The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,350 A powerful opponent

Thane's change in perception of the Gallente Federation goes beyond that.

In addition to its outstanding planet modification technology and unique economic development concept, the Gallente Federation's achievements in the field of genetic research cannot be underestimated!

In the Gallente Federation, exaggerated events can occur where as long as you have money, you can reach a life level of level four or above.

Although as Thane advanced to level four, he increasingly recognized that as long as he had enough resources, he could accumulate creatures above level four.

But a situation like the Gallente Federation's clearly marked price was really beyond Thane's expectations.

The cost of the Level 4 genetic modification project clearly marked by the Gallente Federation is 100 billion federal coins! 🄳

The value of magic coins converted into the wizarding world is almost 10 million magic coins, which is close to the cost of an ordinary standard space fortress.

However, the fourth-level creatures created by the Gallente Federation through genetic modification projects should only possess some of the characteristics of fourth-level creatures, such as the most important lifespan.

The other characteristics should be much inferior.

The product of this kind of genetic engineering cannot be regarded as a true fourth-level creature!

However, this result is quite exaggerated.

And once this genetic technology is used in the Gallente Federation's army...

Speaking of which, Thane has been in the Gallente Federation's territory for some time.

But what he came into contact with and what he saw were basically the things exposed by the Gallente Federation.

Whether it is living planet technology or genetic engineering, they are all "businesses" with clearly marked prices.

In addition to these exposed "popular" methods, does the Gallente Federation have other more sophisticated technologies or weapons?

So far, the Shi'ak Empire troops that Thain has had close contact with only use a small part of the Gallente Federation weapons and equipment, and they are still a cultivating civilization.

Regarding the Gallente Federation's real fleet core and real combat effectiveness, Thane has not been exposed to it before.

The Gallente Federation's overwhelming fleets and dense robot legions are their weapons in foreign wars.

I also got closer to the Gallente Federation and became more and more aware of this top technological civilization.

Thain's previous contempt for the opponent and his past belief that the wizarding civilization must win have also undergone subtle changes.

The more you know, the more powerful you can feel the other person!

Since the Wizarding Civilization has designated the opponent as an opponent of the same magnitude, the Gallente Federation must not be a small player that can be manipulated.

It’s hard to say what the final outcome of this civilized war will be.

The reason why Thain had the idea that the wizarding civilization must win was also the result of the Wizards Alliance's deliberate propaganda.

At least he can't fall behind in terms of momentum.

As for the final outcome... Thain's power alone is extremely limited. All he can do is to do his job as well as possible.


It is not a short journey from the Shi'ak Empire to the Gallente Federation.

There are also countless star fields and medium and small plane worlds that need to be passed through during this period.

This also shows the huge power territory of the Gallente Federation.

For a first-level magician, one million magic coins and 1.5 million magic coins are both a huge amount of money.

It is still difficult to accurately identify the difference between the two.

The difference in territory between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation is a bit like the difference between 1.5 million and 1 million.

In short, even for Thain, who is at the fourth level of life, it is an exaggerated star territory that is difficult to measure with his feet.

And the Shi'ak Empire is not the only large world under the Gallente Federation.

With the federation's deliberate support and technology transfer, the Gallente Federation also has several large-scale world-level technological civilizations under its command.

For example, Thain's trip needs to go to the Federation territory. In addition to the Shi'ak Empire, he will also pass through a small star field of a large technological world called Tris Civilization.

The Tris civilization is the earliest world civilization attached to the Gallente Federation.

In other words, the Tris civilization actually split from the Gallente Federation.

Many of the small group of dominant creatures at the top of Tris civilization have the blood of Federation people, or are directly purebred Gallente Federation humans.

However, those who are in the middle of the Tris civilization and occupy the largest population base at the bottom are the relatively pure Tris creatures - a kind of dwarf with pointed ears, generally only about 1.5 meters tall, and with gray skin. Humanoid creature.

In the Tris civilization, the most direct way to judge a citizen's status and origin is to check the other person's height and skin color.

As long as a Tris person is over 1.6 meters tall and has fair or yellowish skin, their family conditions will not be too bad.

Scientific and technological civilization has always advocated the equality of all citizens. Every citizen is within the scope of the constitution and enjoys equal rights, and they are even qualified to run for president and members of Congress.

But in fact, equality for all people is an ideal goal that is difficult to achieve no matter which world civilization it is in.

Even in a technological civilization, equality in an absolute sense is impossible.

Just talking about the most important wealth, some people are born with huge wealth and are directly at the top of civilization.

And some people work hard all their lives, but they can't get rid of the shackles of class and will always be at the bottom of society.

Sometimes, the so-called "equality" and "freedom" are just slogans used by rulers to safeguard their own interests. Not only the Gallente Federation, but also the wizarding civilization also likes to do this.

All the crows in the world are as black as black.


The dangers and difficulties Thane felt while traveling through the Gallente Federation were not obvious.

Because the Gallente Federation is a world civilization that highly values ​​economic development. In terms of interstellar trade and planet-crossing capabilities, Thane has traveled across the planets for so long and has seen many planes and worlds, but none of them can compare to Gai. Lunt Federation.

Solo interstellar travel is common in the Gallente Federation.

When creatures from other civilizations must have level three, or at least one life level or above, they can engage in interstellar trade and navigation.

The Gallente Federation has spread this behavior to ordinary citizens.

Ordinary citizens can travel across planets after paying a federal currency fare.

If you pay a little more, you can even travel across star fields.

In any world, bottom creatures must occupy the largest dominant group in this society.

The pyramid theory is applicable to any plane world.

The Gallente Federation does possess extraordinary genetic modification technology, but the vast majority of humans in the Federation still maintain life levels below level one, and this proportion accounts for 9,999 of the total population of the Federation.

Level one for everyone is so nonsense, even the Wizarding World can't do it, and the Gallente Federation is obviously still far behind.

In the Gallente Federation, genetic medicine is also an expensive luxury.

Not to mention Level 4 genetic engineering, even if it is Level 1 genetic medicine, a middle-income federal family may not be able to collect enough for one person even if they lose their entire family.

The average income of federal humans is indeed not low, but their daily living expenses are also high.

This is also the reason why every time the Federation conducts long-distance cross-star migration, it will be implemented quite smoothly.

Because the federal government will implement a series of welfare measures, including tax exemptions, for those federal citizens who agree to migrate across star domains.

Many families with middle-income and above income also choose to live in various medium and small plane worlds within the territory of the federal power.

Their income and the Federation Coin wealth they possess will allow them to live a good life in the civilizations affiliated with the Gallente Federation.

In terms of happiness at the bottom level, the Gallente Federation humans are indeed much better than the bottom level humans in the Wizarding World.

Because the average lifespan of humans in the Gallente Federation is basically between 500 and 800 years old, which is almost close to the average lifespan of the elves.

Moreover, citizens of the Federation are basically aware of the nature of the world they live in, and they will also understand some general development trends and news of civilization through various channels.

But the humans at the bottom of the wizarding civilization...what do they know?

To a certain extent, the Gallente Federation has tied the fate of all people together, and their cohesion may be even higher!

In the wizarding world, those who have the most basic information about the development of civilization must be at least a first-level knight or magician, or at least a magic apprentice, right?

The two different civilization forms and development systems have made the Gallente Federation and the Wizarding Civilization completely two different world civilizations.

This also makes it difficult to intuitively judge which of the two world civilizations is stronger or weaker.

Moreover, as a technological civilization of the Gallente Federation, the physical quality of their lower-level humans is not as bad as imagined.

In terms of physique and physical strength, humans in the wizarding world are indeed superior.

But the Gallente Federation's development of genetic medicines is not easy.

Just the free or low-cost genetic medicines under various welfare measures are enough to save the Gallente Federation humans from the pain of most diseases.

Thane's past thought that a single undead magician could cause great turmoil in a Gallente Federation city was a bit too idealistic.

At least when "poisoning" is carried out against the Gallente Federation, specific genetic research experiments must be carried out.

And use the genetic medicine developed by the Gallente Federation, and then develop the corresponding anti-drug.

The acquisition of such various information made Thain not optimistic about the upcoming war of civilization.

This may be due to the large gap between reality and expectations.

The opponent is not as weak as he thought.

"Four hundred monthly tickets~

Thank you all for your votes. I wonder if there is any hope of reaching 500 votes qaq before the end of the month~"

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