The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,387 Ability and Luck

The intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron have very special names.

Not so much their names, but their code names.

This is also the meaning given to them when they were created.

When it was the turn of the robot troops around Thane to charge, these intelligent robots did not look back.

Ordinary robots act according to instructions, and naturally there will be no mood swings.

Thain then rushed forward, but he did not call Yuli out immediately. 🄼

At the same time, he was also following a large army of ordinary robots.

The rain of energy poured out by the Gallente Federation Fleet Legion does seem endless, but the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron are also rushing hard.

When Thane arrived at the front line, the small number of robot legions rushing at the front were already fighting in close combat with the Gallente Federation fleet.

This is mainly due to the sixth-level intelligent robot Decepticon.

On the battlefield, the role of the coach and vanguard generals is particularly important.

Most of the plane wars that Thain participated in in the past were crushing wars in which the strong defeated the weak, so he didn't have a deep impression of this aspect.

But at this time, it is obvious that the intelligent robots on the planet Cybertron are fighting the strong with the weak.

Decepticons with firm beliefs move forward indomitably.

It is under its leadership and benchmarking that other advanced intelligent robots can move forward with all their strength.

Moreover, the sixth-level creatures themselves are the strongest combat power below the Juggernaut level. It seems that the Gallente Federation has not dispatched the Juggernaut-level fleet to rush here. This is the main reason why the Decepticons can press against the protective shield and rush to the front.

The war in the distance is not something that Thain should worry about. He had better take care of himself first.

In the general direction, head towards the direction of the quasi-Decepticons and other advanced intelligent robots.

Thain immediately waved the magic circle and blessed several magic shields within a certain range around him.

Coupled with the defensive magic devices that Thain has on hand, Thain's total protection reaches more than ten layers.

While strengthening his own defense, Thane also forgot about the robot army around him.

Most of the magicians in the wizarding world are experts in group attacks in plane wars. They share life and death anyway. Many of Thain's magic shields are large in area, so they include many robot legions.

However, the dazzling golden light still made Thain couldn't help but glance to his left front.

That is the robot army led by the fifth-level intelligent robot Jin Tiezong!

Most of the robots under Golden Iron Beast have the same appearance and similar specifications.

It's not even that different from its original appearance.

And many of those robots are intelligent robots born from my own wisdom.

They hold leadership positions in the robot army under the Golden Iron Beast.

The golden light comes from the special formation and impact method formed by the robot legions under the Golden Iron Beast.

The robot army is not just cannon fodder that just rushes forward. Many robots can also form their own formations and start special fighting methods because of their special models.

The robot army under the Golden Iron Beast may be of similar models. They have four claws facing each other and can actually form a golden curved impact front.

Thain has also come into contact with many robot legions from the planet Cybertron, and the performance of the legion led by the Golden Iron Beast in front of him is definitely the best among them.

And if Thane remembers correctly, the Golden Iron Beast should be regarded as a high-level intelligent robot that is relatively close to the Decepticons.

As for the level four advanced intelligent robot Shockwave located on the right side of Thain, the performance of the robot army led by it seems to be somewhat satisfactory, not as eye-catching as the Golden Iron Beast.

When the golden iron beast wrapped up its legions and charged forward for a long distance, its own losses were also controlled to an extremely low threshold by virtue of the special curved formation.

The robot army led by Shock Wave was in a state of disarray due to the dense rain of rays from the Gallente Federation, and there were frequent violent explosions.

Affected by this, Thain couldn't help but move slightly closer to the location of the Golden Iron Beast during the breakout process.

Staying with more capable people obviously increases your chances of survival.


As a member of the wizard civilization, Thain has always relied on the powerful magic and advanced magical alchemy technology of the wizard civilization to deal devastating blows to hostile creatures on the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, one day the same treatment would befall me.

As a technological civilization, the Gallente Federation's achievements in the field of cluster firepower coverage are no less than that of the wizard civilization!

It can be said that top civilizations rarely have so-called obvious shortcomings.

Even if there are some shortcomings, they can be well compensated and restrained with the foundation of top civilization and advanced development concepts.

The magicians of the wizarding civilization were indifferent to close combat, so the knight system came into being, and a sufficient number of cannon fodder legions of slave creatures and various magical alchemy technology products were developed.

The fleet group that the Gallente Federation is proud of will also become clumsy and troublesome when faced with extremely flexible high-level creatures approaching it.

Therefore, the Gallente Federation has also developed its own massive robot army and giant mecha troops with equally good melee capabilities.

However, in this battle, the Federation is probably worried that other robot legions will be interfered with and instigate rebellion, so there are not many low-level robot cannon fodder among the legions that block and suppress these intelligent robots on the Cybertron planet.

The main underlying defense force on this battlefield is various forts and self-propelled artillery.

There are also more than a dozen large-scale interstellar fortresses, which also demonstrate their role as city-holding ingots on this starry sky battlefield.

In a battle involving hundreds of level 4 or above combatants on both sides, Thain's strength alone still seemed too small.

On a battlefield of this level, it is estimated that only level six life forms like the Decepticons and Optimus Prime will have a more obvious impact on the general situation of the battlefield.

It felt bad to charge headlong without any hesitation, because Thane could not predict when and where an enhanced energy ray would hit him, which would cause serious damage to him.

This situation of being unable to determine his own fate and safety made Thain very uncomfortable.

To sum up, he prefers to fight the kind of war where one's own side has an absolute advantage and has a long way to go!

Such as the Insect World War, the White Sand World War, etc.

Thain's situation at this time made him feel like he was living in Faerûn before level four.

Feeling powerless about his own strength and destiny, Thain could only bite the bullet and continue rushing forward.

The only good thing is that with the data analysis of Wuxiang Mask, Thane can judge the strength of firepower in various areas of the federation in front of him in a very short time, allowing him to react earlier.

Maybe it was just a few seconds or a few centimeters, but it was enough for Thane to add up to a small amount and reduce the damage he suffered.

Compared with him, those Cybertronian robots with poor emergency judgment ability are really trying their luck in a breakout war of this level.

Yes, the factor that determines whether they can rush out is not their own strength, but their luck.

Only a few existences, including the Decepticons and Thain, can rely on their own abilities to gain more hope of breaking through.

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