The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,400 Inspection (Additional update)

Most of the fleets of the Gallente Federation act vigorously and resolutely.

This is also because these federal fleets perform tasks according to instructions, and there is rarely any nonsense.

Both federal fleets are extremely complete battle formations.

In terms of overall strength, these two fleets are enough to compete head-on with two level five creatures.

This does not include their ability to call other nearby federal fleets in time to come for support. 🄲

The overall strength of the Huya clan is not much worse than the combat power of the two federal fleets.

But at this moment, faced with the Gallente Federation’s request for mandatory inspection, the King of the Huyans and other senior officials didn’t even give a shit.


The two federal fleets dispatched a total of more than twenty ships to scan and review the Huya fleet at close range.

It is said to be a fleet group, but it is actually just some "broken ships" transporting troops.

The combat effectiveness of these ships is negligible.

The Huya people themselves are not a technological group. They have their own cultivation methods. Although they also use some fighter planes and warships to fight, they still use their own strength most of the time.

The review work of the federal ships was very detailed. In addition to more than twenty special reconnaissance ships, the Gallente Federation also sent a total of no less than 5,000 soldiers and a larger number of robots to enter the Huya warships. examine.

Most of the Gallente Federation soldiers have no training, and their personal combat power all depends on their equipment.

Can't say it's bad.

For example, a creature from a certain low-level plane can only reach the first or second level of life after practicing exhaustingly for a lifetime.

The limit of its life span may only be a few hundred years.

(sThe first-level creatures in the Wizarding World can generally live for 1,000 years, which is determined by the evolutionary system and civilizational heritage of the Wizarding World.

Some indigenous creatures from weak planes may only have a life span of 200 years, or even shorter.

This is also related to the species. It does not rule out that some lower creatures from weak planes can live for more than 1,000 years. )

However, the low-level creatures of the Gallente Federation can easily gain hundreds of years of life after being born with many basic benefits including low-level genetic medicines.

Moreover, the soldiers of the Gallente Federation, with the special combat uniforms and laser guns and other weapons in their hands, can also be compared with first-level creatures with the blessing of external forces.

Among some individual weapons, the relatively rare nano cluster bombs and anti-matter engine guns have the power level to threaten second-level creatures.

It takes Gallente Federation soldiers almost two or three years to master these weapons completely, which is much easier than having to practice exhaustingly for a lifetime.

Scientific and technological civilization also has the benefits of scientific and technological civilization.

The Gallente Federation's search and inspection force quickly arrived at Thain's starship.

At this time, Thain had already put away his experimental equipment with obvious elemental fluctuations, including Thain himself, who was also trying his best to hold his breath and hide.

Although he has almost recovered from his injuries, he still has no intention of confronting the Federation fleet.

Previously, there were Decepticons and others on the side, hundreds of advanced intelligent robots of level four or above as high-level combat forces, and an army of over 100 million ordinary robots as cannon fodder. However, under several encirclement and suppression attacks by the federation, they were turned into birds and beasts.

Thain didn't think he could gain anything by being exposed now.

Perhaps Thain can now rely on his better condition and unexpected actions to severely damage this federal search force and make his record better.

But he was still bound to die in the end, and he might even be captured alive by the Gallente Federation and become a specimen on the experimental bench of the other side's scientists.

Thain believes that the meaning of his life is not like this.

Only by returning to wizard civilization can he exert greater value.

Thain has his own ambitions, his own pursuit of ideas, and his own family.

The forbearance at this moment is for the future rise.

Thane firmly believes that when he makes a comeback and returns to the Gallente Federation in the future, his situation will be completely opposite to what it is today.

"What is this place?" Two federal soldiers holding laser guns in both hands appeared directly above Thain's deck and asked.

"It's the compartment of the boiler and power compartment of our ship. We rarely go down there, and no one will survive in it." A voice replied. It was not Gamora. Normally, she would not appear here openly. .

"Open the passage, we need to check it out!" These two federal soldiers, who were not even at the first level of real life, said arrogantly to the Hu Ya people in front of them.

The deck quickly opened, and the hot water steam pouring out from this compartment greatly obscured people's sight.

The two federal soldiers were also extremely uncomfortable with this harsh environment. The combat uniforms they wore could isolate the erosion of most extreme environments, but some would inevitably affect them.

The weak vitality constitution makes the endurance of the Gallente Federation soldiers very poor.

The vast majority of federal soldiers still prefer to stay with technological weapons such as strong ships and cannons.

As for the cannon fodder that constitutes the federation's lowest level of combat power, they have always been cheap drones and combat robots.

The two federal soldiers only came down for a while and then went up again.

They didn't even detect Thain, who was standing less than two steps behind them.

Thain, who was in a state of stealth and concentration, was not easily discovered by these two little guys.

However, the two silver metal boxes that came down later made Thain's expression change slightly.

These two silver metal boxes should be classified as robots.

Waves of special force field waves are emitted from the surface and then re-received by them.

Thain guessed that these two metal boxes should be used to monitor material and life information at close range through some special reflected waves.

After landing in this separate space, they actually moved slowly towards Thain.

"Huh?" The Gallente Federation soldier who had already gone up again let out a surprised sound.

Just when Thain's heart suddenly felt tense and he felt that he was about to be exposed, he suddenly remembered something and immediately took out the semi-finished world-class secret treasure Rubik's Cube that had lost its effect from the space equipment.

The Rubik's Cube is indeed a treasure specially used in the robot family, and Thain has always felt that the Rubik's Cube has "spirituality".

This is his intuition as an alchemist, not just because the Rubik's Cube can give wisdom to the robot family.

The Rubik's Cube in Thain's hand still had no energy fluctuations, but after it appeared, the two metal boxes that were originally close to Thain stopped immediately.

Including the two federal soldiers above the deck, they also looked at the crystal plate in their hands strangely, and then one of them said, "It must be a monitoring error, there is no signal again."

The other person was still a little confused. Being more cautious, he controlled the silver metal box and checked it several times in the compartment where Thain was, but found nothing.

Then he shook his head and said, "Let's go and check out the next area."

It wasn't until the breath of the two federal soldiers completely disappeared that Thain, who was in an invisible state, breathed a long sigh of relief.

He looked down at the extremely ordinary Rubik's Cube in his hand.

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