swept the feathers and flames of the wings. Scar was forced to flap his wings quickly to increase his altitude to ensure his absolute safety.

The opponent also has a 4-ring combat power and is very good at melee magic. Not only is the attack fast, but it also carries all kinds of unpredictable beast magic, which is hard to defend against.

Fortunately, melee is also Scar's best. He speeds up his attack speed and falls into a wild state, forcing the opponent to switch from offense to defense.

The speed was getting faster and faster. Scar could feel that the opponent's defense was about to have problems. He knew that as long as he could hold on for a while, he would have a chance to win.

Moreover, he had seen through the missionary's fighting style through his combat experience. If he gave the opponent enough opportunities, the opponent would definitely release some difficult magic, but as long as he pressed hard enough, the missionary could only use some insignificant tricks.

Finally, he successfully caught the opponent's loophole and successfully cut off one of the missionary's arms.


"The BOSS is disabled, grab the head!"


Probably only the locusts passing through can describe this scene.

Scar, who had already thought of the victory words in his mind, watched the undead people rushing in and grabbing his "head" again. Now, Scar understood what the previous sentence meant.

But he would rather not understand it.

"I have killed the BOSS!"

An undead held the missionary's head high.

The battle was over.

There were heavy casualties in Jiaoge City, but the undead... no one died.

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