The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,308 Thain speaks

Regarding the policy control of magic coins, the Wizards Alliance stated that it will release a batch of strategic reserve resources to increase the value of magic coins.

This is indeed a good thing for the many member planes of the Wizards Alliance, because their money is more valuable.

From this point of view, the wizarding civilization seems to be sacrificing its own hands and feet and selflessly devoting its wealth.

But few people know that in addition to releasing a batch of strategic reserve resources, the Wizarding Civilization will also issue a batch of magic coins in order to cope with the upcoming civilized war.

The total value of this batch of magic coins may reach trillions.

The influx of such a large amount of magic coins will inevitably impact the alliance market again, but the top leaders of the wizard civilization do not care about it. 🄲

To put it bluntly, the rules of magic coins are a means for wizard civilization to search and plunder the wealth of its own members' planes.

It's just that this method is more subtle, not as painful as direct plunder.

The control of the value of magic coins is a means for the higher-ups of wizard civilization to play with the rules.

Only the top forces in the wizarding world are truly qualified to participate.

Even those large alliance planes can only protect themselves under such an impact, and it is difficult to break free from the shackles of the magic coin rules.

Unless they create a new currency system, this will undoubtedly offend the wizarding civilization.

And in the eyes of the higher-ups of the wizarding civilization, the core factor of the continuous depreciation of magic coins in recent years is that the over-issuance of magic coins by the wizarding civilization has gradually failed to keep up with the total resources of the wizarding world.

The wizarding world's magic coin system seems to be relatively stable on the surface, but in fact, the inner core is already at a very dangerous threshold.

The reason why the magic coin rules have not collapsed is also the result of continuous regulation by the top leaders of wizard civilization.

But this "game" of constantly plundering resources from the alliance plane cannot continue like this, because one day it will collapse.

The wizarding civilization must open up new markets, accommodate more resource worlds, and enter its own territory.

Regardless of the diplomatic relations with the Gallente Federation and the development process of civilizations in the surrounding star fields, just judging from the ever-increasing volume of magic coins, the wizard civilization has to fight!

It is foreseeable that after winning the war with the Gallente Federation, the Wizards Alliance will incorporate more alliance planes into its own territory, and at the same time, the value of magic coins will also reach its peak.

That is much more effective than the wizard civilization simply opening up a batch of strategic reserve materials.

Of course, at that time, the wizarding civilization can rely on the magic coin rules to have another feast.


The ninth item of the conference, the new generation of space fortress has been officially put on the market for purchase by knights and magicians of level four or above. Members of the Wizards Alliance can purchase the B3 standard space fortress launched by the wizard civilization 70,000 years ago.

Considering that issues such as the forced price reduction of fortresses and the increase in the value of magic coins have been raised before, this alliance conference is indeed the best time for many alliance gods to purchase large war platforms such as space fortresses.

After passing this village, there is no such shop.

Not much to say about those plane worlds without financial resources.

Taking Titan World as an example, Titan World ordered nearly 500 space fortresses from the Wizarding Civilization in one go!

Show off the big brother's cards in the alliance plane!

The Elf World is a bit more low-key, but it has also purchased nearly two hundred space fortresses.

The elemental kings of the purple diamond world are very rich, but they did not take action during this period.

It seems that these earth elemental creatures are not interested in war instruments such as space fortresses.


The eleventh item of the conference is to resolve the 9,751 serious friction incidents accumulated by the alliance in the past ten thousand years.

These frictions involve territorial divisions, personal grievances of creatures above level four, and historical factors.

In short, it is not a small matter to be mentioned during the Wizards Alliance Conference.


The seventeenth item of the conference also focused on resource allocation for large-scale alliance planes, but this time it was passed almost unanimously, agreeing to allocate 300 million magic coins to aid the construction of this world.

Just because this world being aided is called the World of Ten Thousand Flowers Psychic.


Not only the Ten Thousand Flowers Psychic World, but also several special worlds such as the Activated Fairy World and the Void Aphid World that received high amounts of magic currency financial assistance during the Wizards Alliance Conference.

These worlds have one thing in common, that is, they all produce a large amount of high-quality resources, and most of them are restoration and blessing resources.

If it weren't for the fact that the activated fairy world and the void aphid world were too muddy to hold up the wall, the wizarding civilization would probably have the intention to forcibly raise these two medium-sized worlds to the level of large planes.

Also favored by the alliance's resources, there is actually the extremely prosperous Elf World, but there is no need to talk about these things at the Wizards Alliance Conference.

Just like the Titan world, would Hela, the ruler of the Titan system, say that the cost of purchasing more than 500 space fortresses in his world was actually obtained at 80% of the price under the premise that the price had already been reduced?


The Wizards Alliance Conference brought Thane a full sense of novelty and excitement at the beginning.

But as time went by, the excitement and novelty slowly faded.

Not only Thain, but most of the alliance creatures participating in the meeting are like this. They will not put too much thought into proposals that do not involve their own interests.

They will only mutter in their hearts, why it is not their turn to discuss matters involving their own plane world.

However, the biggest difference between Thane and those alien gods and local knights is that he will try his best to listen to those proposals carefully, and mentally figure out what the proposal represents and what interested parties may be involved.

Thain may not always guess correctly, and it is impossible for him to be verified, but Thain still devotes himself to it.

Green and Angele next to him were not much different. Sometimes, the three young magicians who had just been promoted to the fourth level would use their mental power to communicate with each other in private.


Finally, at the twenty-third resolution of the conference, Thain had the opportunity to speak.

This alliance meeting has lasted for nearly two months now.

The adoption, discussion, and voting of every alliance bill are not simple or can be completed in an instant.

After attending the conference, Thain felt that he was more exhausted than he was from a body-training experiment.

However, Thane still adjusted his mind and raised his hand in the way of elemental flames.

The twenty-third motion of the conference mainly talks about some problems that have arisen in the wizarding world in recent years and the solutions discussed.

During the conference, it was very interesting to learn about the conflicts and hidden dangers within the wizarding world, and many alliance gods listened with interest.

The person who spoke before Thane was a fifth-level witch from the North. She talked about the need for respect for the traditions of the wizarding world, and the need for more support and promotion of the wizarding lineage, rather than simply advocating innovation.

The increasingly prosperous magician system has indeed caused many new generation spellcasters to gradually forget their "origins".

"Don't forget, the mother plane we are in is called the 'Wizard World'!" The speech of this fifth-level witch with a somewhat cold and stubborn temperament in the venue aroused the contemplation of many spellcasters.

"So, this young fourth-level magician, what do you want to say?" Ms. Bev, as the host of the conference, stretched out her hand to Thain who raised the elemental flame, and smiled to indicate that Thain could speak.

Yes, this is all arranged.

Who will speak and who will not speak are decided in advance.

This happens to avoid certain events beyond our control.

In the past, there were accidents in Wizards League conferences!

It also once made the high-level wizard civilization, who was the host of the conference, somewhat unable to step down.

Today's Wizards Alliance conference has become more complete and formulaic.

At least in the past 30,000 years, there have been no accidents at the Alliance Conference.

"Dear Ms. Bev, I want to talk about the issue of the demihumans." Thain said.

"There will be another update in the afternoon~"

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