The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,361 Decepticons

"Welcome Master Thain of the Wizarding Civilization to the Cybertron Star Territory." The Decepticon took a step forward, opened his arms, and said to Thain who was still in the spaceship.

Thain finally walked out of the airship at this time. He examined the more than ten intelligent robots in front of him for a long time before showing a smile and said: "I thought the Decepticon leader would send me directly to the planet Cybertron for an interview. How come it's just Meet at this place?"

Facing Thain's rhetorical question, the Decepticon said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Cybertron is a mechanical planet that the Gallente Federation focuses on monitoring. If you meet Master Thain directly there, you will be easily detected by the Gallente Federation. "

"At that time, both your safety, Master Thain, and the safety of our intelligent robots that have awakened to wisdom will be a great threat." The Decepticon replied. 🅆

They were both level six creatures, and Thain clearly felt that the Decepticon in front of him was much more backbone than the Ghost Crow King he had come into contact with some time ago.

It does not show any flattery or inferiority just because Thane represents the wizarding civilization.

Including the previous initiative to contact the wizard civilization, the Decepticons also tried to stand on an equal footing, hoping to get help from the wizard civilization.

Perhaps its designer and manufacturer, before creating this amazingly powerful intelligent robot, never thought of adding instructions such as "weakness" and "compromise" to its established program.

Thane nodded, and under the leadership of the Decepticons, walked towards the depths of the artificial satellite.

Most of the planes on the planet Cybertron are not suitable places for humans or lower life forms to survive.

Just the simplest vacuum environment can eliminate the possibility of survival of many creatures.

Therefore, this is a paradise for robots and mechanical creations.

From the day they gained their initial wisdom, the idea of ​​"independence" never left the Decepticons' minds.

Why should they, a race of robots, become slaves of the Gallente Federation as soon as they are born? !

The Decepticons sneered at the fact that most of the intelligent robots, headed by Optimus Prime, thought they could coexist peacefully with the Gallente Federation humans and tried to achieve near-equal status.

Perhaps due to the influence of the original programming, the Decepticons have never been a robot leader who placed their hopes on the kindness of others.

The laws of the dark jungle in the star realm are the laws of survival recognized by the Decepticons.

And in the subsequent process of growth and knowledge acquisition, the Decepticons became more and more convinced of their own ideas.

It was also during this process that the Decepticons gathered around them a large number of intelligent robots who awakened to their own wisdom and recognized its ideas.

It is worth mentioning that among the robots that have awakened to their own wisdom, Optimus Prime, who is known as the "good old guy", has more supporters and greater influence.

But among intelligent robots above level four, it is the Decepticon concept that is more recognized.

This may also be the consciousness of the strong!

Placing your life on others is a stupid thing that only the weak do.

However, now the Decepticons and Optimus Prime have not yet fully shown their wars and broken their faces.

For example, when they proactively contacted the wizarding civilization this time, the Decepticons did not reveal it to the intelligent robots headed by Optimus Prime.

There are also a considerable number of intelligent robots who are in the middle between the two factions.

They don't know who they should support.

From this point of view, awakening to wisdom is certainly a good thing, but these intelligent robots are gradually feeling the troubles of being "human".

If it is a simple ordinary robot, wherever it is necessary to make its own decisions, it can just obey the task instructions.

But no matter which way you look at it, contacting the wizarding civilization that is hostile to the Gallente Federation is definitely against the instructions!

The Decepticons are considered the extreme faction among the robot clan, or the "Decepticons"!

After entering the artificial satellite, Thane formally had a conversation with the intelligent robot of the planet Cybertron represented by the Decepticons.

Before the conversation, the Decepticon also introduced several of its partners to Thane: Shockwave, Starscream, Huntian Leopard, Chong Yunxiao...

Shockwave, who wears a blue metal shell, seems to be the most important helper of the Decepticons.

This robot named Shockwave carried a huge cannon barrel on his right shoulder, but after being introduced by the Decepticons, it turned out that he was a commanding talent.

In the Decepticon group, Shockwave's status seems to be second.

Starscream is a special robot with a red metal shell and a spider shape. Its eyes are very narrow and long, giving people a sinister feel.

Huntian Bao is an intelligent robot with a purple scale armor shell and a strong body.

Chong Yunxiao is a giant robot with a huge metal head and two metal spikes. It is the largest intelligent robot on the scene, almost twice the size of the Decepticons and five times the size of Starscream.


None of these intelligent robots introduced by the Decepticons showed their combat forms to Thane. This was only their initial form.

Don't underestimate these intelligent robots. The Gallente Federation's technological development is still very high.

Intelligent robots headed by the Decepticons can perform second or even third transformations and change forms.

These intelligent robots in combat state are all killing machines.

The Gallente Federation certainly did not create them and give them such strong bodies and weapons for "housekeeping" and "service."

They used to be robots born for war, but now they live for themselves.

After a brief introduction, Thane and the Decepticons immediately got down to business.

The Decepticons need the technology brought by Thane to help their robot race completely get rid of the slavery of the Gallente Federation.

Thane, on the other hand, needs the Decepticons to represent the robots of Cybertron and join the Wizards Alliance camp with a clear-cut stance. It is best to fire the first shot against the Gallente Federation.

This negotiation dialogue did not go smoothly at the beginning.

Because the Decepticons cannot represent all the robots on the planet Cybertron, and they still have great concerns about raising their flag to rebel against the Gallente Federation now.

Although the Decepticons can now actively contact the wizarding civilization behind the Gallente Federation's back, in fact the Gallente Federation still has great control over it.

For example, the core control instructions placed on the Decepticon's central chip cannot be openly violated.

The light ball that Thane obtained from Knight Klopp should be able to help the Decepticons and others escape slavery, but the truth is not that simple.

There are three restrictive shackles imposed by the Gallente Federation on intelligent robots above level four such as Decepticons.

One is on the Decepticons and others themselves, one is on the planet Cybertron, and the other is in a special space station called BHR678.

In other words, Thane must arrive at these three places successively and successfully activate the light balls of law in order to help these intelligent robots escape from slavery.

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