The lord is red again

Chapter 54: Thinking too much about farming players

At night, the broken moonlight.

The village of lunatics.

Renzo had already put on a set of fitting clothes that Lind had brought for him, and was sitting quietly on the roof.

He remained silent and quietly watched the group of weirdos below moving back and forth.

Anyone with a sound mind should know that night does not belong to rational creatures.

Disasters, mutant monsters, lunatics... are their world.

But this group of people were completely indifferent, tireless, and like crazy.

Every night, mist would blow from the west, and the cold wind hitting his body made Renzo's body tremble slightly, and it also reminded him of the scene where he parted with his own family.

"Night will die"

"Fog, deadly"

"The sun is nothing but light without warmth."

"We no longer have a god to pray to..."

In the past, Renzo would sometimes envy the lunatic people. Although these people went crazy and turned into zombies wrapped in flesh and skin, but compared with them, didn't he just know who he was?

Renzo's eyes were filled with blood-red fire. If anyone suddenly raised his head and glanced at the roof at night, he would be startled by the flickering blood-red eyes.

The fields in the Madman's village were fertile, and Renzo knew this very well.

But don’t forget that farmland that can grow mutated food must be a disaster shadow area, which means that such a place is prone to disasters.

There is no problem for the lunatic people wandering here, but the weird people who exude a strong breath of life may be in trouble.

When a problem does arise, do you want to help?

It is Renzo's task to swear allegiance to the nobles and it is also proof that he is still alive. Since he doesn't know what he can do, he should hand himself over to the noble nobles and let them use him like a weapon.

But when he showed this intention, Linde refused directly and said: "Aren't you going to Goliath? You can definitely go. Don't worry, it won't take too long... You don't have to do things for me. , the people under my command are far more useful than you think."

Renzo thought that his strength was pretty good, but he was not noticed by the noble master at all.

"What is that?" Renzo noticed that the weirdos below seemed to have come up with something special.

Is it a special farm tool?

A special farm tool made of wood.

There is a box on top and two wheels on the bottom.

The front wheels are large and have "spikes", while the rear wheels are slanted.

Renzo looked carefully, and he was indeed attracted by the weird special farm tools. He saw a person pouring seeds into the box, and then pushing the strange farm tools forward.

Walked all the way and nothing happened?


Renzo looked carefully and found traces on the farmland he walked through. Every time the front wheel made a pit in the farmland, the rear tilted wheel rubbed against the ground and rotated, covering the pit with loose soil.

So, how are the seeds planted?

Renzo was puzzled.

Although he does not farm, he has seen people who follow their instincts to farm. Whether they use a hoe or a hand plane, it is a very time-consuming and laborious task.

Looking at the group of weirdos, they turned out to be quite relaxed.

"The quality of the soil here is exactly what De Geer said. It's the same as sand. Not to mention nutrients, not much moisture can be retained."

"Just be lucky. If it weren't for this kind of land, would our hand-pushed roller seeder be useful?"

"That's right!"

Listening to the undead people chatting, Renzo thought to himself: "Seeder? It is indeed a farm tool."

Although he was very curious, he only thought that it was a little cleverness of weird people. It was just like a hoe. There was no difference in essence. They were all just for growing food.

Looking up at the sky, the broken moonlight was shining. It was still quite cold at night.

"Phew, finally finished planting!"

He sat down on the ground in a shapeless place.

Most of the undead people farming this time did not have starting capital or land, so they chose to rent it from the lord and then repay it with the harvest.

It is not repaid according to proportion, but according to weight.

In other words, if the value of what they grow is not enough, not only will their work be in vain, but they will also owe the land rent and seed fees. The only subsequent options are to kill Linde to cancel the account, or run away.

There are many capable players, and there is a craftsman who created a seeder after discovering that the physics engine of this world is almost exactly the same as the real world.

Pushing sowing will undoubtedly increase the planting speed several times, but one thing is that the rental fee is too high.

The sunk costs are so high that people in Niao Niao are unwilling to leave the village of the Mad Wise Man, lest their land be dug up, and they will suffer a loss and be left with a huge debt.

"I work part-time in the real world to repay the loan, and now I have to work part-time to repay the loan in the game."

When he really had the chance to breathe a sigh of relief, he was horrified to discover that he was actually a chosen worker, and there would always be endless work to do, especially when he remembered that he still had several game guides to write!

The night was long and there was no sound except the whistling cold wind.

In the lonely farmland, there are only the neighboring undead people chatting with each other. They are the same as the Niao Niao place. They want to confirm the growth speed of the seeds with their own eyes so that they can have time to do other things. In addition, the road at night is not safe. I can't bear to leave the thread, so why not sit on the ridge of the field and talk about the mountains.

"Ah——!" A sudden scream came, so frightened that the immortal farming people trembled and their bodies instinctively stood up.

Blades were unsheathed, and the undead gathered spontaneously.

The firelight flickered restlessly, shaking the undead's pupils.

The sudden attack shocked everyone, but they could not see the sound.

"Who died just now?"

Although the sixty undead players were divided into small groups, they were all connected to each other. As long as they determined who was in trouble, the news would be easy to investigate.

"It's not us, it's the villagers." One person seemed to have glanced at the crime scene.

"Enemy attack?"

The undead in heavy armor shrugged, and the action made the plate armor on his body collide with a heavy muffled sound: "It must not be our own people."

"Let's go and have a look!"

"No need, I just saw it." Someone ran over: "It was a skeleton who did it and smashed the villager's head."

"Burning Legion?"

"It could also be a necromancer."

Although everyone joked, their expressions were solemn.

They had to protect the farmland that had just been planted, otherwise all their efforts would be wasted.

"It seems that we are lucky and have encountered a sudden plot." Niao Niao smiled and said, "I was thinking before that farming would be too boring if it was just farming. I didn't expect that this game really didn't disappoint me and would add random enemy encounters."

There are too many ways to play the game, which makes players excited.

But their reactions became puzzled in Renzo's eyes.

There is a disaster coming, but you are not afraid, but eager to try. What's going on?

Until an undead suddenly shouted: "Didn't you say that it was a skeleton who did it? What's the fresh cut on the neck!"

The headless corpse of the crazy wise man in a black robe staggered towards this side.

"Could it be that this is the shadow of disaster?"

A brave undead rushed over and cut it down with a sword.

The headless corpse fell to the ground.

"Damn, experience is really Gildo!"

"Here it comes again, over there!" But this time no undead will be afraid, because they all heard that sentence.

More experience!

That's not to say that the quick hand has the slow hand.

Knowing that we are bored when farming, we have arranged farmland encounters, so that we can defend the farmland and fight monsters to level up. The production team really thinks too much about the farming players.


"Damn, this monster is coming for my farm, it's my monster!"

"It's a slip of the hand, buddy, and these monsters are of high level, it's hard to deal with them alone, don't get too excited, it's just a game, I'll let you do the next one."

"Save it, big brother, save it!... Okay, I'm low on health, it's my turn to come on stage!"

Renzo, who was sitting on the roof, was completely confused. Why are these people not only not afraid, but excited instead.

And he also heard a sentence that made his head itch and couldn't understand.

"This is a gift!"

Could it be that he didn't actually get the Mad Fire, but had gone crazy without knowing it, otherwise why would he hear such a weird sentence.

Below, the fighting continued, but it was not the undead defending, but the crazy attack.

"Farming is so cool, I want to be a farmer player for life! Even Jesus can't stop me, I said!"

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