The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 1,477 Special Mission (Additional update)

Thane did not immediately agree to the Spider Queen's invitation.

Thain has his own sect. If he could choose, Thain would prefer to stay with the members of the Jade Burning Fire sect.

Master Trilis and the others are also capable of protecting Thane.

Respecting teachers is not just a talk in the wizarding world.

Thain was filial enough to Lu Lianman, but to the other members of the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect, he seemed to have no other effect except getting a golden apple.

Thain still remembers that when he was about to break through the fourth level, his master spent a lot of time explaining the secrets of the fire element to him, and also directly handed over the plane nodes of the Jade Burning Fire Holy Tower to Thain for use.

In the process of Thain's previous truth exploration, Thain also received a lot of benefits from the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect.

People cannot only know how to ask for things, but not know how to give back.

Thain should indeed do something for the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect.

The battlefield where the Jade Burning Fire Master Sect is currently located is the battlefield of the underworld star field.

The grandeur of the war there was even greater.

Thain, who has returned to the wizarding world, has also roughly learned about the fierce battles currently taking place in the underworld star field in recent years.

And during the civilized war, it doesn't mean that Thain can go wherever he wants.

He is like a nut, wherever it is needed, he has to go.

Judging from Thain's outstanding performance on the Beholder World Star Field battlefield and his familiarity with that star field battlefield, it is possible for the higher-ups of the wizard civilization to assign him to the Beholder World Star Field battlefield again.

Without getting too entangled with the Spider Queen on this topic, Thain directly raised two things that he was extremely concerned about.

The first is to ask where Lina went.

The second is to ask Rose for help and find a reliable level four or above black magician who is good at soul science to help Natalya awaken her will.

Regarding the two things that Thain raised, Rose said that they can be lumped into one thing.

"Your little wife, and most of the top black magicians in the black domain, have gone on a special mission."

"I can't tell you for the time being what specific tasks they performed, but with your wisdom, you should be able to guess some."

"Almost all the top black magicians have left the Black Realm. Naturally, I can't help you find another wife who is good at the soul-based mysteries to save you."

"I wonder if there are anyone in the Beren Empire who are good at the mysteries of soul science?

The magicians I know don’t seem to be experts in this field. You should go to the Mamet United Alliance and ask. "Rose said, spreading her hands.

"Have most of the top black magicians left the Black Realm?" Thain frowned. He really didn't know about this.

"You should come to the Black Territory to take a look. Not only are there black magicians above the fourth level, but there are relatively few black magicians above the second level in the Black Territory now. The entire Black Territory seems a bit empty."

"The Black Knights also dispatched in large numbers, but they went to another battlefield." Rose shrugged.

The war between the Wizarding Civilization and the Gallente Federation is an important war concerning the survival and future prosperity of the two top civilizations.

The two top civilizations are all working hard, so there is no reason to save strength at this juncture.

Although black magicians and black knights are rejected by most creatures in the wizarding world, they are also part of the wizarding world.

At the time of civilized war, there are many places where they can play a role.

And on some battlefields, those black magicians and black knights are more useful than the normal legions in the Holy Tower and Knights Hall.

After receiving the Spider Queen's answer, Thane couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Most of the top black magicians in the Black Territory have already been dispatched...the tasks carried out are definitely not low-risk.

The same goes for Natalya. Thain has been on a healing mission in the name of the Holy Tower of Ashes for a long time, and there are treasures like star cores as rewards.

But so far, no magician above level four who is good at the soul system has come to help.

Nowadays, the main focus of the wizarding world is still on the civilized war. It is estimated that those level four and above magicians in the Mamet Alliance have also joined the war front line.

At this juncture, not many people would really care about what tasks the Holy Tower of Ashes has.

On the contrary, during the peace years, the rewards for Thain's hanging out were so generous that it might attract some people's attention.

"I remember Spider Queen that you are also involved in the mysteries of soul science. Would you like to help me take a look?" Thain tried to ask.

"What I'm good at is devouring and dividing souls. Saving people is not my specialty."

"But I can help you take a look." Spider Queen smiled sweetly.

In this regard, Thain could only nod helplessly.

Ashes Holy Tower Academy.

Unconsciously, it has been two years since I returned to the Holy Tower of Ashes, and everything seems to be on track.


Holy Tower College has become more prosperous and lively than in the past.

The total number of new apprentices participating in the regional Holy Tower Academy war is tens of thousands.

The current total number of apprentices in the college is close to 100,000.

The increasingly large group of apprentices has gradually made the teaching staff of the Holy Tower of Ashes somewhat tense.

Many war magicians, motivated by sufficient magic currency earnings, also take part in some academic magician courses.

For the training of the new generation of apprentices, not only is the Ashes Holy Tower Lord Thain's full support, including the support policies of the Wizards Alliance in recent years, there are also more and more support policies.

Falk, a mid-level first-level magician, was walking between the teaching buildings holding a magic textbook in his hand.

War is indeed the fastest way to sharpen a person. Falk, who has just been promoted to the first level not long ago, after decades of war, now He has become much more mature and stable, and his magic power has also become much deeper.

The yellow ring worn on Master Falk's finger exudes a relatively restrained elemental shimmer.

This ring comes from his comrade, companion, and senior Nimitz.

After all, Master Nimitz did not survive to return to the wizarding world.

After entering the spacious public classroom, Master Falk walked directly towards the podium.

Most of the magic apprentices in the Holy Tower of Ashes are very eager to learn and rarely skip classes due to the high pressure of competition.

For some particularly important courses, not only will all the apprentices arrive early, but the extra students who have not grabbed a seat will also fill the space between the back row and the aisle of the classroom.

Falk was once one of these apprentices. Looking at the young faces filling the classroom in front of him, Falk felt as if he had returned to a certain time in the past.

"Jingle Bell!"

The ringtone with weak mental stimulation sounded in the teaching buildings of the college, and Falk came back to his senses.

Opening the magic textbook in front of him, he will teach the apprentices in the classroom "Basic Knowledge of Plane Warfare".

This lesson is also called "Self-cultivation of a Combat Mage".

This is a new course offered by Ashes Holy Tower Academy after returning to the Wizarding World.

It is said that the tower owner requested a new addition. -------------------

PS: Chapter 96 needs to be added~

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